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Nl5HzZu on the Diesel train

Three days in, since flipping to 12/12. The plants have handled the trimming without missing a beat.

They recieved their second aerated worm veg tea, today. All five testers are a healthy green, bug free, and without visible defects.

They got 🌧 today with tap bubbled 48 hours and ph adjusted to about 6.4. I watered in a circle trying to encourage root growth. The soil had more moisture than when I normally water. I don't want them to wilt and stress.

Last 24h.= avg. Temp 75.6, avg humidity 77.6%, avg VPD .67kPa.

They are sporting their first few pistils. Dreaming of dank 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲

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Most of the gals got their sweet tooth satiated today with a BlackStrap Mollases watering. I recieved my new PH probe. When I added my normal amount Ph down, the water was Ph 7.4, when I was expecting 6.4.... looks like I needed that new probe. I re-adjusted the Ph to 6.5.

I turned on the humidifier yesterday. It seemed to help raise the VPD.

Last 24 hours- avg temp 73.8, avg humidity 65.6%, avg VPD 0.97kPa.
SF G4500 set to 70% and several inches from the tops, I raised it to 10"-12" from the tops.

#1- 23 1/4" up from 19", 4 1/4" growth in six days.
#2- 21" up from 17 3/4, 3 1/4" growth in six days. She has the furthest pistil growth, they're popping up low in the canopy, with multiple at the tops.
#3- 21 1/4 up from 17 1/2", 3 3/4" growth in six days.
#4- 21 1/2" up from 18 1/2", 3" growth in six days. She was not watered because her soil was still too moist. She only has 1/2 or a 1/3 of the biomass of the other four phenos.
#5- 25 1/2" up from 19", a whopping 6 1/2" of growth in six days!

These girls are already stretching for the 🌞.

Edit: The clones recieved their first watering today, no mollases. I'm hoping for strong new mums! 😁
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The ladies recieved an IPM treatment of Dr. Zymes.

Nl5HzZunami #2 already seems to be forming little budlets on her top-most sites.

Nl5HzZunami #1 fills the area with a "fresh" plant aroma whenever she's touched. No specific smells yet, but she is aromatic, none the less.

Next week I'll defoliate and trim away any useless lower branches. The girls are very bushy, I want good light and air exsposure to the lowest parts of the canopy. My last grow, I found one flower during trimming which had just started to mold. I don't want my testers turning out like that SFV OG Kush. I'm so suspect, whenever break open a new nug from her jar.

Flipped to 12/12 eleven days ago.

Looks like I accidentally left the light off in the flower tent for a few days. 😅

Regardless, I wish you could all see the girls right now, they look amazing. They are all a vibrant green, no clawing or twisted leaf tips, and pest free! Btw, bud sites are popping up everywhere. 😉

Average #'s for the last 24 hours.
Temp: 72.5, humidity: 60.3%, VPD: 1.09kPa.

A Few notes for each pheno.

Nl5HzZu#1- Her planter was very light, I gave her extra water. 26" Smells of nutmeg from a stem rub.

Nl5HzZu#2- 21 1/2" A stronger smell of nutmeg than #1 & my fingers are sticky after the stem rub. 😍

Nl5HzZu#3- 23 3/4" A generic green plant smell with a hint of nutmeg after a stem rub. She currently has the most developed budsites.

Nl5HzZu#4- 22" She smells like fresh laundry when her stems rubbed and my fingers are sticky after. 😍 Her budlets are currently the least developed.

Nl5HzZu#5- 26 3/4" She was very light and watered extra. Her stem rub is a bit more complex. Nutmeg at first, then cloves, then a pungent rubbery or chemical smell.

I remember @musashi mentioning he uses silica, so I picked up some Simply Silica and used it today for the first time. I poured 3 tsp into 5 gal of aerated water PH'd to 6.1 this raised it to 6.2 😄 I hope it helps.

Stay Hazed and have a wonderful day, everyone.
Many on this site have written of the benefits of silica when it comes to strengthening cell walls which in turn leads to better pest and pathogen resistance. Stronger cells walls can also lead to better water retention and thus better heat resistance. It generally makes for more efficient nutrient uptake bc of improved structure. It's even been suggested that it increases lateral branching and further, silica increases the production of plant stress hormones. I can't speak to that but personally, I have noticed stronger stems and bigger plants when I use it. In the past, I have grown monster Shark Shock and MKS plants using this additive.
I have used Pro-Tekt, then I switched to a product called VeriSil. It is also a potassium silicate product and it was more economical. Most of the products out there are potassium based as I understand the addition of a positive ion contributes to greater concentrations of silica. I've had the product for several years now bc I initally bought a shit ton of it but recently it doesn't seem to be as effective. In revisiting silica product sites I learned that the K version may not be as easily absorbed and degrades after awhile. No wonder I am not getting the results that I was initially getting! I recently decided to try Bio-Ag's Ion-14. It is a mono-silicic product that also contains humic acids AND it is fairly economical. I understand that this form is pH neutral which is conducive to bacterial growth and offers better bio-availabilty. Because of it's neutrality, I don't have to adjust pH as much as I used to. I've always had great success with Bio-Ag products in the past, having used their ful-power and vam-endo mix for years and will let you know how this product works out.

had the product for several years now bc I initally bought a shit ton of it but recently it doesn't seem to be as effective. In revisiting silica product sites I learned that the K version may not be as easily absorbed and degrades after awhile. No wonder I am not getting the results that I was initially getting! I recently decided to try Bio-Ag's Ion-14. It is a mono-silicic product that also contains humic acids AND it is fairly economical. I understand that this form is pH neutral which is conducive to bacterial growth and offers better bio-availabilty. Because of it's neutrality, I don't have to adjust pH as much as I used to.

I read that most Silica peoducts will lose viability as the ph goes down, so they cant be moxed agead and can lose viability over time.

I did read that, abput the Mono being uptook easier by the plant and it not raising the ph.

I made sure to check my ph before and after using the silica.

Mu, do you use it through flower, or do you stop use half way through flower, like some do?

Hi Diesel,

I have been using Silica products for my last 5 grows. I start using it the second those little bastiges bust ground and continue to use it until the last watering which is sometimes the night before chop. I did check my PH once during these five years but I didn't like the number so I never checked PH again. If the PH is too high or low the plant gives you signs of this as you know. As my plants generally look pretty healthy, I continue to Keep It Simple. As an aside, if you never use a Silica product in your life you can still grow jaw dropping potent plants. As always, cannot recommend doing what I do. Just sharing some information, information not shared is information lost.

Good Luck with the grow! :)

@longball Thanks for the feedback.

I agree that great results can be had with minimal inputs from us. All it takes is quality soil, good water, and that beautiful HID in the sky. Having said that, I'm not against utilizing products to maximize quality and productiveness.

I'm slow to try new products. Silica is one I've been pondering for some time.

I did check my PH once during these five years but I didn't like the number so I never checked PH again. If the PH is too high or low the plant gives you signs of this as you know.

I know many growers here never need to check or adjust PH. But, I've consistently had issues with my grows when I'm not mindful of my water/soil PH. If I ever leave the area or switch to HID, perhaps I won't have to worry as much about my PH.

Hey @Diesel840, pH never seems to be a problem in OD grows, but ID in smaller containers, it often has to be a consideration bc imbalance can happen quickly and remedies take longer for the plant to get back on track. Ask me how I know. Take a look at the early days of my AB grow.
pH for silica has to do more with mixability. It doesn't do well mixing it up in a basic solution, it precipitates out. They say it is best to mix it in an acidic solution where it stays soluble. When I use granular, I mix it in the water first before adding the other ingredients. It stays in solution (even starting off using basic water) better that way. I use it primarily in veg and the beginning of flower. Generally, I try not to use too many additives during flower especially for sativas. Using it in veg does seem to strengthen stems and branches. I'm a believer in happy roots and happy shoots. Happy fruits often come easier after that.
It is true that silica is not considered a necessary element but I have found it indispensible for PM, mite, and heat protection. It is great as a foliar for that purpose, (make sure to rinse out your sprayer after; as it does tend to gunk it up as it solidifies). Keep it green brah!

Oxygen and silicon, are the first and second most abundant elements in the Earth's crust respectively, making silica a major component of sand, rocks, and many other materials; essentially, it's one of the most prevalent minerals found on Earth. Silica is a major component of soil, making up about 27% of its composition. Kind of hard to believe a person using good soil would be short of silica. I started using it on my second grow. I didn't know much and saw the better growers on the site using it. I bought some - too much. So I used it for a couple seasons - not throwing money away. Since then, Autoflower Girls and friends keep buying me garden things for Christmas, so more silica. "See how nice your plants look, Honey, from using the Silica I bought you for Christmas? ", lol so I keep using it. This year I am using 1/3 of the silica I used to use. Perhaps this year I need silica more than ever as I am using the 'soil' I already grew my 2022 crop in? That crop may have used all the silica in the soil already! :eek: We'll see how this year's crop goes.

Before I ever heard of silica and PH I heard of K.I.S.S

K.I.S.S. grow

I'm a believer in happy roots and happy shoots. Happy fruits often come easier after that.
I too, live by this motto. I try to create a good microbial environment to keep the roots and thusly, shoots as happy as possible. Feed the media, not the plant, sorta mantra.

Of course I'm still a noob, ever learning more. Which is most of the fun, don't you think so?

20 years of reading equals jack shit, when I've only a handful of grows under my belt. Every grow, I improve and better "understand" what I've spent decades "learning". Failure and exsperience are two of the teachers.

It is great as a foliar for that purpose, (make sure to rinse out your sprayer after; as it does tend to gunk it up as it solidifies). Keep it green brah!

The Simply Silica I purchased claims that it doesn't clog and is safe for hydroponics and drippers. We'll see. Frankly, my water ia so damn hard, that I should be running oure water moxed with vinegar theough my misters occasionally. Simply as a maintenance procedure so that I don't have to keep replacing them.

Btw, I've been saying "Keep it green", since my twenties when I first met Mary Jane. It's kind of a motto of mine. When pwople point out that I drink, I assure them that the hops werw green at one point! 🤣

Thanks again for the advice and wisdom, Mu and Longball.

😅 Umm... I accidentally left the light off again, after performing maintenance. So um, yeah... 🤣😅

Anywho, good thing I went into the tent to check the soil ph. I figured that the day after a watering would have the soil moist enough, and give a more accurate idea of soil ph.

#1- 6.5 ph.
#2- 6.5 ph.
#3- 6.1 ph.
#4- 7.0 ph.
#5- 6.9 ph.

The SF G4500 was only 4-6 inches from the tops. I decided to move her to about 2 feet above canopy level. I want to let them grow up into the light, and am thinking I was a bit too close last grow.

All of the ladies in the 2x4 flower tent were heavily defoliated yesterday @ 13 days post flip. I was more aggressive with the defoliation than I have been in previous runs. I'm hoping that they don't miss a beat, and I end up with better developed flowers throughout the canopy.

Nl5HzZunami#1 needed a fair bit of growth/branches rwmoved from the lower and inner canopy, to aid airflow.

I took before and after pics. Once I have a working computer, I'll upload the pics.

Keep it green, my friends.
The gals recieved their first feeding of Alaska Fish Fertilizer. @longball you weren't kidding about the smell, God Damn! 🤢🤮🥸 four days later and the lung room still reaks of fish guts. 🤣 Should be some good stuff.

The plants look incredible. 4/5 plants are showing some serious stretch and putting out lots of pistils. One of the plants cuts through the fish stench with a sweet candy like smell when disturbed. Every single plant is the healthiest I've seen. Not a single leaf is showing any kind of stress or nute/ph problems... knock on wood. 😅

I installed a second oscilating fan. There is a small stationary fan belew the canopy, by my air intake. A Spider Farmer oscilating fan. My new oscilating Vivosun. I really wanted to buy a second Spider Farmer, since my last Vivosun fan stopped oscilating within days of purchase. Unfortunately, the delivery window for the SF would have been December, hense my giving Vivosun a second chance.

I see jars of candy scented buds, in my future!

My experience with Vivosun has been all over the place. From the cheapest shit almost impossible to send back to pretty good stuff for the price!? I'm confused! I try to stay away but from time to time they are the only one with what I need in stock. It helps to be a gambling man as you know you can't win them all. 🤞

Alaska Fish Fertilizer is great. Would not hesitate to recommend to anyone. Well, at least for outdoor soil growers. I keep forgetting this is mostly an indoor grow site and my advice rarely works.

Alaska Fish Fertilizer is great. Would not hesitate to recommend to anyone. Well, at least for outdoor soil growers. I keep forgetting this is mostly an indoor grow site and my advice rarely works.
One must embrace the stinky fishy, if they want the Icky Sticky. Plus, no worries for neighbors smelling weed if my place reaks like dead fish. It's stealth!!🤣

I installed a second oscilating fan. There is a small stationary fan belew the canopy, by my air intake. A Spider Farmer oscilating fan. My new oscilating Vivosun. I really wanted to buy a second Spider Farmer, since my last Vivosun fan stopped oscilating within days of purchase. Unfortunately, the delivery window for the SF would have been December, hense my giving Vivosun a second chance.
My experience with Vivosun has been all over the place. From the cheapest shit almost impossible to send back to pretty good stuff for the price!? I'm confused! I try to stay away ...


Here's a great product review video. Best I've seen so far. - FF