Self pollination and getting early finish into the genetics


Well-known member
I am wanting to get one of my sativa dom and maybe pure sat variety to finish earlier. What got me thinking about it now is I’d that I just had a real scrawny one that I basically forgot about in the gorilla garden. Yield was almost nothing and potency ok but not anything to brag about because it perished before it was ready and I found it by accident. Anyway, while rolling one up, I found a seed and then later a total of 4. My question is: will these seeds yield plants that may be done earlier? Have they somehow acclimated to my area. I know if I let them continue to grow and drop seed that after a few years they will become wild and useless but not yet I don’t think.,
I am wanting to get one of my sativa dom and maybe pure sat variety to finish earlier. What got me thinking about it now is I’d that I just had a real scrawny one that I basically forgot about in the gorilla garden. Yield was almost nothing and potency ok but not anything to brag about because it perished before it was ready and I found it by accident. Anyway, while rolling one up, I found a seed and then later a total of 4. My question is: will these seeds yield plants that may be done earlier? Have they somehow acclimated to my area. I know if I let them continue to grow and drop seed that after a few years they will become wild and useless but not yet I don’t think.,
It is possible no guarantees for sure. Only way to tell is grow them .
I am wanting to get one of my sativa dom and maybe pure sat variety to finish earlier. What got me thinking about it now is I’d that I just had a real scrawny one that I basically forgot about in the gorilla garden. Yield was almost nothing and potency ok but not anything to brag about because it perished before it was ready and I found it by accident. Anyway, while rolling one up, I found a seed and then later a total of 4. My question is: will these seeds yield plants that may be done earlier? Have they somehow acclimated to my area. I know if I let them continue to grow and drop seed that after a few years they will become wild and useless but not yet I don’t think.,
Need to correct something. I just took a look at flowers through a loop and they were actually past due. Degraded trichomes So they would have been done earlier which is great because they ripened earlier than expected, late September. Offspring should do the same. Not sure why they ripened earlier. Anyway, it would still be interesting and worthwhile to know and see if they will ripen even earlier even if it’s only a week due to acclimatizing.
I am wanting to get one of my sativa dom and maybe pure sat variety to finish earlier. What got me thinking about it now is I’d that I just had a real scrawny one that I basically forgot about in the gorilla garden. Yield was almost nothing and potency ok but not anything to brag about because it perished before it was ready and I found it by accident. Anyway, while rolling one up, I found a seed and then later a total of 4. My question is: will these seeds yield plants that may be done earlier? Have they somehow acclimated to my area. I know if I let them continue to grow and drop seed that after a few years they will become wild and useless but not yet I don’t think.,
Why would they become useless growing naturally? The plant was forgotten, neglected and found scrawny. What if it was helped along and grew big, fat, stinky colas that was two hit weed? Also something to ponder on, that you would not believe the pollen blowing in the wind from miles away if not from your next door neighbor.
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This is another thing I don’t remember where it’s from but again years ago talking with a farmer or read in a book that the plant will degrade in potency over time if grown in same place with inbreeding too. Something about it becoming a wild plant and not a cultivated one with all the characteristics we like. Had I taken care of it, it would have been a good one I’m sure so the potential is in those 4 seeds.The ones not forgotten are excellent and seedless so no stray pollen.

Wind blown pollen is a possibility but a remote one where I’m at. I would have had more than 4 seeds…

It’s hard to remember 50 years ago so it’s something I got from a farmer or book and for whatever reason, it stuck with me and I believed it. Could very well be untrue but someone with far more experience and/or knowledge would know if it’s true or not.
This is another thing I don’t remember where it’s from but again years ago talking with a farmer or read in a book that the plant will degrade in potency over time if grown in same place with inbreeding too. Something about it becoming a wild plant and not a cultivated one with all the characteristics we like. Had I taken care of it, it would have been a good one I’m sure so the potential is in those 4 seeds.The ones not forgotten are excellent and seedless so no stray pollen.

Wind blown pollen is a possibility but a remote one where I’m at. I would have had more than 4 seeds…

It’s hard to remember 50 years ago so it’s something I got from a farmer or book and for whatever reason, it stuck with me and I believed it. Could very well be untrue but someone with far more experience and/or knowledge would know if it’s true or not.
Let's say if you are constantly doing an open pollination of one variety and letting nature take its course you should get the best for the environment which may not be best for you. As natural selection will favor the phenos which do best for the environment grown in. Might be smaller flowers due to others getting mold etc. The strong (for the conditions)will prevail
"My question is: will these seeds yield plants that may be done earlier?"

Some good questions. From what you've said, where the seeds came from is an unknown. You didn't say this was a herm nor did you say adjacent plants may have contributed, so is pollen from an unknown source a possibility?

"To be open to the source of all happiness is the highest religion"
Is Krishnamurti suggesting that you plant em and find out? ☺️

He also suggests:
“Do it or don't do it but get on with it...”

Good luck with whatever you choose to do.

My quess is self pollination. I say this because only 4 seeds. A hermy would have had visible bananas and a number of them. This probably had only one or two, enough to make a couple seeds. They would have been gone by the time I got back to the plant. Random pollination or wind born also would have created more than 4 seeds in my opinion. Hopefully these are what I believe and are duplicates of the “virgin mother” and ripen at the same or earlier time, mid to late September. There are still two others growing nearby and are sensi but look like they can go on forever. No male sacs on either and it’s late October. Probably end of November done time but weather and foto period problems so will pick early after next few sunny somewhat warm days.
But 4 seeds from a scrawny forgotten plant could be similar to 40 on a big fat queen with a huge donkey dick pointing to the heavens. Now you have 4 beans...could another 2 maybe 20 have dropped? Maybe a wild patch next year?
Bottom line in my opinion is you may have a gold mine like Chem or you could have ditch weed. Ain't gonna know till you grow it and roll it and smoke it.
They used to come from NY and Florida to the area to pick the famous Ditch Weed here. Some even had maps on where to go. hahaha, yes a flash from the past. Have some stories on that too!

No, nothing dropped, believe me on that. The 4 seeds were very tightly encased and I would have seen others for sure. I'll know in another year but from the totally Sativa smell and looks, I'll have something decent at least. Right now it's just ok but also degraded for sure and not well taken care of. Back to this tale in about a year. Thanks for the comments and inputs fellas...
mid Midwest…it was grown for rope in ww2 when supply lines to Philippines was cut off. Hemp but those unscrupulous greedy fucks would somehow cut it into regular reefer…hard to believe it worked.
when i was in nw iowa in 99/00 there would be stands of wild hemp all over the place, on trails, at random country road crossings (like 50+ plants)

from a distance fully budded looked like pot but up close it has odd features and the smell of the resin is way different
Mu, They busted a lot of guys. They kept watch in September and October. You and your boys were smarter or luckier. Either way, good going and by the way, we may have been in the same fields along the narrow gravel roads chopping away. I thought that you look familiar! Hahahaha
years ago talking with a farmer or read in a book that the plant will degrade in potency over time if grown in same place with inbreeding too.
This could occur if you dont selectively breed for the desireable traits. If you let the plant procreat on its own and never select for potency, yield, bag appeal, flowering time, then the traits can become "lost", so to speak. The environment will help facilitate certain genes and phenotypes to express themselves.

Select for the traits you desire and keep backups of each generation of seed. Should you notice a steep decline in a certain desireable trait, go back a few generations, or bacross to an older gen to try and reintroduce the lost trait.

Growing outside doesn't naturally improve or degrade your plants, poor selection and letting it go "feral" do. Though, one might find something of interest in a "feral" sample.

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This could occur if you dont selectively breed for the desireable traits. If you let the plant procreat on its own and never select for potency, yield, bag appeal, flowering time, then the traits can become "lost", so to speak. The environment will help facilitate certain genes and phenotypes to express themselves.

Select for the traits you desire and keep backups of each generation of seed. Should you notice a steep decline in a certain desireable trait, go back a few generations, or bacross to an older gen to try and reintroduce the lost trait.

Growing outside doesn't naturally improve or degrade your plants, poor selection and letting it go "feral" do. Though, one might find something of interest in a "feral" sample.

Great info, well said. Thanks Diesel. My breeding has been crossing similar types to similar. For example, I crossed a g13 x hash plant with another hash plant. I liked each plant that i used as an parent and also wanted to keep the results as similar as possible to the parents. Same with sativa doms. SSH x my old time sativa to try for more sat like results And as much potency as possible from the SSH and sat effects of mine which were potent too but all sat. I haven't however been able to really work with most. I only have 3 crosses out of lots due to a situation, 40 vials according to the docs…Thanks again Diesel!