Skunk x Haze v Neville's Skunk; Who's had them both?

Worn Down Soul

Well-known member
I am mostly interested in the differences in effects and flavor between the two. When you want something to be correct, it is simply a matter of whatever it takes. So while I am sure that Neville's would likely run a bit longer (or at least the selections, I'd be likely to make) that is less consequential than the finished product. So is one better than the other in some ways and vice versa or is there a clear winner? Thanks to all. This is a much more warm little community than the real world. If it all goes to pot and some of you guys want to set up a steam punk Anarchist grower's collective, in the rubble of this shit show, that we call "civilization." You can hit me up on that point to. All jokes and warm day dreams aside, what is the correct Skunk + Haze?
If it all goes to pot and some of you guys want to set up a steam punk Anarchist grower's collective, in the rubble of this shit show, that we call "civilization."

Hey Worn Down,

From one new member to another, welcome to the Forum. A great storm is brewing, indeed, which is sure to shake up a lot of things. Maybe even take down the internet for awhile. Looking at just the state of the USA economy, the USA national debt is rising at $1 Trillion every 90 days. To me that is the most "immoral" thing the government can do; next to starting WW3.

The government dicks in charge of that shit show are trying their best to crash & burn the whole thing down. They are trying to start WW3 with Russia & China, the US Petro-Dollar is being dumped like a hot potato, and the US southern border is being invaded by Drug Cartels & hordes of young, military aged men. What can possibly go wrong?

Your idea about forming a "collective" in view of a potential system collapse, in 2024-25, has merit, in my opinion. Food for thought.

Cheers! - FF

Something's Comin' Our Way
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I am mostly interested in the differences in effects and flavor between the two. When you want something to be correct, it is simply a matter of whatever it takes. So while I am sure that Neville's would likely run a bit longer (or at least the selections, I'd be likely to make) that is less consequential than the finished product. So is one better than the other in some ways and vice versa or is there a clear winner? Thanks to all. This is a much more warm little community than the real world. If it all goes to pot and some of you guys want to set up a steam punk Anarchist grower's collective, in the rubble of this shit show, that we call "civilization." You can hit me up on that point to. All jokes and warm day dreams aside, what is the correct Skunk + Haze?
i m not sure the nevil skunk are more long than skunk haze that depend of the phenotypre but for me the 2 are in same time of blooming
one thing's for sure, it has now been proven that wt7 was demolished on 9/11 by controlled demolition...

Holy shit look what I started, lol.. The best jokes aren't entirely jokes.

Back to the happier side of things.. for the moment... (why do the folks in charge seem to think that every piece of cautionary dystopian fiction was actually meant as a how to?) I figured one of the main differences between the two: my broke ass would be more likely to afford to win the auction on the Skunk Haze than Neville's. Someone mentioned auctions for Neville's peaking around 40 euros. I'm not saying that it isn't worth it. I'd just rather get a little variety is all.

I got Devil, which by my dad's description, I'm pretty sure is what he was talking about, when he was commenting on some of the best herb, that he has had. Granted, it seems to be better outdoor. Which I won't be able to do climatically. I'm pretty sure that what he had was Colorado outdoor. Which I am jealous of that high mtn dry air on the one hand, but I couldn't do it, in terms of cost of living on one hand or the dry air + my skin on the other: so improvise and breed. One day a greenhouse would be realistic. At any rate, I've just always wanted to try them. I love mind trip indicas. So I'm willing to dig through the generations a bit. Plus I've got both TCC's Original Diesel and Karma's IBL (second hand, via ApeOrigin, plus a couple of Bx4 freebies) Honestly I am going to try crossing it to both, but am more stoked about TCC's because it is supposed to be a pre-lemony-note version. I want the sort of old school herb that just reeks like weed, in a way that people, who don't like weed just find downright offensive. Then I also have Boss Hog and JOTI's God's Super Skunk x Chernobyl, which are about to have sex. Why not eventually make it a 3-way?

Thankfully, I won this pack. I mean 7 seconds to spare and RIGHT at my predetermined mental limit. I really in some ways wanted them because I want a good heady Skunk. Not so much a Haze, though I want them and more of them too, but I LOVE some really heady, 90's style Skunk. After reading through the reports both smell and effects seem to seriously fit the bill. Honestly, what I think that I want isn't so much the Neville's Skunk, though I'd CERTAINLY grow it, but the Neville's Haze. Which I frankly just can't afford at present. I'm very happy that I got these though. I'm already wondering what it might be like paired with say... The Oaxacan pheno from Zacateca's Tribute? TCC's Chem 91? My brain is just getting cooking on these. Mmmmm.... I can already taste it.

A couple to a few more auctions to go, and I will call it good. This is probably the closest thing to gambling, that I have ever actually enjoyed (or have seen much point in) I can certainly see how someone could get carried away. I have my mental limit set. These are just too good of deals to pass up though. Also, this old school stuff won't be around forever and I'm telling you: the "modern" shit is largely just that. Its like trying to argue that Everclear (US brand of grain alcohol [95% gut rot swill]) is somehow better than good Scotch or KENTUCKY.... Bourbon. I just hope that folks, buying up these generously priced beans are making their own seeds and that something, like the European Slow Food's movement, hits the Cannabis scene before it is all 2 dimensional and the chances of breeding regionally adapted varieties is gone. Because it has all turned into Darwinian monstrosities (See: On Variations in Plants and Animals Under Domestication) with a serious "bubble boy" complex. Stepping off soap box...
Iā€™m also looking forward to Kentucky Bourbon šŸ„ƒ I would like to think if someone is going for old school genetics there has to be some kind of grounding in its genetics or mystique.
I think too, that you see some reflection of regional culture in it too, like Hawaiian Cannabis is UNQUESTIONABLY Hawaiian. Another thing is nomenclature. I mean modern botanists seriously call the "indica v sativa" dichotomy into question. Then not all indicas are sleepy or have wide leaves. What people call "sativa's" that have CBD as their dominant cannabinoid, are not "sativa's" like what you find in Laos. They are narrow leaved phenotypes, from hash making gene pools. I know this. Because every single landrace hash making gene pool I've cultivated, has had them.

So dispensaries in the void of actual meaningful definitions, make it up as they go. I think about beer brewing. Its like if the term "brown ale" could be applied to anything brewed from any sort of grains, that ends up containing alcohol. From the medical perspective, what they sell is unpredictable and often useless. Most weed critics on the internet seem to be talking out their backsides too, with a few exceptions. It makes me think of how I have heard it said that the HIV epidemic ruined art. Because so many good art critics were gay and old Ronny Regan couldn't even be bothered enough to care, until over 100k people had died. That's when he 1st used the words "HIV" or "AIDS" publicly. Because until then, it had been believed that it only killed gay men and iv drug addicts. So as a consequence of not caring about human suffering, we lost a lot of good art critics and art suffered because of it. In this case, we have a sort of Cannabis culture, that evolved outside of the traditional societies producing it. So in many people's minds hash made from one plant is somehow interchangeable with what you get from a field of different chemotypes sifted together or you can act like NL#5 is interchangeable with an actual tropical variety. Its the only globally important crop, that I am aware of, that has not been extensively genetically studied (I don't mean Phylos) and isn't backed up, out the wazoo in seed saving vaults. I guess I just hate seeing something sacred being turned into toilet paper.
I'm not a fan of this IPA craze goin on, if I want notes in my beer i'll put on music.
that's how i feel, but it also makes me wonder that there must be people who think about weed like that.
I try no to judge one's bias in most endeavors unless i know the contest of their life to choice.
that said i do have my strong opinions on most things and with ganja it comes from when i grew in the late 80's to late 90's
Purchasing the strains from the dam and getting my info from HT... ahhh to be young and naive again.

Do get me started on Reagan, there is so much fucked upendedness that we are unraveling to this day.
Trickle down economics ~need i same more...

I didn't mean to be overly verbose. Just living out in the middle of nowhere and most people don't want to talk about anything.

In terms of judgement, its not that I'm saying one HAS to have supremacy over all else: its just that as things stand, Cookies S^infinity is steamrolling all else, without much effort to stabilize or explore anything. I see similar superficiality with how some people grow MNS gear though, its like it takes more than a glance (or a single generation) to really savor the essence of a thing.

Right now I have an Ice Cream Cake Runtz plant going, from some Lit Farms freebies. The seeds needed help even opening. It makes me think of how French Bulldogs need a C-section something like 70-80% of the time, just to deliver puppies. THAT is an example of a Darwinian monstrosity. Its just a matter of needing outside genetic influence. So Its like, I want the raw power and the vanilla flavor, but it needs something else in it's genetic mix, if it is to the point that it's seeds don't seem to "know" how to be seeds anymore. It just seems like a lot has been lost in translation and that it is more like a grocery store cucumber, that has been bred simply to have more waxy skin, to last longer than it is like an heirloom or artisanal hybrid. It just seems like this old school stuff has A LOT more personality to it; like the decades of breeding for raw power and speed over all else, has missed something.

Now, I promise to shut up until I have those bud shots. Sorry...
I guess I just hate seeing something sacred being turned into toilet paper.
That is why we have Shanti! :giggle: I'm just bummed I won't be able to buy for a while. I'm honestly petrified someone will ruin the auctions for us.

Sippin on some Irish whiskey at the moment, and finishing a jay of the Medicine Man. Man does this do wonders for the back. Thanks for playing us some Dave Mathews Band Mu. Love me some Mathews.

@Worn Down Soul If you haven't already, check out the Skunk Haze grown from @Mr. Brown it is great.
edit: @CanaViper I'm not much of an IPA person myself. Give me a great belgium strong or german anything! :ROFLMAO:
...I didn't mean to be overly verbose. Just living out in the middle of nowhere and most people don't want to talk about anything.
...Now, I promise to shut up until I have those bud shots. Sorry...
Brah, it's not about you. Go on with your canna conversation. It's about the continual war on human beings. Didn't want to sidetrack just wanted to make a point that we have seen, we all know, we are legion.
Carry on brah and welcome!
