Postie Weed!


#3 was male leaving 1,2 and 4.

#1 is very lanky with massive internodal spacing and the slowest to flower.
#2 is very similar but slightly shorter in stature and flowering a little quicker.
#4 is looking very good, squatter, better structure, and powering on much quicker than its sisters, and is beginning to get schticky already!

Will throw up some pictures in the near future.

:) (y)
Soooo number 2 is exhibiting the sweet musky goodness along the lines of Jack which is one of the big boxes ticked and starting to stack on the flowers! Reminding me of a NL pheno I had many moons ago
Number one, similar in every way to number 2 but not as fragrant.
Number 4 looks and smells like a couple of the SSH I have managed to finish, with that same fruity smell, an abundance of white pistils and much denser flower clusters. She will finish faster than her sisters.

This hunting malarkey sure is fun!

This girl is plodding along, a less powerful version of .2



This Girl was slept on, she is starting to show her true self now and has me wrapped around her finger leaves. Her aroma is musky and sweet like the SSH and Jack Herer I have had in the Netherlands. I'll be watching with bated breath.



So far quite similar in appearance and smell to the 2 SSH girls I have ran, but shorter.

Started on the scissors last night for the earlier girl. (Pics to come)
Having a hard time putting my finger on the aroma, will have a bit more time tonight to mull it over whilst engaged in the labour of love :)

The back two are coming along nicely and have a beautifully sweet scent.
Hello folks,

Hope you’re all doing the best you can.
Here’s a snap of one of the bunch of colas from the first girl. And a jar of flowers that is going away to cure.

She was picked a tad early, even after almost 13 weeks she’d happily gone few more but had to come down.

This is almost identical to the last run of SSH I did. Big ol’ flower clusters and a fruity almost tropical smell and taste with a mild buzz that you feel in both your head and body. It is nice and clear and of good quality (as always with MNS stock) but alas is not what I am seeking.

One other remaining sisters on the other hand, is looking and smelling sweeeeet with and almost Jack Herer x Leather smell. Which is getting closer to the to the profile I’m a huntin’
These ladies are at 15 weeks, last 3 have been 10/14
I’m a fussy bastard and won’t be happy till I’ve found it 😂

Depending on how these last two pan out, I reckon I’ll crack the rest of the straw I have of SSH and keep trying my luck there. The pheno I had in De Dampkring back in 2013 blew my mind and if I can wind up with something even remotely close as far as punch and profile, I’d be in a state of green nirvana 🙏🏽

A straw of Mango Haze has recently been added to the fridge too. And I’m excited to see what springs forth from there.

We’re a little spoilt for choice ‘round these parts and super grateful for it too.
The hunt although a slow and steady process, is incredibly fun.

Happy holidays !



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Hey Cloffy, how has that cure turned out so far. Also, how did the sweet leathery smelling gal turn out. Did you find what you were looking for? Great thread.
Heya Diesel, have been a bit slack of late due to some health issues, have had to put the brakes on after some issues with my vision cropped up.

The first gal picked, which had the fluffy orange yet solid flowers, was pretty much a carbon copy of one of the SSH gals I had before. Same tropical fruit taste and smell and overall growth pattern and time taken (9 to 10 weeks of flowering) was pretty well the same too.
The high is fairly mild and short lived but pleasantly motivational, a good day time flower.

The leathery musky girl is the best of the lot, she took nearly 14 weeks of flowering to finish up. Herr aroma has evolved into sweet, earthy, lemony scents with a little of the leather hiding underneath. I have found she is great for aches and pains and for me, puts me into a contemplative state. As opposed to the tumbleweeds that usually roll around inside my head.
She's the closest to what I am aiming for so far, but in my opinion isn't worth another crack. Also it did have a solitary bottom branch that had 20 odd healthy seeds, and there was only 3x NL5xHazes in there.

The third one was pretty unremarkable, was similar to the musk girl in structure and finishing time has already been decarbed and turned into tincture, as she came out with very low resin production and little to no smell but made some good pain killing gummies :)

Will be planting the rest of the straw in the very near future to keep on hunting.

Take care and all the best :)(y)


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G'day Folks.

Trying my luck with another 4 (wish I had more room but you gotta play with what you're dealt) Approximately 2 weeks from planting, straight in the media this time, and they were up and out in a flash! Going to keep "the freak" around and see what eventuates.


Great seeing your grow, man. I grabbed a pack of these and will be planting 20 or so to start inside and take outside for a small hunt and selection to rerun inside in the fall/winter.

Been reading old posts from 2010ish regarding the current MNS NL5Hz stock. To reiterate what I read...It appears this stock is not the exact original from the 90s which some may be used to. Same male, dif NL5 female (old seed stock from Nev).

You ran lower numbers, but what's your take so far? Good to know you popped more for "furthur" hunting. Any other stuff you'd like to share regarding your initial grow?

Any old schoolers on here who have an opinion of the current MNS NL5Hz offering? Please be honest as I think everyone will benefit. Not all smoke is keeper smoke, but not all smoke is larf either. Numbers play a part in selection, but what's the line like overall? Any worthy phenos to look for? My search is for flower time, incense/musk, and potency.

Keep the pics coming, dude

Peace y'all and great info so far!