Super Silver Haze 2022 Organic

The whole tent has been shifted in 10/14 for her at week 6. 11/13 was no good for her.
My experience with stronger sativa pheno's (different strains over the years) is that cuttings generally flower better on 11/13 from the start and on a lower nitrogen diet.
I start flowering in smaller pots and uppot with fresh soil after 4-5 weeks of flower.
They tend to stretch less, give better flowers (a bit more dense) and are a bit quicker ready.
I'm no expert though, just my experience!:)
This is now in my grower notebook, indeed your SSH is quicker than most of mine also due to the hardcore bending and pinching i used to maintain height.
i might test your repoting style next sativa i put out of the fridge.

Also, never hesitate to share your experience, we never stop learning from each others.
This is now in my grower notebook, indeed your SSH is quicker than most of mine also due to the hardcore bending and pinching i used to maintain height.
i might test your repoting style next sativa i put out of the fridge.

Also, never hesitate to share your experience, we never stop learning from each others.

I must add that my keeper SSH is a faster flowering pheno and did not have the uppotting. She is also a clone so that keeps the flowering perhaps 1-2 weeks earlier than from seed.

Good luck, looking forward if you re-run your medusa!
This is early but, i must say i am a bit baffeled, she is far from the others in terms of scent.
But Before comparing lets talk about her... This is subtil perfume, a mix of sweet flowery scent and when you inhale deep in the bud there are some gasoline smells that come after the flowery.

First she smells flowery but when touched flower go away to deliver Gasoline-ish scent.

Now, my issue is...This is nothing like EVERY other SSH pheno i've encountered...could this be a bean of other strain jumped into a retail bag of SSH ?
Am I completely off, and this is a rare SSH pheno...?
I'll go for the rare pheno, cause it implies that i've been lucky on this retail bag.

What do YOU think ?
obviously you have found a golden nugget, dude. But we can only know for absolutely sure once she is dried, cured and consumed!
what effect do you notice from the pinching btw, that the flowering time increases?

Yes supercropping delay flowering time i do it to maintain an even canopy but it's not mandatory at all it's just my way of doing these days.
Bending pinching, fimming etc..are part of LST technics. and as it says it is stress for the plant. But this is very gentle delay not like Topping then supercropping etc... what i did on this run obviously.
(Stress = delay) as i understood the general principale.

obviously you have found a golden nugget, dude. But we can only know for absolutely sure once she is dried, cured and consumed!

update soon.
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Guano-tea day.

50 grms / ~1.8oz of Powder Guano mixed in 1L of warm (body T°) water. Let the mixture rest in dark place.
Take 50 to 60 ml (~ 1,67 fl oz) add this to 10L of water Ph adjusted 6.2.(only citrik acid)

Feed with this mixture once a week from 3rd week to preflush, of course between the BioC feedings.
So basicaly it goes like:

Feed BioC for a week
then Guano-Tea
back to BioC
then Guano-Tea
and so on....

Back in the early 2000 this was a thing, i never stopped. Is this still relevant ?
Share your opinion. Criticism is welcome.

i like your posts and experiments a lot. makes sense with BioC, always low on N especially with some hazes was a headscratcher. simple and effective i like it. good growing
Dear @Islandgrower,

You really understood what i tried to share regarding the "probably" 20+pheno. Absolutely right, the thing would easily fill the space(4"/4") with the right bending process.
I'll do my best to keep you guys informed of the evolution.
To be honest, what i fear the most regarding this particular pheno is a non-flowering female. Some may know that there is a (tiny tiny) possibilitie that she never-oh-never flowers.
The cliffhanger is real.

When is see your posts Im yeah another free lecture from Professor Tetsuo 💚. I never liked school but I m willing sign up at yours👨‍🎓.

This ssh#3 looks like a throwback to her ancestors.
2011 My child hood friend Alex the Sokotrian come back from Nepal mountains with some seeds that collected for me.
The tiniest seeds they grew plants very similar to your SSH#3 with Unbelievable vigor never seen before.
To form mature flowers took almost 6 months indoors, but the never grew big they where tiny and many.
The plants though never stop the growth and they kept producing new flowers, after of 8 months I had enough.
But still have this seeds in my freezer.
The buds as I said where tiny but very strong cerebral hit , they tasted like hash.

I have heard before about perennial cannabis plants and I wonder if they really exist and if this phenos are examples .

When is see your posts Im yeah another free lecture from Professor Tetsuo 💚. I never liked school but I m willing sign up at yours👨‍🎓.

I litteraly came here many years ago with one goal, LEARN. With a bit of motivation and lot of humility.
You guys can't imagine how many legends of grow community passed by this very same forum.
I am a nobody compared to these.

The tiniest seeds they grew plants very similar to your SSH#3 with Unbelievable vigor never seen before.
To form mature flowers took almost 6 months indoors, but the never grew big they where tiny and many.
The plants though never stop the growth and they kept producing new flowers, after of 8 months I had enough.
But still have this seeds in my freezer.
The buds as I said where tiny but very strong cerebral hit , they tasted like hash.

Ok, now you get my attention :oops: You just clearly described the plant i had in a tent till 2 weeks ago. the "Ancestor"/"protoStrain" ( i like your naming) was cut at 24 weeks.
You describ the exact caracteristics of this rarity.
This is what i enjoy the most, when i crack a pack of seeds, it's the gatcha game feeling that comes with it. The wondering..."what will i get off of this.". Facinating.

Many thanks for sharing your experience, this is more important than you could think.
Thank you for your kind and open minded message. Wish you the deserved succes in every projects. May the Chirstmas spirit be with you.
I litteraly came here many years ago with one goal, LEARN. With a bit of motivation and lot of humility.
You guys can't imagine how many legends of grow community passed by this very same forum.
I am a nobody compared to these.

Ok, now you get my attention :oops: You just clearly described the plant i had in a tent till 2 weeks ago. the "Ancestor"/"protoStrain" ( i like your naming) was cut at 24 weeks.
You describ the exact caracteristics of this rarity.
This is what i enjoy the most, when i crack a pack of seeds, it's the gatcha game feeling that comes with it. The wondering..."what will i get off of this.". Facinating.

Many thanks for sharing your experience, this is more important than you could think.
Thank you for your kind and open minded message. Wish you the deserved succes in every projects. May the Chirstmas spirit be with you.

Thanks for your blessings and Merry Christmas to you Tetsuo. I send you back my love and respect 🙏.

Im so happy get such a positive feedback from an old timer. Means a lot to me have your attention Im keep reading your reply again and again 🙏

I really like gatcha game feeling this is what motivates me. I have the exact same though with you, what will come out from this seeds, the process the observation is fascinating.

What you think about the perennial cannabis plants ? Do you think can be possible to exist ?

From what I heard from many old growers in Southern Europe is that they had a perennial pure Sativa in their hands but I have no real proofs behind this claims.

But what I know for sure is the time schedules they used :
18 January they plant the seed indoors (no artificial lights just window sun)
25 of March transplant in mother earth.
Harvest late December to early Januray ( most of the times that was impossible because of the cold and usually was harvested early December late November)

They fertilize them with blood and milk.

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I really like gatcha game feeling this is what motivates me. I have the exact same though with you, what will come out from this seeds, the process the observation is fascinating.
You get it.. cultivate this over time, you will get far. Look what a growmie like Musashi or Swifty done over time. We all can do it.

What you think about the perennial cannabis plants ? Do you think can be possible to exist ?
This is some kind of question you ask The Man, not me. (sorry)
From what I heard from many old growers in norther Europe is that they had a perennial pure Sativa in their hands but I have no real proofs behind this claims.

In North Europe our landrace is called Ruderalis. (please correct me if wrong). If someone heard of this perennial pure Sativa in South NL, speak up.

But what I know for sure is the time schedules they used :
18 January they plant the seed indoors (no artificial lights just window sun)
25 of March transplant in mother earth.
Harvest late December to early Januray ( most of the times that was impossible because of the cold and usually was harvested early December late November)

Man, this is precise, altough a sativa outdoor in December in south Netherlands... i still got to see this with my own eyes. Maybe true but never seen. You really pick my interest.
I just think of it... what would be smart is mailing Alien about this. I'm on it. Will DM you if i got answer.

They fertilize them with blood and milk.

I don't state i'm right... but on this subjet... there are clues that indicates you should NOT use animal feeding nor amendments... i know this is not clearly established and still lot of you use bone meal or fish or blood or manure.... But this is not ok anymore. from what i know, NO animal matter.

your are very welcome for your smart remarks and challenging indeas. guys like you make this forum live.
Thank you.
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You get it.. cultivate this over time, you will get far. Look what a growmie like Musashi or Swifty done over time. We all can do it.

This is some kind of question you ask The Man, not me. (sorry)

In North Europe our landrace is called Ruderalis. (please correct me if wrong). If someone heard of this perennial pure Sativa in South NL, speak up.

Man, this is precise, altough a sativa outdoor in December in south Netherlands... i still got to see this with my own eyes. Maybe true but never seen. You really pick my interest.
I just think of it... what would be smart is mailing Alien about this. I'm on it. Will DM you if i got answer.

I don't state i'm right... but on this subjet... there are clues that indicates you should NOT use animal feeding nor amendments... i know this is not clearly established and still lot of you use bone meal or fish or blood or manure.... But this is not ok anymore. from what i know, NO animal matter.

your are very welcome for your smart remarks and challenging indeas. guys like you make this forum live.
Thank you.

Im so sorry I just realized I made a Big mistake in my post I meant Southern Europe not Northen europe sorry for this.I just edit it my post when I Read you answer.

The used the animal blood for making it stronger, if you smoke outdoor weed fed with this traditional ways is aggressively strong and tripy I have experienced many time this smoke and many new school people refuse to follow this old Technics and I support this decision.
The Ruderalis is the traditional strain of Northern Europe I agree with you .

Yes lets continue this private I agree .

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