Strut your studs!

Initially smelling of citrus and slight mango. I hesitate to touch them now as pollen release makes quite a mess.
I am not a bona fide breeder, I do not care to wear the official hat as I do not have the time, energy, interest or seriousness to turn what I love into work and profit so it is not quite a long-winded perilous journey of testing and re-testing of a specific male to known stable females. You know what they said about Jack and all work lol.
I’m retired afterall so ball-parking is good enough. My OCD has receded over the years; no mission just focused on the ‘flow’ these days. It is mostly about preservation of variety for me and FUN- personal stash shared with a few select friends. That is not to say that I don’t further select when growing the next generation. I do. I keep females and an occasional male.
Picking 3-4 good looking males based on smell, morphology, intuition and vibe; introducing to all favored females is my MO here this go round. My good fortune so far has come from starting with and using good stock. Most MNS stuff has been around for years and generationally can be considered IBL. And so I leave the hard work to the younger members. Besides as @Ken Abbis sez, all of my efforts get me high AF. Lol. If it ain’t broke…
The great babbler- Can you tell I’ve been smoking haze?

More to come I have a lovely Nordle male that smells like candy floss, he’s a real beast, he is successfully reveging as well! I find it’s bloody hard to get a male to reveg! So long as it’s not too far into flowering it can be done.


Studly studs!
Here a few things I do to encourage reveg.... cut of as much flowering parts possible, 24 hours light, water soil so is neutral and refert so have higher N.
Sometimes its like they have a mind of their own and do what they want anyway.

I have seen other wild plants flowering at unusual times of the year, anyone else noticed that ?
Studly studs!
Here a few things I do to encourage reveg.... cut of as much flowering parts possible, 24 hours light, water soil so is neutral and refert so have higher N.
Sometimes its like they have a mind of their own and do what they want anyway.

I have seen other wild plants flowering at unusual times of the year, anyone else noticed that ?
Yes all of the above!
Initially smelling of citrus and slight mango. I hesitate to touch them now as pollen release makes quite a mess.
I am not a bona fide breeder, I do not care to wear the official hat as I do not have the time, energy, interest or seriousness to turn what I love into work and profit so it is not quite a long-winded perilous journey of testing and re-testing of a specific male to known stable females. You know what they said about Jack and all work lol.
I’m retired afterall so ball-parking is good enough. My OCD has receded over the years; no mission just focused on the ‘flow’ these days. It is mostly about preservation of variety for me and FUN- personal stash shared with a few select friends. That is not to say that I don’t further select when growing the next generation. I do. I keep females and an occasional male.
Picking 3-4 good looking males based on smell, morphology, intuition and vibe; introducing to all favored females is my MO here this go round. My good fortune so far has come from starting with and using good stock. Most MNS stuff has been around for years and generationally can be considered IBL. And so I leave the hard work to the younger members. Besides as @Ken Abbis sez, all of my efforts get me high AF. Lol. If it ain’t broke…
The great babbler- Can you tell I’ve been smoking haze?


I can imagine what you could do with the right facilities, you have the magic touch,
your passion and love shine through in your writings and photographs,
it would be rather sad if your knowledge love and passion were not fully expressed and captured in seeds and passed on for future generations to enjoy.
@shantibaba I found a great candidate legend grower for Switzerland and bet you cannot find another more suitable
@charlesufarley that's a freakin' awesome plant. Have you bred him with any of your girls? and tried any smoke from his offspring?

your signature is gnarly bro, I dig,
“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.”
― Albert Einstein

@charlesufarley that's a freakin' awesome plant. Have you bred him with any of your girls? and tried any smoke from his offspring?

your signature is gnarly bro, I dig,
“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.”
― Albert Einstein
Here was the pistillate plant I used:

1000009361.jpgAnd here is the F1 offspring:


And I don't smoke or vape anymore, 50+ years was enough for my lungs but my wife still vapes. She said the quality was about the same as usual but the taste was above average.
This male is from my first grow from Mr. Nice, Super Silver Haze #10. Out of the straw, he had the thinnest and longest leaves, by far. Despite the narrow and impressively long leaves his stature is quite stout, especially during veg. His stretch was minimal before pulling him.

His growth pattern is definitely his strongest attribute. A stem rub during veg tends to elicit a generic green smell, but he does occasionally show off with a frankincense and mild skunky aroma. His scent increases 10 fold when I mess around with his roots.

He hasn't spread his pollen yet, and I didn't let him get far enough into flower to develope trichs. Once I find a suitable female I'll make f2's with him, assuming he exhibits strong smells and/or trich development during flower.

This male is from my first grow from Mr. Nice, Super Silver Haze #10. Out of the straw, he had the thinnest and longest leaves, by far. Despite the narrow and impressively long leaves his stature is quite stout, especially during veg. His stretch was minimal before pulling him.

His growth pattern is definitely his strongest attribute. A stem rub during veg tends to elicit a generic green smell, but he does occasionally show off with a frankincense and mild skunky aroma. His scent increases 10 fold when I mess around with his roots.

He hasn't spread his pollen yet, and I didn't let him get far enough into flower to develope trichs. Once I find a suitable female I'll make f2's with him, assuming he exhibits strong smells and/or trich development during flower.


Brilliant leaf morphology 💪

Here is Falco with his MNS hitrecord 'Out of the Straw' - just replace 'Dark' with 'Straw' and it all starts to make sense...

Another interesting post of a fellow member I came across:

Hi Aktarus,

Pollinating is a very simple task and you don’t need an entire male to do it right. They produce much more pollen than needed to produce a few hundred seeds ;)

I’m going to teach you a simple trick i learned over the years. Let the male flower in the flowering room until the first pollen sacks are formed and almost ready to open. When this time comes remove him from the flowering room and place him at a window or under florus, or any other grow light you have (mines were always at my window). When the pollen sacks open, collect the pollen with a knife with a large dry blade, and place the collected pollen in aluminium paper (the one that is used in the kitchens). After 2 or 3 days of collecting pollen remove the selected females from the flowering room, grab a brush and pollinate 2 or 3 of the lower branches (or one of the top ones). Now comes the important part, grab a piece of newspaper and enclose the pollinated branches, closing the overtures with clips. Again place the females in the flowering room and give them 48 hours. After, remove them from the flowering room, remove the newspapers and clips from the branches and spray them well with tap water (this will destroy the pollen). Now you can safely place the females again in the flowering room without fear of making unwanted seeds. Give them a few weeks in flower and you should have perfectly mature seeds (if I remember correctly I usually gave mines 4 or 5 weeks).

Female selection is easy. The keeper is the one witch the mason jar empty first :D

Note: Pollinate all females. Save the seeds from the keeper(s) and discard the rest :)
And something from Shantibaba:

Forgot to mention that once you hit flowers with pollen...the stretch stops pretty much as most of the energy of the plant goes into making seed not it may explain why you got them as they are....Sb
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Of interest.

"Through development and testing of these methods for characterizing male gametophytic fitness in C. sativa we have shown that the pollen of this species maintains an intact gamete for extended periods of time but do not maintain viability under these conditions beyond two weeks after anther dehiscence."

Haven't really dove into what they mean by "these conditions" but I have successfully fertilized female plants with pollen that was over 2 years old, because I froze it with cornstarch.
"Through development and testing of these methods for characterizing male gametophytic fitness in C. sativa we have shown that the pollen of this species maintains an intact gamete for extended periods of time but do not maintain viability under these conditions beyond two weeks after anther dehiscence."

Haven't really dove into what they mean by "these conditions" but I have successfully fertilized female plants with pollen that was over 2 years old, because I froze it with cornstarch.

"...This result may demonstrate that pollen senescence is a process that could be manipulated to preserve pollen samples for extended periods of time. This is verified by the low abortion rates of pollen grains stored in the freezer for 96 weeks post anther dehiscence, which averaged 63.1% of pollen grains containing an intact regenerative nucleus, with a maximum of 69.3% and a minimum of 58.8%..."

I believe the article reflects your observation.

And further:
"...The linear regressions used to model the relationship between storage time and abortion rates predicted that all pollen grains would degrade at 38.3 weeks under room temperature conditions (Adj. R2 = 0.8903), and 261.5 weeks under freezer conditions (Adj. R2 = 0.8991), suggesting that long-term storage of pollen samples for genotyping is feasible. "

Just make sure to throw some rice in and that it is sealed tight.
Some vials i had stored, that hadn't been 100% hermetic ended up turning from pale yellow to orange after beeing contaminated with what i suggest is dew water from the fridge. So choosing the right container i crucial imo.
Others i could store for a long period and successfully use long after.
Thanks for paper Mu!