NL5Haze x Zunami Test

My 2 girls are 10w under 12/12, while the 3rd is going on 6w:
Tallest shows the most yellowing, but still has a ways to go. No amber yet. Fruity aroma.
The other 70 day girl is further along with beautifully purpling. Has a nice STANK to it. No fruity smells here.

Trichomes are coming along nicely. Mostly cloudy 🌥️ with a nice start of ambering. I’m gonna give her 5-7 more days of no water.
3rd and last is The Runt that has taken its time and has stay squat with some nice bud structure:
☮️ 77 days tomorrow and I’m gonna call it on the midsized purplish example of the NL5Haze x Zunami.

I’m starting to see tri heads falling off/bare stalks so that’s enough of that!!!
She’s STANKY FRUIT. Pungent.
While the taller, lankier and naturally defoliating example shows tons of white, the trichomes say differently.

Ambering has started. I’ll 🪓 her next week at 12w.


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2nd Northern Zunami will be harvested tomorrow at 87 days. Long flowering for a plant mid-sized, though bugs are nice sized. More Hazey than fruity smelling and buds also show Haze genetics of nubs/tiny nipplez…

Northern Zunami 1 was harvested 8 days ago and just finished its Cannatrol cycle of dry & cure. IT’S CRAZY HOW GOOD THIS BUD SMOKES AFTER 8 DAYS!!!
Moist and firm buds with the same pungent fruit smell on bud break up.
Smoked tastes super fruity, dare I say grapes. 🍇 DELICIOUS 😋
Just sampled a small, finger joint size bud.
High isn’t too strong/debilitating.
Which is a great thing because the way this taste you definitely wanna smoke more. On that note…💨💨💨
Northern Zunami 1 was harvested 8 days ago and just finished its Cannatrol cycle of dry & cure. IT’S CRAZY HOW GOOD THIS BUD SMOKES AFTER 8 DAYS!!!
Moist and firm buds with the same pungent fruit smell on bud break up.
Smoked tastes super fruity, dare I say grapes. 🍇 DELICIOUS
Looks like you did a bang up job with that gal! Thanks for sharing Skuncle. I can't wait to get mine flipped. 🤤
Hello MNS Family,
After waiting a while for things to dry, cure and be ready to sample I now feel able to provide an accurate smoke report on the Northern Hazami plants that I have had the pleasure to work with over the last 5 months.

Pictured are some of the smaller buds which I feel give an accurate representation of resin levels and colour profiles of all three phenotypes I worked with.

I tend not to overly trim buds that are for personal consumption as it is fairly pointless and means that I am handling the buds and potentially knocking resin glands off when for myself there really is no need.

A few key points -

- All plants were grown indoors under HPS lighting.
- 100% organic soil mixed with 25% worm castings, a sprinkle of dolomite lime and a small amount of added perlite for aeration.
- Nutrients were from the Canna range - Vega and Flores and were used sparingly so I could assess the plants in a more 'natural state'
- pH range from 6.0-6.4
- Lighting regime of 11.30 ON and 12.30 OFF

This plant was / is an absolute beast. It stinks to high heaven in veg and likes to really 'grow' for it. Unfortunately with this desire to grow comes a predisposition towards fibre as much as flower so this is something that would need to be really dialled in to ensure that the plant is producing as much bud as possible and not putting excess energy into vertical node building. Yield potential is good - I just need to figure out the best way to tweak it into maximum bud formation.
Flowering times ran around 73 days with a second run of clones finishing around a week earlier.
Aroma - spicy haze with a hint of citrus fruit - mainly lime and orange and also a note of vanilla. Incense and strong haze smell when burned or vaped.
Flavour - slightly hazy with a beautiful taste of orange peel which coats the mouth and fills the senses.
High - top shelf. The high is up, euphoric and clear and can cause fits of laughter. It is weed to get things done on and puts you in a positive place whilst chores are completed. The smoke is perfect for a day time vibe and in social situations. As the buzz begins to wane after a couple of hours there is no burnout. You are simply back from a magical mind journey. There is also a more reflective side when consumed at higher doses which can lead to some serious mind wandering.
Would I keep this strain? I am still undecided due to the sheer scale of height increase and its natural disposition towards rapid fibre production. Outdoors may well suit this plant better. Clones are currently being maintained and retested indoors before any decisions are made.


The most indica leaning of the three I ended up with. This particular plant liked to remain short and stocky with minimal flowering stretch and pole like growth which make it an excellent SOG candidate.
Flowering times ran around 78 days so despite it's leaning towards the indica side of things in terms of growth it actually went a few days longer than #1 and #3 which showed far more sativa tendencies. You have to love variation!
Aroma - berry, berry and more berry. She reminded me very much of an ASH plant I had a few years back AND one of the G13AC test plants I ran that also leaned towards the indica side of things.
Flavour - easy one this - strawberry and blueberry with a hint of citrus.
High - initially there is a twinkle in the eyes as the high starts to build. This is followed by a gloriously languid and trippy feeling where one is happy and at peace with the world. It is not a day ender but it has already caused me to change plans more than once. There is real power to be found in this particular plant and I would describe the high as a balance between indica and sativa with a slight indica dominance. I enjoy this strain in an evening when anything serious I have to do has either already been completed or can be left for another time.
Would I keep this strain? Probably not in this instance although I do still have clones and have a second run well underway to make sure that I can be truly sure.


The more balanced grower of the three. This plant initially struggled in germination and was a fair way behind the other two. However, once it became established it really took off. Compared to the other two it is a good solid yielder which came with it's own issues - namely mould after a cold and wet spell in May. The clones I have since run have had no such issues so I am confident it was a grow room error rather than any major susceptibility to mould. This plant turns purple regardless of temperature and is an absolute stunner. She also produces more resin than either #1 or #2.
Flowering ran around 74 days with clones being at least a week quicker.
Aroma - oranges and haze. Delightful to smell - I often find myself with my nose in this particular jar marvelling a the unique scent it gives off. A family member remarked that it smelled of 'wood' and fruit when vaped which is something I can totally agree with.
Flavour - a hot orange drink combined with cedar and sandalwood notes. It coats the mouth and leaves me wanting more.
High - boom! This particular plant is high energy and almost a little on the speedy side. She opens the doors of the mind and can cause some quite trippy sensations. Great for a quiet day somewhere in nature, not so good in a supermarket or in situations where making sense is important. I prefer the more mellow vibe of #1 but this lady certainly has her place.
Would I keep this strain? I still have her for further tests so watch this space.


I hope I have done these strains justice in my review.
It has been a pleasure to once again try something new and different and to be able to pass fair and honest judgement without bias or external pressure.
So thank you to @musashi and @shantibaba for the opportunity to test run these seeds.
It is a tick from me though I feel that on a personal level I am more suited to 50%+ haze strains. Bring on something with mango next time.
Keep it green.
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Great job @The Flea. I like to sound of number 3.
Many thanks @Fish.
#3 is a great plant to grow and she certainly looks the part. The smoke / vapor is also very impressive.
Mind you, the other two are very worthy in their own right. Touch decisions in terms of what to keep or not.
At least I feel like I'm now ready for the summer to come around for some lazy hazy beach days.
Many, many thanks @easty.
All the buds are dripping in resin and have a range of autumnal colours, so not difficult to make them look good.
The next time the sun comes out I'll try and take some better quality pictures in natural light to hopefully really show them off in all their glory.
Keep it green.
Definitely a nice problem to have there! Well done on the grow mate 💪