Spice 2022

Well, we are going to bet that it is a deficiency. Tonight I'll raise the EC to 1.2-1.5 to see what happens. I was fertilizing them little because less than two weeks ago I did the last transplant from 7 to 11 with fertilized substrate and I thought that this would be enough for now. And besides, I was afraid of overfertilizing. Thanks for answering @Fish
What soil you use and what fertilizers?
How you consider if you over water them in some point or if to hot or to intense light ?

I use Allmix type substrate and TopCrop brand fertilizers. I water them with 2 liters, it is the amount so that it drains a little and now every 4 days, until you see that the earth is dry and the pot does not weigh down. With 24 degrees maximum it is impossible for them to get hot. And the light is 30-40cm high with 100,000 lumens.
I use Allmix type substrate and TopCrop brand fertilizers. I water them with 2 liters, it is the amount so that it drains a little and now every 4 days, until you see that the earth is dry and the pot does not weigh down. With 24 degrees maximum it is impossible for them to get hot. And the light is 30-40cm high with 100,000 lumens.

Im not sure if is deficiency or excess feeding from the all mix or deficiency because over water or wrong ph. or can be you let the dry to much Can be many reasons.

Organic light mix and organic fertilizer is always more forgiving

I don't know exactly what it is either. Between deficiency and excess, I would bet on deficiency, because I have fertilized them little in recent weeks. Excess water 1.5-2 liters every 4 days in pots of 11? If I water them less it doesn't drain. Wrong Ph can not be is over 6'5.
The pH of the substrate came to 6.5, if you water at 6.5 it should stay there according to my logic, right? In the end, last night I watered them with 1.7 EC and 6.1 pH to see how they react in the next few days.
The pH of the substrate came to 6.5, if you water at 6.5 it should stay there according to my logic, right? In the end, last night I watered them with 1.7 EC and 6.1 pH to see how they react in the next few days.

Ph can change easy in soil if you want to know your actual ph is good to water well and them take the excess waters that drains in the pot plate and measured the ph there then you will have better idea what is the ph in your soil together with the water you used.
You will not see so fast reaction from one try I believe
How did your Spice girls go Salva? ✌️

Well, just as bad as always... Just like the last 6 years. I know it sounds incredible but it is reality 😞 Well the positive thing is that I think I have learned something haha Looking back I see excess watering, excess fertilization and leaves burned with the insecticide... Let's see if with the current crop the NHS comes out better. Tonight I upload a photo with a week of flowering. I don't know if you've seen my follow-up...
I didn't see a follow up yet mate but I will.
You know, sometimes when we get interested in growing our own herbs, we can be so enthusiastic and try everything we can to try helping our plants be big and healthy. Sometimes all we need is water and patience and our plants love that.
Try not to get distracted by consumer sales and marketing......."you need to buy this special feed for your plants, plus this and that, and this, and this".
Most of it is un-necessary, and is just there to make you think that you need it.
Just speaking from years of experience mate ✌️👍