Shark Shock Grow Report


A grow report on Shark Shock.

I currently have 1 female out of 31 seed :( yep... 1. Oh well, luck of the draw... But, I had 30 males to choose from to cross lol! (I created 50 seed from my cross, but that is another grow report as they are now being cloned.)

The remaining female is nice. Large buds with a skunk look, this is currently my biggest yielder that takes about 56 days to flower. I veg for 1 week upon 80% rooting from clone. The growth is vertical with side branching close to the stem, so I can effectively grow this strain SOG.

I currently have a small mother (from a cutting) as I wanted to get my other MNS strain(s) flower room acces. It will take me a month of veg to allow me to take sizeable # of clones.

I'll keep you posted.

Bilbo :D
Shark Shock (x Shark Shock)

Here is a cutting(s) of my crossing my Shark Shock female with pollen generated by 3 Shark Shock males. This created 50 seed from a few select buds pollenated. A friend received 10 seeds and this is a cutting from his 1st female. He planted only 3 seeds. I have 20 seed myself remaining for a later grow. I will add the pic later today... I'm tired lol...

Shark Shock and Shark Shock f2

Here are some pics of my Shark Shock mom and a sibling of my backcross with a male Shark Shock. I was able to generate 50 seed which I have 20 remaining. The rest went to close friends and the f2 is first of the next generation. I'll have several pics later of several different plants and clones.

The smoke is definately different yet similar to the Shit, not as fruity, tighter but more potent. This is a bigger yielding plant. The next grow should be a more controlled grow as I have the time narrowed down to 56 days using Fox Farms Open Sesame for 3 days to help trip. It seems to be a slow tripper if I do not give it the boost and just use a bloom only.


pics coming (battery dead)

Well, found the battery...

I just topped my Shark Shock mom (2nd generation). I am taking some clones in the next few day waiting for the tops to develop more flowers. I plant to grow this one out.

I have another Shark Shock (from my own backcross) currently flowering, but it is dark now, so later on that picture...

I have 20 additional seed to do a bigger grow later, my hands are tied right now... I'll have rooted clones before I flower this out, so this could get bushy. I plan to transplant to a larger pot too.



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Shark Shock 2

Here is my Shark Shock 2 (my cross). It is in the front-middle and has been
tripped for a week now.



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almost ready to trip

I am about to transplant this Shark Shock into a 2 gallon pot (coco) and i intend to flower in a weeks time to allow the root mass and plant to grow a little bigger before I trip into flower.



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Hey Bilbo
That Shark Shock is looking great man,when i get some commitments outta the way this is the one i,lle be running for sure.
It,s gonna be nice watchin those Calyxes startin to stack up for ya ove rthe next few weeks.
Could i ask what she like with feeding Bilbo?
Good luck and keep up the good work man and take care.Hashish

BTW,your SS-#2 is looking real good aswell,looks a job well done.

Here is an updated shot of the SS2 grown in coco in a 2 gallon pot. I grew this short to see how it grows and yields. I am attempting an ebb n flo with (3x3, 600 hps) 25 plants in 2 gallon pots and (this) Shark Shock grows tight lateral branching, so I can pack'm in.

The other Shark Shock (still in veg) gets a light/medium level of PBP Grow nutrient along with Superthrive. It is under an Envirolight 95 6500k all by itself. Under the T5,s the nodes were very tight, now they are stretching.... a little. I also foliar feed with SuperNova/Dark Energy. Right now it gets fed twice a day... thanks Hashish :)



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Thanks for the reply Bilbo.
Thats is a beautiful looking plant man,i have been considering the T5's for a while myself as i can get hold of them easy enough, but at the moment everything just been flipped a few days ago,but i think i,lle give them ago not so far down the line for vegging.
I would love to try PBP,but it,s impossible too get in my part of the world i can get everything else apart from that one nutrient.
i would be keeping the feedings light like your doing,as i think i might try the Shark Shock in the Hempy Buckets,to see how she performs.
Thanks again for the reply Bilbo,and goodluck and i hope she stacks up well for you. Take Care....Hashish
Hi guys

1 female from 31 seeds is a very unlucky slant on life but it happens sometimes. But if there was a male to use in a hobby garden then you have a great line .

I will be watching the events on this report as it is curiously interesting from my point of view.

Keep up the great work and wish you a great result in time.All the best Sb

Thanks guys (you too Shanti)!...

I am actually planning to grow this out with a 400 hps in a side closet and transplanting today with coco into its final pot. I have grown this out already SOG and the buds and yield are large. This grow should show the results of three earlier test grows.

Planning to it place under a 400 mh for a few days so the roots and plant can stretch out before I trip. Gives me time to get the closet ready.

Bilbo :)

ps. The reason I stick with these (MNS) genetics is that I can get reletively quick feedback from 'THE growers/owners'. I did read your response today Shanti and I appreciate the candor and information you provide when you can.

oh... and your Limited editions are excellent!


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Flower Day 3

I have a temporarary flower chamber for a few days as I rearange things some... A 4x4 Hydrohut 600 watt ... and all by itself... lol
I'll add pics later as she is sleeping now.

Tommorrow I will have the final chamber (closet) with a 400 hps... thinking off hooking into the 4x4's cooling system (440 inline carbon filtered) for the lights. The reflector is a 6" aircooled. Plan to add mylar and side floro lighting sometime, but the ol' white will have to do for now... This chamber is intended for personal and test grows... looking to go totally organic, but need to experiment with a few... and read more up on it...

... and the 4x4... that will be filled with 36 G13/Skunk rearing to flower! All I have to do here is to move the Shark Shock, rearange the fans and flows, setup the hydro ebb n flo system and... ;)

...I'll post pics on the above tomorrow, well ... later today...


edit... the picture is of the Shark Shock now under the 400 hps in it's own chamber. I plan to add a drip system for regular feeding, and a new "door" to allow better air circulation and cooler temps.


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:) Flower day 11

Here is an updated shot of the Shark Shock. Day 11 has a battery operated drip system added (6 feed lines utilized). It has grown and continues to flower. Budset should start soon.



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Here is an updated pic... not great, but you can see the growth... I raised the light several times already and the buds are starting... :)



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Final Prune (Day 25)

Hello all,

Today I raised the light again, pruned the low stuff and deleted 3 lower limbs. She is drinking about a gallon (4 Lt.)/day. A top pour of a 1/2 gallon and a 1/2 gal. via the drip system. Sorry for the poor qaulity of the picture... just bad timing. I'll add an updated picture shortly. She is getting tall and buds are developing. I plan to flush shortly to avoid any salt build up. She is coming out pretty nice. :)



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nice bro cant say so mutch but she looka well formed.. take her out from the room and take new pix so I can see her 100% shark is nice weed I have to grow that shit bro..
keep it green tio;)
Day 28

Hi all :)

Here is a shot from today... took awhile to move everything... and she got lazy being in the closet as you'll notice the zip ties below.. hehe

This is definately my tallest plant to date (I grow small), but as I said earlier... I may develop this strain as I have 30 more seed and I may go to 9 bucket DWC hooked to a resevior and grow bIGGER :rolleyes:

The first picture is a clean shot out of the closet. I had to stake it and a few zip ties used.

The second picture is a close up of the top buds.



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Day 60 Chopped

Hello all :)

Been busy, but the Shark Shock made 60 days before being chopped. It definately added some heft towards the end. The buds are solid and while not huge, they are consistently good sized. This probably could have gone on a little longer, but I needed the ballast for another grow (G13/Skunk).

The pic with the blue container is 1.5 gallon (6 liter) so I am happy with the entire grow. I look forward to the upcoming Shark Shock DWC full grow. The yield already surprises me as I did little to tweek. Now I know how she grows I can with the next one, but she likes low nutes (med lite).


ps. This was topped to boot... the leaning one in the back left and the donkey front one are the same topped node...


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:) Hello all!

The last Shark Shock yielded 2 1/2 z topped/60 days tripped. I should have left it go another few days and run the nutes longer... oh well - next time. It definately ages very well as I have 1/2 z left and the stone is very very nice in an uplifting way... now I have had only two hits (mixed with 1 hit of G13/Skunk :eek: )... but the two together.... I'm happy! I can't wait to see the results when I dedicate myself more resources to this strain.

No Shark Shock alive now, but I do intend to start a 30 seed grow as soon as a current project is done flowering (in clone/rooting stage now).

So, hopefully soon more reports on a dedicated Shark Shock grow. Those thinking of growing this should! I can see a SOG ... or as a DWC full grow, both with fat chunky buds!
