Searching For The Cure

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

The 5th week of flower today. Things are moving in the right direction. The scrubber is on regularly now as the room absolutely reeks.
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Here are a few of The Cure:
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Beautiful Mu 👍
Here’s a pic of one of those top colas. It’s the last of my Cure from Nov 2022!!!
I wish I could describe the taste. I don’t know, but my aged weed like this, reminds me of an old aged wine. The taste becomes complex and remains so much longer than fresh bud. The effect is mellow which is good.
Not really a fan of the music, but HUGE fan of the plant 😊
Enjoy Mu


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Aloha fellow firewalkers!

I haven't forgotten you but didn't feel anything needed to be reported as things are doing well these days. Going back to my simplified way of growing is bringing the goodness. The room is filled with an overwelming odor these days. As soon as I open the door after night time it almost knocks me down. The scrubber is on much of the time these days but you can still smell the peculiarities when you come inside the house after being outdoors for a while. It has been 105F/40C outside lately and it has taxed my AC. The room has gotten to 86F/30C several times now 🥵. Anyway, here are some of the plants to look at as they approach 8 weeks of flower. Aromas are sawdust and blueberries and strawberries right now.

cure2 7_8.JPGcure4 7_8.JPGcure3 7_8.JPGcure1 7_7_8.JPGcure5 7_8.JPG

105mm f/4

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Well I went into the room several nights ago with my green light on only to find a faulty humidifier throwing off a bright blue light. SOB *#^#! I can only think that when I moved the unit a day or two ago it may have reset it as far as the display on/off is concerned. Anyway, the two Cure nearest are showing some nanners. They are close to harvest... but I think the blue light is the culprit. Always good to check in on the off-hours eh? It is already 9.5 weeks now and many of the Master Kush Skunks have already come down but I think the Cure could stand another week or two before they are ripe enough.

cure1 7_20.JPGcure2b 7_20.JPGcure3 7_20.JPGcure4 7_20.JPGcure5 7_20.JPG

Pluck those freckin nanners.
I have blue painters tape over the LED lights on the air conditioner and dehumidifier, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the cause of bananas that I just saw on one of my plants just harvested.
So why doesn’t the moon cause Nanners with outdoor plants?

Great question, Skuncle Lenny. Something that I've always wondered as an outdoor grower. The reason the Full Moon does not affect plants is in the way the human eye perceives light and the way a plants photo-receptors perceive light. A plant can 'stare' at the Sun for 12 hours and not 'blink an eye'. We stare at the Sun for 12 seconds and may be blind for life. We often confuse lightness, brightness, luminoisity, etc., for the same thing. They are not. I will leave it to anyone interested to look it up.

A Full Moon is not bright at all but it appears to be very luminous to us. It 'seems' to light up our surroundings like daytime. A plants photo-receptors do not deal with luminosity very well and so the Full Moon does not 'light up the night' to a plant. The Full Moon is not at all bright. If you have an excellent light meter the Full Moon should measure about .0034 Lux or .25 Lumens on your meter. Not bright enough to affect a plant.

The tiny little light bulb in your AC, or fan, etc, will generally produce at least 5 Lumens or more. That little light bulb is 20 times brighter than the Full Moon. It does not have much Luminosity due to it's small size. But it is bright. Plants don't care about luminosity but brightness does affect them. Also, different colored lights would affect plants differently as plants are affected by different color light spectrums. In street terms - this is why the Full Moon does not affect plants - it is not as bright as it seems.

5 Lumen AC Bulb

Great question, Skuncle Lenny. Something that I've always wondered as an outdoor grower. The reason the Full Moon does not affect plants is in the way the human eye perceives light and the way a plants photo-receptors perceive light. A plant can 'stare' at the Sun for 12 hours and not 'blink an eye'. We stare at the Sun for 12 seconds and may be blind for life. We often confuse lightness, brightness, luminoisity, etc., for the same thing. They are not. I will leave it to anyone interested to look it up.

A Full Moon is not bright at all but it appears to be very luminous to us. It 'seems' to light up our surroundings like daytime. A plants photo-receptors do not deal with luminosity very well and so the Full Moon does not 'light up the night' to a plant. The Full Moon is not at all bright. If you have an excellent light meter the Full Moon should measure about .0034 Lux or .25 Lumens on your meter. Not bright enough to affect a plant.

The tiny little light bulb in your AC, or fan, etc, will generally produce at least 5 Lumens or more. That little light bulb is 20 times brighter than the Full Moon. It does not have much Luminosity due to it's small size. But it is bright. Plants don't care about luminosity but brightness does affect them. Also, different colored lights would affect plants differently as plants are affected by different color light spectrums. In street terms - this is why the Full Moon does not affect plants - it is not as bright as it seems.

5 Lumen AC Bulb
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Awesome teaching LB👍
Great read and makes perfect sense