Should I continue with a pack if seeds immediately sink in water?


Well-known member
Apologies if this is not the right place. In the bit of a panic.

I dropped a full pack of CBD Divine into a glass of water last night.
They came tightly wedged into a rigid plastic tube instead of the usual plastic straws.
I only wanted 4, but they sank, so I tried a few more, repeating until I'd gone through the entire tube.
All but one sunk to the bottom immediately.

Is there a chance these are still good? My dog was diagnosed with an inoperable sarcoma yesterday and this was one of the better options I have on hand to make something topical.
I don't want to wait for these unless they have a good chance of germinating.
what would be the problem with sinking seeds?

just put seeds in glass of water (maybe stir so all sink and are totally immersed in water), store preferably dark between 20-30 degrees centigrade for 24 hours, then put in wet coffee filter. put wet coffee filter in a little grip bag. put that grip bag in a drawer or something and check every day. works every time.
I've seen some people (ie greengenes) recommending a technique where u just float the seeds in water and they'll sprout,
He recommends not tapping the seeds so they will not sink, so maybe some people are getting the idea that sinking is bad?

Curiously I thought for some time that not sinking was a sign of non-viable seeds, which turned out to be incorrect as well.

I the past 10 years or so I just soak them for 24 hours tapping them eventually to ensure they sink, then they go straight into
the media. Always worked like a charm.
Seeds sink when fully saturated with water. Most likely the seeds are fresh and haven’t dried much in storage.
Good seeds can germinate quickly some as fast as next day. Most 3/5 days if you’re doing it right. Keep them warm until they pop out
A light isn’t needed until they emerge from medium.
No worries
Sorry today went totally off the rails and I was out of the house all day
Came back to a nice package and a bunch of radicles waving in the breeze....

To answer the questions asked earlier, somewhere I got the impression that seeds that sink immediately are bad.
I am thankful that you all set me straight
But not thankful to have popped my entire straw of CBD Divine
Ofc I have 100% germination 🤬
waaaaaaay over plant count now....LMAO
I would post a pic, but I don't want the evidence

To be fair my PCP put me on Topamax a few days ago. I told them that was gonna be a mess and us patients don't call it Dope-a-max for nothing.
(Hopefully you all get a laugh at my expense)
Jup have Seen seeds sprouding after 4 full weeks i thought he/she is dead but then one day i look and there is a seedling

I read your post and realized I hadn't checked some seeds (SSHxAC) in the past few days.. 1 more seed sprouted after almost 4 weeks and it seems quite sturdy when I planted it. Guess I'll give the remaining ones a bit more time as you never know lol

I was going to do a grow log, but have been battling a fungus gnat infestation (recycled 15 gallons of the wrong soil infested from the store leaving them outside). A new medical issue has surfaced, so just doing routine plan stuff is fairly challenging

Ah well. Despite this, the Divines are making do.

I will be drenching tomorrow. The Divines were a bit more vigorous and nice before they came under assault, hopefully I'll have a new thread in a few days
I was going to do a grow log, but have been battling a fungus gnat infestation (recycled 15 gallons of the wrong soil infested from the store leaving them outside). A new medical issue has surfaced, so just doing routine plan stuff is fairly challenging

Ah well. Despite this, the Divines are making do.

I will be drenching tomorrow. The Divines were a bit more vigorous and nice before they came under assault, hopefully I'll have a new thread in a few days
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“Mosquito dunks” will wipe out gnats without any toxicity to anything you care about
It’s definitely possible for a dunk to die I’m sure. I do salts on promix or coir and it’s generally inadvisable to let them dry out much, so fungus gnats tend to be one of the issues to look for. Any sucking insect can spread viruses also, and perhaps my skin is too soft but I swear fungus gnats can bite a little. I try to keep my biologicals in the fridge and free frok moisture. I’d think if they don’t work, it’s prolly that they are bad and not that the gnats have evolved :)
It’s definitely possible for a dunk to die I’m sure. I do salts on promix or coir and it’s generally inadvisable to let them dry out much, so fungus gnats tend to be one of the issues to look for. Any sucking insect can spread viruses also, and perhaps my skin is too soft but I swear fungus gnats can bite a little. I try to keep my biologicals in the fridge and free frok moisture. I’d think if they don’t work, it’s prolly that they are bad and not that the gnats have evolved :)

Thanks for the heads up. Sounds like it's best I get a new set of dunks. Should probably check the date on the neem while I'm at it
For the dunks or bits to be effective they need to be in the irrigation water, so as to kill the larvae.
It doesn't kill the adults when sprayed on them @HazedNConfused
I just topdressed my pots with a thin layer of neem meal today.
I also soaked a handful in a few liters of water to irrigate with.
Hopefully this works, if it doesn't then I will have to follow up with mosquito bits.
Mosquito bits are a very expensive option where I come from!
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