Sneaky Barrel.


2024 Circle of Excellence
somebody please, please, please remind me to use auto save this time. This is the third and final attempt at uploading this growlog. dayum

Anyway, Hello everyone. Like all of us who suffer under the insane laws imposed on us by our governments for the benefit of the fight against the scourge of egyptian insanity*, I need to be somewhat sneaky about my hobby. hence the name sneaky feck.

So welcome to my little sneaky garden.


So as you can see, I am clearly not in the run for cannabis grown in smallest possible containers. To the contrary, so i got a 250 watt hps light going on in a small (80x80X180cm) tent, and am using a used french oak wine barrel of 110 liters as a containern with a hole in the bottom. My style of growing is as organic as i can think of. I have added a layer of clay pebbles on the bottom of the barrel and added a unfertilized soil mix with a lot of perlite, some 200 grams of mixed variety of worms, lavameal, biotabs starter pack fertilizer (beneficial microbes), a kilo of compost from the garden, an avocado tree that was growing in the compost pile mid winter (lets see what happens when i transplant him from there into an 18 hrs hps light cycle), a bunch of old vegetable and herb seeds (mostly legumes), some way too old and probably dead fungal spores that probably need trees to live anyway, but whatever.

okay, so i've put this report in the angel heart section, but tbf - im gonna start with the first run i did. The angel heart is second. I feel that, since i re-use all the soil and really build up a living and thriving soil food web, we really need to start at the beginning to understand what happens later on with the AH.

After all - No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.

so bare with me please.


we are looking at Bubblegun( (Mexican x Colombian x Afghani) x AK )** from spliff seeds here, on the left behind the hygrometer is another one. Feminized and later (week 2 or 3 of flower) turns out to be a hermy. After visiting a local coffeeshop, I was inspired and blown away by the pure and sweet scent of bubblegum on the weed i had bought. Come to think of it, they probably just sprayed terpenes on the bud to make it smell that good, but who knows. So i asked one of the dudes at the growshop for a strain like that, and he recommended me this one. They were cool enough to gift me another strain as well.


this Strawberry( Strawberry Cough x Skunk #1 x Jack F1 )***, also feminized.


After a bit, the tent looked like this. So you can see i have some weird spaghetti shit going on, these are yarn, i was trying to experiment with ways to get the humidity up, so it would approach the ideal 70% mark i was going for. in retrospect all this bullshit with wet towels, yarn, humidifiers etc really wasnt necessary in my case. And if i would do this setup over, i would just soak the log for 48 hours in water before placing it on the soil so it would give a lot of humidity at the start. Anyway - as is visible, these plants were thriving.


so yeah, here i have started doing a scrog. I just used this thing that i had lying around, i thought it would be good ( it was kinda shit ). So the thing about this scrog is that i tried to do it at a gradient of 45 degrees. so i would make my light footprint a bit bigger that way, so thats why its at such an odd angle. bubblegun on the left, strawberry on the right.

At this point i think we are approaching the moment of flowering, now i dont remember exactly what i did, but i pretty much just gradually made the days shorter for the plants, by changing the timer a bit every day. So at this point probably still like 14 hours light, but im not sure at this moment.


at about two weeks into flowering i noticed that the front bubblegun is a hermaphrodite. And i didn't appreciate.

really a pity. but anyway, in the blender she goes and add it to a compost tea.

i tried to rescrog as best i could, didnt look that bad in the end, considering i just had removed more or less a quarter of the plant mass. I was really lucky that that other bubblegun just grew vigourously. so on the left is still pretty much all bubblegun, and on the right strawberry.


week later, hard to notice anything was chopped.


everything kinda just chugging along, although i do notice that in the back, some leaf damage is happening. Anyway, the companion plants pretty much all kicked the bucket. serious light deprivation i reckoned.



Most of us dont want em, i like it though, it means healthy soil food web. This ink mushroom is edible when young, i put a small container over it, to prevent sporulation all over my sticky buds.

all the companion plants were killed off at this point, as it turns out by fungus gnats, who apparently thrive in a wood rich environment. They killed all the companion plants off which really kinda acted as a bufferzone for my precious 'erb. I am absolutely convinced that the fungus gnat attack contributed to a higher terpene level in my end product, but i'd love to hear what you all think about that. Anyway, as you can see, the gnats are really attracted to the yellow wilting companions - hence the yellow color for the sticky mats.

so here you can see the leaf damage well. these gnats have got to go.

So in the end the gnats definitively lost the battle, the plants really work well as a defence device in themselves, as you can see here.

The sticky yellow mats cleared out a lot of gnats too, thanks to the compost i have added in the beginning predatorial nematodes mustve been present to combat the larvae in the soil, and i added another dose of predator nematodes that i ordered online.

Because of the all the gnats all over the weed, i seriously pondered to wash my weed after harvest, 3 bucket method, bucket of demineralized water with waterperoxide, lemon, and clear one. i didnt do it in the end cos it really wasnt that bad after all. and i had no idea what the result would be, has anyone tried this method?


when i first read the description of these cultivars i was happy to learn that they would be done flowering after about 8 weeks, so when i took this picture after 12 weeks of flowering I was glad to see they were ready to be harvested.

bubblegun at week 12, fuck it, this lady is done! turns out by the way, to be a very chilled daytime high, it almost feels like im puffing away on a good cbd variety. can't say that i found my bubblegum tasting bud with her. But i am very happy nonetheless, she yielded like a insertfavoriteslurwordhereifyouplease, and she smokes lovely as well. gets better with curing.


strawberry, so i ended up harvesting two plants and therefore two different effects and tastes. the big fat strawberry in the back tastes a lot like grapefruit, its a beautiful taste, and she puts me to sleep every time. I absolutely love it, so thanks to the growshop for freebeeing this plant to me. The smaller strawberry in the front has a very mild taste and smell and is much closer to lemons than to strawberry, she has a more daytime vibe to her.

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Fungus gnat glued on strawberry. This photo isn't quite the same as i posted in the potm thread. This one is actually even better, you can really see well in focus how the legs of this gnat got entangled in the trichome glands! I can stare at this picture for days.


anyway. i promised you all angel heart. well.... here is my first pic of the angel heart. actually in the background. lol. look at their ghetto seedling setup!

grabbing that early season sunlight. nom nom.

And here they landed. Angel heart are the 3 plants in the back. I germinated 3, and i got 3 females, how lucky is that? front left is purple from dutch passion, right is shaman from dutch passion, shaman and purple as well as the middle angel heart all made bananas at some point in the grow. Tbf i really messed around a lot with the light schedule, and even turned on the light for an hour when it was dark already for no real reason other than that i was either too dank to think straight, or just well... i messed up. live and learn, right?


after 5 days, it looks like this. i still have some outdoor seedlings that are chilling along. check out the size difference after only being transplanted for 5 days.

after about 3 weeks i did a hard switch to flower, none of that gradual stuff this time. - i think i shouldve though.

the plants that are visible in the back are all angel heart.

So here i have switched to flowering time, now what i tried to do here is make a vertical scrog instead of an horizontal. so basically i am creating a green cylinder along the walls in the hope of using all available light optimally and make the airflow as efficient as possible.

im just gonna save this for now, lol.
pfew, almost ran in trouble there... first couldnt upload cos of 10000 characters (?!) and then when i chopped it down a bit, couldnt upload more than 20 pics. anyway.... here we are. everything nice and safe. lol. no need to try again


i just chopped the dutch passion shaman plant, cos she was throwing bananas all over. poop. this may have been my fault though. i messed around a lot with the light cycle.


purple from dp is looking pretty here.

as is this little angel.



this angel heart i kinda planned to chop, the entire cycle long. since i had 3 seeds, i reckoned 1 or 2 might be male. so since this one wasnt growing so fast i really wanted to chop her a lot. i kinda just let her do her thing and she just turned into one long bud, total 15 grams compared to the 65 of her sister, not a lot, but the best taste.

the avocado tree that i originally planted and that died, no surprise there, resurrected. i am surprised.


not quite

again with these bananas?!

you can actually see the self pollination in this picture.


angel heart looking nice and ripe to me.

so i chopped them at 9 weeks. and i was planning on letting the other two ripen out a little longer. until i found bananas in this left ah too. ffs. so now they all got chopped.
right? biomass galore, i think there is still a cubic centimeter left that is unoccupied.... then again, i didnt intend to prematurely chop any plants due to hermy-ism, well lets just say there is still room for improvement in the next grow.
Amazing sneakyfeck. With feck at the end of your name, I'm tempted to say Conas tá tú? Breaks my heart you just had to rewrite and upload so much again. Thank you for all of the pics of your set up and grows, it truly looks excellent!

Tá mé go maith!
Tá mé go maith! go raibh maith agat as an moladh, ní raibh mé ach ag faire ar athair amháin ted an iomarca!