Super Silver Haze (pforum176)

Why do u shorten the days?
Mainly to prevent endless reflowering and to make sure that they finish properly.
Strong sativa dominant plants can carry genes from equatorial sativas, these flower naturaly closer to 11/13.
You can do this without loss of yield if you have strong light to them.
You should look into DLI (Daily Light Integral) if you don't know this!

Mainly to prevent endless reflowering and to make sure that they finish properly.
Strong sativa dominant plants can carry genes from equatorial sativas, these flower naturaly closer to 11/13.
You can do this without loss of yield if you have strong light to them.
You should look into DLI (Daily Light Integral) if you don't know this!

I have some critical hazes and a lanina in flower so I should probably look it up 👍
Hi Growers,
today is the 31st day of bloom.
I will rinse the flowers tomorrow and mix a new solution based on the results.
I seem to have over fertilized them. When I look at the flowers in the tent, I think: "How beautiful they are, when they are so dark green:love:". But in the photos they look like: "Damn, they're completely over-fertilized:oops:".


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Hi Growers,
today is the 31st day of bloom.
I will rinse the flowers tomorrow and mix a new solution based on the results.
I seem to have over fertilized them. When I look at the flowers in the tent, I think: "How beautiful they are, when they are so dark green:love:". But in the photos they look like: "Damn, they're completely over-fertilized:oops:".
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They look pretty happy to me @pforum176
Nice work 👏
Hi Growers,

I am sending photos from the 38th day of flowering.
Light set to 90%.

To Jonesie: Maybe I watch them too often... :) and I see problems that don't exist 😁 ...
Thank you for the compliment.38_12_2.jpg


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I don’t see any over fert. We all do it differently. I don’t pay much attention to days until it’s a marathon, but rather the color of the trichs and I personally like to see some amber but that’s me. Very Sativa doms are tricky though. Seems to me that the potency ebbs and flows. One day potent the next not as much and then a week later potent again. I have even been lucky with all clear if I hit it right and it was more electric type of buzz. I’m surprised that you can do all coco without any amendments or additional mag or calcium. You must use an excellent fert and watch and water well…good work!
Hi BrotherBoris, thanks for your post.

Ever since I got the LED lights I've started using Canna's CalMag Agent. I only used Canna Coco A+B under HPS.
I water by hand every day. It is my hobby and I love it :love:.

Of course, there were varieties that did not do well and therefore did not pass the selection :) ...
I only keep the varieties that do well in my conditions.

I need to know the exact day to harvest the flowers, because of flushing. When I flush the flowers for more than a week, nanners start to appear. On every variety...some more, some less. I'm trying experiments by adjusting the LED, the distance of the LED, but I still don't know how to do it :( ...
Hi BrotherBoris, thanks for your post.

Ever since I got the LED lights I've started using Canna's CalMag Agent. I only used Canna Coco A+B under HPS.
I water by hand every day. It is my hobby and I love it :love:.

Of course, there were varieties that did not do well and therefore did not pass the selection :) ...
I only keep the varieties that do well in my conditions.

I need to know the exact day to harvest the flowers, because of flushing. When I flush the flowers for more than a week, nanners start to appear. On every variety...some more, some less. I'm trying experiments by adjusting the LED, the distance of the LED, but I still don't know how to do it :( ...
That's an interesting observation about the Nana's @pforum176 Im only on my second indoor hydro grow and that is something I never thought of but makes a lot of sense. Thanks for sharing 👍
Hi BrotherBoris, thanks for your post.

Ever since I got the LED lights I've started using Canna's CalMag Agent. I only used Canna Coco A+B under HPS.
I water by hand every day. It is my hobby and I love it :love:.

Of course, there were varieties that did not do well and therefore did not pass the selection :) ...
I only keep the varieties that do well in my conditions.

I need to know the exact day to harvest the flowers, because of flushing. When I flush the flowers for more than a week, nanners start to appear. On every variety...some more, some less. I'm trying experiments by adjusting the LED, the distance of the LED, but I still don't know how to do it :( ...
Great job and thanks for the info my friend. I was just thinking about how much I love sprouting seeds and continuing to nurture them until it’s their turn to take care of me. It started when I was in grade school and while walking home I would pick up some acorns and my Mom and I would plant them in a small container. I was just amazed and loved watching the life progress. Same with tadpoles to frogs. Thought to share that since it’s been on my mind a lot. Memories of an old guy…

one last question, do you like the LED‘s as far as ease of use, heat and results more than the HPS? Thanks again and keep enjoying your hobby and passion!
To Jonesie:

I am so glad that I can talk about a topic that I have to keep a secret from those around me. For a long time I was even afraid to register on any cannabis site :D.

To BrotherBoris:

You're right...nature is amazing ;) ... As a child, I spent almost all holidays and weekends with my grandmother and grandfather and helped with the work in the garden and around the animals. I will never forget...memories of a not so old man...I hope :) ...

However, I don't have a garden, so indoor is the only option :) ...although I'm not sure if grandpa would be happy with my cannabis flowers:unsure:.


I avoided LEDs for a long time because I was very happy with HPS. But the rising electricity prices convinced me.

I bought one of the cheapest LEDs (Viparspectra P2000), added a CalMag and was absolutely blown away by how beautiful the flowers grew.

So I bought three more.
Summer came and I was sure it was going to be the best summer grow ever. He was too..beautiful flowers, beautiful temperatures...but the humidity went up a lot. So I threw all the big and puffy flowers in the trash, they were completely moldy :( ... The mold was hidden in the sticks...nothing was visible on the surface. I had to buy a dehumidifier, so the electricity savings weren't so great anymore.

I think the HPS dries out the air in the room and thus lowers the humidity (feel free to correct me).

Well, not much with LED in the winter either... I have to heat the flowers. So... I pay about the same for electricity, but I have nicer flowers to look at :) ...

One big plus for LEDs is that you plug and grow.

I looked for wiring instructions at HPS, kept buying new timers, tightening the contacts on the connectors (almost burned out),...

This is my take on LED vs HPS :).

In the future, I am planning a combination of LED+HPS.

We'll see ;)
I too spent time with my Balkan Grandparents in the garden. Even convinced my Baba (grandmother) to grow a couple plants one summer. They were trees, she was good and enjoyed growing them. Told her to bend and tie and she knew what to do. Told her that the government were the same as the Turks and she was all for it!
Thanks for the comparisons P176! I may try the LEDs or I’ve recently seen a ceramic MH. Still exploring. HPS did me good except for the stretching but results were great. Heat can be a problem depending on vents and time of year.
Thanks again!
Hi BrotherBoris, thanks for your post.

Ever since I got the LED lights I've started using Canna's CalMag Agent. I only used Canna Coco A+B under HPS.
I water by hand every day. It is my hobby and I love it :love:.

Of course, there were varieties that did not do well and therefore did not pass the selection :) ...
I only keep the varieties that do well in my conditions.

I need to know the exact day to harvest the flowers, because of flushing. When I flush the flowers for more than a week, nanners start to appear. On every variety...some more, some less. I'm trying experiments by adjusting the LED, the distance of the LED, but I still don't know how to do it :( ...
I have notice the same especially in the Veg with the 4000 k leds . I start using cal mag agent and before I used only bio grow bio bizz and very little top max .

Also I have noticed a lot of coloration appears to the leafs with the hps never appeared so intensely.
Must be the spectrum of the leds that effect the metabolism of the plant .
To BrotherBoris: You're welcome. I wish you good luck with your choice ;) ...

To Apollo:
If I understand it correctly, you need to supply CalMag for LEDs, because it produces less heat and these two elements are absorbed worse when the temperatures are low (I don't know exactly where I got it anymore).

And other read information:

Growing in coco requires more CalMag because the coco fibers absorb these elements...

I like to flush towards the end of the harvest in the colder months...I water only with clean water, the flowers immediately start to show CalMag deficiencies and the flowers turn a beautiful color, like in autumn...this did not happen to me with HPS :) ...
To BrotherBoris: You're welcome. I wish you good luck with your choice ;) ...

To Apollo:
If I understand it correctly, you need to supply CalMag for LEDs, because it produces less heat and these two elements are absorbed worse when the temperatures are low (I don't know exactly where I got it anymore).

And other read information:

Growing in coco requires more CalMag because the coco fibers absorb these elements...

I like to flush towards the end of the harvest in the colder months...I water only with clean water, the flowers immediately start to show CalMag deficiencies and the flowers turn a beautiful color, like in autumn...this did not happen to me with HPS :) ...
Hi I strongly believe is not the heat the main reason of the deficiency but is the light spectrum and the intensity.
That's why happens in veg also that temperature where also low before.
I have also tried the leds with higher temperatures similar to the one with hps and the reaction of the plants was the same as you describe.
Even if you feed them till the end still they will change colour .
I have no scientific proof of all this is my personal opinion that comes from observation.
I believe that you are all right,

It's a combination of increased metabolism in the plant, means that its performing at top level but any lack of a nutritional element has a higher impact of it's overall health.
HPS favors the transpiration rate (capabilty to produce food) of the plant, so with LEDs this has to be helped by raising temp and making sure you have a decent air flow.
Trying to keep it simple, but that's my experience.

I have not supplemented any Calmag in my grows yet but this year I bought me some and will try it in my next grow.
I tend to keep it as simple as possible.
Once you have a defficiency under LED's it's very difficult to correct (makes sense because she is still under the LED wich keeps pushing it).
In my first trials with LED's, I once but them back under CMH and after a couple of days I saw clear improvents but food and environment stayed the same.
Thats why I grow under a combination and try to have a very diverse spectrum (like the sun).

@pforum176, I did a grow under LED+HPS and it works well, try to keep the LED as low as possible. These 2 type of lights have very different penetrating power.

Edit: a good read is The LED grow book second edition from Christopher H. Sloper.

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Thanks @Swifty thats a very good observation also I keep it very simple . the book is already in my shopping chart :love:

In the veg I saw the problems more than in the flowering. That makes me no so convinced that the heat plays so much roll. It plays some for sure. It must be something else that place major rol not so sure what exactly.

Adding better quality of light or more light the demand for Mag must to increases alot and maybe for other nutrients to and Mag must be what causes the deficiency.
Maybe The plant grows faster under led, get more compact better quality, is important to control the distance of the led well from the canopy,
another observation I can share is that not all strains reacted and made deficiencies. But theory is always a bit different from the real think there are invisible factors too.

The g13hz made alot def in Veg but in flowering she was fine with water and some times some bio bloom till the end had No issues all leaves where green till harvest .
The Ortega didnt have any deficiency in the Veg but took some under flowering but with adding some cal mag they responded immediately.

MangoHz Ibl cruise through all the cycle with no issues in smaller pot also they were the happiest plants I ever grow :love:.

NL5HZ hates led at least in my experience I couldnt control this plant well at all was my most difficult grow ever, I been growing alot of wild strains I couldn't catch up with the nl5hz I got traumatized hahaha maybe because were 16 weeker I dont know what I dint wrong I messed it up ,was ok smoke but not proud of it .Maybe ph

My conclusion is the led lights need different feeding schedules from The Hps. Maybe bigger pots too.
But I know very little in the end is just my observations.

I was also thinking make a combination with HPS and led because I saw that from your grows and works very well
.when you say you put leds low you mean wattage or hight?

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when you say you put leds low you mean wattage or hight?
I meant in hight, LED was at maximum in flower.

Thanks for sharing your experience @Apollo, that's what its all about!
You don't stop learning about this special plant, it really motivates me and it helps me in daily life struggles to keep focus and stay positive.
I see a lot of passionate people here, makes me happy.:)

Hello Growers,

I want to thank everyone for their advice and contributions. I like that my topic "lives" and that I learn new knowledge ;) ...

I could only grow outdoors, but I love indoor growing the combination of science, technology and's a wonderful hobby:love::love::love:... It just needs some clean energy ;) ...