Northern Lites #5 x @fghani


Hello all. First indoor grow since 2005. Running NL#5xAfghani Was going to run Super Silver Haze from Greenhouse as well but I'm holding off for now till I get the NLxA dialed in.

Using two tents. Veg /mother tent is a Spider Farmer 2x4x6 kit with an SF 2000 light.

Flowering tent is a Spider Farmer 3x3x6 kit withe a G3000 light.

This will be a learning experience. All I have ever used indoors are fluorescents and HID lamps.


6 NL#5 x Afghani set into a shot glass to soak.

3 Amnesia Lemon set into a shot glass to soak.

I never have soaked seeds before to aid in germination. I have seen it recommended so I am giving it a shot.
Hello all. First indoor grow since 2005. Running NL#5xAfghani Was going to run Super Silver Haze from Greenhouse as well but I'm holding off for now till I get the NLxA dialed in.

Using two tents. Veg /mother tent is a Spider Farmer 2x4x6 kit with an SF 2000 light.

Flowering tent is a Spider Farmer 3x3x6 kit withe a G3000 light.

This will be a learning experience. All I have ever used indoors are fluorescents and HID lamps.


6 NL#5 x Afghani set into a shot glass to soak.

3 Amnesia Lemon set into a shot glass to soak.

I never have soaked seeds before to aid in germination. I have seen it recommended so I am giving it a shot.
I soak sometimes . No more than 24hrs personally after the soak I put in a zip lock bag with aoist napking to germinate . Usually have tails within 2 days on most. Some take a little longer. I have also gone straight to soil which usually poke their heads up after 3 days
No matter which way you go , good luck with the babies
First misshap....spilled my shotglasses of seeds and got them mixed up. Oh well. I'm sure it will be pretty apparent who is who soon enough.

10/1/23 planted seed into the dirt after their soak. Saw tails on two seeds. They soaked a bit more than 24 hrs maybe 36 at most.
After more than a week in the dirt after a soak none of the NLxAF have sprouted. One out of 2 other ones has . Others are Amnesia Lemon. I believe that is an Amnesia Haze x Lemon Skunk.

Only thing I did different than any other time is the pre soak. Mary Have gone too long.

Still have 12 seeds though so I'm going to get them going Asap and hopefully has better luck.

I did several things wrong with those seeds....just never had it bite me in the ass. Try to have everything as optimal as I can this time
After more than a week in the dirt after a soak none of the NLxAF have sprouted. One out of 2 other ones has . Others are Amnesia Lemon. I believe that is an Amnesia Haze x Lemon Skunk.

Only thing I did different than any other time is the pre soak. Mary Have gone too long.

Still have 12 seeds though so I'm going to get them going Asap and hopefully has better luck.

I did several things wrong with those seeds....just never had it bite me in the ass. Try to have everything as optimal as I can this time
Give them a little more time they may have sunk a little deeper when you watered them in . That's why I like the zip lock baggy and a fast food napkin moistened to sprout the seeds until they have a tail. That way I know how many have sprouted roots. Leave them until they have at least a 1/3 of an inch tail before planting. That's it.
Give them a little more time they may have sunk a little deeper when you watered them in . That's why I like the zip lock baggy and a fast food napkin moistened to sprout the seeds until they have a tail. That way I know how many have sprouted roots. Leave them until they have at least a 1/3 of an inch tail before planting. That's it.
No soaking with that method?

I'm going to dig up the seeds and try paper towels method on them. I looked at a couple yesterday and they not doing anything
@Roscco did any of them sprout? I find good rates with a 12'ish hour soak and straight into pre-moistened soil. If you gently water with something like a turkey baster or bansai water can, the seed shouldn't move much.

Just make sure to always pre-moisten the soil or the water and seed will float everywhere. I made that mistake this run. šŸ«¢

Good luck with your grow! I'm curious what this line has to offer. šŸ˜
Sooo.....none of the NlxAfg have sprouted. Used paper towel method on the luck. 2 showed tails and I planted them but my heat mat got really hot and I think it might have been too much for them. I find it odd that out of 18 seeds I have fuck all to show for it. I have literally seen seeds and pot plants be abused and neglected in the worst ways and still thrive.

My 1 Amnesia Lemon is doing ok....seems slow growing. planted some freebie Gorilla Glue fem and just popped 3 Super Silver Haze in a cell pack After germination....waiting on the other 2 to show tails.
Sooo.....none of the NlxAfg have sprouted. Used paper towel method on the luck. 2 showed tails and I planted them but my heat mat got really hot and I think it might have been too much for them. I find it odd that out of 18 seeds I have fuck all to show for it. I have literally seen seeds and pot plants be abused and neglected in the worst ways and still thrive.

My 1 Amnesia Lemon is doing ok....seems slow growing. planted some freebie Gorilla Glue fem and just popped 3 Super Silver Haze in a cell pack After germination....waiting on the other 2 to show tails.
That's sad news, I germinate in the same way as you did and always have succes with mns beans.
This year I germinated Mango Haze's that I had stored in my fridge for over 13 years and more than halve grew into strong plants.
I've grown a lot of varieties from here and germination was never an issue.

Did you got them from here?
@Roscco I'm sorry you weren't able to get the rest to pop.
I've only popped 3 straws so far, but I've had 100% germination myself.
At least you have some idea between potentially too long of a soak and/or the heat mat for what to do different next time.