Super Silver Haze, A nice keeper!


'23, '24 COE Winner

This season I will let my keeper SSH flower under the sun (forced flowering).

This was selected from 2 straws bought at the auctions in the 2012-2014 period. Criteria where haze smell, haze taste not to long flowering and ofcourse a nice effect.
I had 15 females from 32 plants after sexing. I transplanted the seedlings in 2 rectangular pots and topped them as soon as they had 3 nodes. After that I let them grow a bit more until I have 2 nice branches at the top. I take one for a cutting to keep as a mother and let the other branch to flower right away (forced flowering outdoors). Other small branches are discarded to leave just the one on top.
This way this takes a minimal effort to eliminate males, hunt for keepers and give already a good insight in the 2nd round of selection witch happens indoors.
Usually I Iet her flower for 12-13 weeks (HPS) but last winter grow she was harvested at 11 weeks (CMH/LED) I go primarly by the smell.
I believe I have ran this cuts 7 times now (Always have a jar in the stash).

Here is the start, cuts are rooted.SSH7Nice.JPG

A month later.SSH8Nice.JPG

Another 9 days later (24/7 outside now).SSH10Nice.JPG
SSH11Nice (2).JPG

They are grown in Light Mix, 3L pots for now and no feeding so far.
Small update,

Wheather was colder and more cloudy this week, still made nice progress.
Vigorous plants!
I Spotted some mites already, will spray with spinosad this week.
They will also be repotted to 25L buckets this week:).
Only rainwater so far.

Another 7 days later:
They look great!

I started 5 seeds at the end of last year and found 3 females and 2 males. I got rid of the first females because it was growing weird branching and had not much smell on the stem rub. The 2 other females I have kept and am flowering cuts of them now.

1 female has a sweet almost tropical smell on the stem rub and has the classic long slender leaves and is quite tall. The other is a touch shorter and a little wider leaves but I am unfamiliar with any Skunk or Norther Lights as I've never grown any strains dominant in those. And the smell on the second one was quite soury... I call it coleslaw like lol.

In flower my first female has the classic Hazey smell... Like some sweet cedary spice with some lemon or citrus smell in there.

The other female has a softer scent and to me almost creamy but not ice cream.

All are just ending their 8th week and I'm starting the 10 day flush next week. Trying to chop on day 70.

First time running the strain and it is fairly easy to grow. Had some calcium issues in my coco plants due to too low pH I'm guessing as my pH pen broke and the addition of a bloom booster probably lowered the pH too much.

Unfortunately I have only kept the tall female as a mother as I wanted the pheno more closely resembling what I know as Super Silver Haze from smoking a lot of it in the Amsterdam coffeeshops. Plus I travel quite a bit and for long periods so I cannot hold any mothers for too long and will have to restart from seed.

But I hope you find the grow as enjoyable and quite easy like myself... Now to try and get a Neville's Haze pack and see if I can master that.

They look great!

I started 5 seeds at the end of last year and found 3 females and 2 males. I got rid of the first females because it was growing weird branching and had not much smell on the stem rub. The 2 other females I have kept and am flowering cuts of them now.

1 female has a sweet almost tropical smell on the stem rub and has the classic long slender leaves and is quite tall. The other is a touch shorter and a little wider leaves but I am unfamiliar with any Skunk or Norther Lights as I've never grown any strains dominant in those. And the smell on the second one was quite soury... I call it coleslaw like lol.

In flower my first female has the classic Hazey smell... Like some sweet cedary spice with some lemon or citrus smell in there.
View attachment 60787

The other female has a softer scent and to me almost creamy but not ice cream.
View attachment 60789

All are just ending their 8th week and I'm starting the 10 day flush next week. Trying to chop on day 70.

First time running the strain and it is fairly easy to grow. Had some calcium issues in my coco plants due to too low pH I'm guessing as my pH pen broke and the addition of a bloom booster probably lowered the pH too much.

Unfortunately I have only kept the tall female as a mother as I wanted the pheno more closely resembling what I know as Super Silver Haze from smoking a lot of it in the Amsterdam coffeeshops. Plus I travel quite a bit and for long periods so I cannot hold any mothers for too long and will have to restart from seed.

But I hope you find the grow as enjoyable and quite easy like myself... Now to try and get a Neville's Haze pack and see if I can master that.

Thx BlazedOutLDN,

It's a special strain indeed, I have this cut for several years now. Try to keep it alive if its special to you ;).

The plants in the pics are looking nice, you're description of the creamy scent is similar to my keeper cut.

She is a quite powerfull smoke after a good cure, and taste and scent is so addictive.

Good luck with your Neville's hunt!
What size are your containers brah? I'll bet they are just lovin' that brick wall!

I assumed 25L but they are bigger, i'm guessing 35L!

Indeed, they are enjoying the wall, is south-side orientated :cool:.

I will cover the front of the pots with white paper so that the roots don't heat up to much during summer.

In a few weeks I will start the forced flowering, I like to flower july-august mainly here.

I assumed 25L but they are bigger, i'm guessing 35L!

Indeed, they are enjoying the wall, is south-side orientated :cool:.

I will cover the front of the pots with white paper so that the roots don't heat up to much during summer.

In a few weeks I will start the forced flowering, I like to flower july-august mainly here.

How do u do that? force them into flower and then put them back outside and they will flower further? even that the hours of sunshine are still so many? and they dont reveg?
How do u do that? force them into flower and then put them back outside and they will flower further? even that the hours of sunshine are still so many? and they dont reveg?
Hello Hanzde,

It's a lot of work but each morning and evening they are taken out of the shed (wich needs to be 100% dark, very important) to imitate the flower cycle. I also place a dehumidifier with inside the shed. I will show this later.

I love sun-grown buds!
Takes me back to my younger years before I started growing under artificial lightning. My very first attempts where smaller plants in cardboard boxes😅, but id did the job.

My climate doesn't give good quality in oktober, you have to be resourceful.

There was a time when I had 50L pots, I was powerlifting at that time🤣.