NL5Haze x Zunami Test

Hello MNS Family,
Today marks Day 50 of the flowering cycle and the Northern Hazami are trundling along quite nicely.

Temperatures have dipped over the last 10 days and the plants have responded by showing some real autumnal colours.
The cool temps are less than ideal but are unavoidable and will provide an insight into how these plants respond in cooler conditions.

#1 continues to dominate the room. She is a beautiful example of the cross and is really going strong. The smell is spicy with a fruity sweetness and a hint of haze and citrus.
Resin production continues to be good and I can't wait to sample her once dried and cured.





#2 is really starting to fatten up. She smells dank and 'skunky' with a pronounced sweet berry odour.
I like her a lot even though I have never been a huge fan of the indica dominance in some strains. She is very resinous and has been a breeze to work with so far.





#3 has followed in her sister's footsteps (#1) and has shown some real sativa dominance in her growth patterns. Her smell is still similar to that of #1 but slightly more muted. I would say it has a slight orange / citrus spice with a subtle hint of haze. She is a big lady and is rapidly putting on weight. Her colours are a joy to behold.





It is always a pleasure to grow genetics of which I know very little about as I have no preconceived idea about what to expect. Therefore, everything is a surprise.
In this case it is a very pleasant and pleasing surprise.

Until next time.
Keep it green.
Hello everyone, sorry for the delay in updates. I've been finishing up some other projects, keeping these ladies as bonsai moms in the meantime. So, not much to report. I've given them their final pruning. When they fill back out, I'll take clones for veg. I want to slowly work the containers up to a 5-gal fabric pot then flower.

They seem to be fine as bonsai moms. Except for 5HzZu#3 displaying some tacoing on her fan leaves after the last prune, they've been fine. Two of the phenos have 3 fingers on each fan leaf with another sporting that on the upper fan leaves. I wonder how if this will change after flowering? Here are some photos of the pruned bonsai moms.
@Skuncle Lenny @The Flea Your plants look amazing, thank you so much for sharing pics of them!






Hell MNS Family,
What an eventful last two/three weeks it has been. With that in mind there is lots of good and some bad to report with regards the NL Hazami plants.

Here goes -

#1 had faded to the point that she had practically given up so was harvested at day 73. Mold had been an issue on one of the other test seeds (#3 - more on that later) and I simply couldn't afford to wait any longer. The weather had turned damp and cool and so the need to save her far outweighed the fact that she needed around another 5-7 days. She smells like sweet orange haze with a hint of spice so I ain't complaining. The joys of gardening!

Here she is looking less than resplendent but much better in real life -





#2 has caught my eye more and more as she has developed. I very rarely work with indica dominant plants as I much prefer the flavour and high of sativas. However, I may make an exception for this plant. She is rock solid with no mold and has a scent of orange skittles. Absolutely delightful to look at and I would say that the colours match the aroma which isn't something that happens very often. Here she is at Day 76.
I can see a BOTM entrance coming on!





#3 was the dark horse of the grow. She kept stacking on the weight and I was over the moon with her hazy citrus smell. The terminal cola was the biggest I've ever seen. Unfortunately as the weather cooled and a couple of days of heavy rain set in she developed mold. Thankfully it affected only one portion of the main cola and after some cutting and pulling I managed to restrict the damage. As disappointing as it is, things could've been worse. After much deliberation I took down the top cola and left the rest of the plant intact. She requires another 3 or 4 days. The picture shows the plant AFTER I'd chopped out the moldy spot and BEFORE I removed the whole top cola.




I hope my efforts with these plants has been useful and of interest. I have loved every minute of the grow and have learned ever more - 30 years in and there are always new things to be learned.

It could have been that the story ends there.
It doesn't.
I have clones of all 3 currently in Week 1 of flower with another round of cuttings to follow. Lessons from the seed run have been learned and these girls will be pampered like never before.
So along with a detailed smoke report to follow, I will also keep the thread updated with progress of the cuttings.

Keep it green.
Hell MNS Family,
What an eventful last two/three weeks it has been. With that in mind there is lots of good and some bad to report with regards the NL Hazami plants.

Here goes -

#1 had faded to the point that she had practically given up so was harvested at day 73. Mold had been an issue on one of the other test seeds (#3 - more on that later) and I simply couldn't afford to wait any longer. The weather had turned damp and cool and so the need to save her far outweighed the fact that she needed around another 5-7 days. She smells like sweet orange haze with a hint of spice so I ain't complaining. The joys of gardening!

Here she is looking less than resplendent but much better in real life -





#2 has caught my eye more and more as she has developed. I very rarely work with indica dominant plants as I much prefer the flavour and high of sativas. However, I may make an exception for this plant. She is rock solid with no mold and has a scent of orange skittles. Absolutely delightful to look at and I would say that the colours match the aroma which isn't something that happens very often. Here she is at Day 76.
I can see a BOTM entrance coming on!





#3 was the dark horse of the grow. She kept stacking on the weight and I was over the moon with her hazy citrus smell. The terminal cola was the biggest I've ever seen. Unfortunately as the weather cooled and a couple of days of heavy rain set in she developed mold. Thankfully it affected only one portion of the main cola and after some cutting and pulling I managed to restrict the damage. As disappointing as it is, things could've been worse. After much deliberation I took down the top cola and left the rest of the plant intact. She requires another 3 or 4 days. The picture shows the plant AFTER I'd chopped out the moldy spot and BEFORE I removed the whole top cola.




I hope my efforts with these plants has been useful and of interest. I have loved every minute of the grow and have learned ever more - 30 years in and there are always new things to be learned.

It could have been that the story ends there.
It doesn't.
I have clones of all 3 currently in Week 1 of flower with another round of cuttings to follow. Lessons from the seed run have been learned and these girls will be pampered like never before.
So along with a detailed smoke report to follow, I will also keep the thread updated with progress of the cuttings.

Keep it green.
Beautiful plants @The Flea as usual, those last few cold showery days did not help us out!
Can’t wait for your smoke report!
NL Hazami Update 📰
7w today for 2 examples, 2 1/2w for 3rd:
Heights ranging from 34”, 28” and 44”.
Aromas for taller Cola is sweet haze. Aromas for midsize is mostly haze.
Aromas for tiny lady is non-existent.
Hope the end result exceeds the journey🤞
Looking good @Skuncle Lenny.
I notice that the taller of your plants is also fading earlier than the others. Some of the NL Hazami's really can eat!
I'm glad you've started to encounter some smells. All of mine are down and drying and they stink. Everything from orange, spicy, haze, to dank, overripe kiwi fruit.
I can't wait to sample them all.
Keep it green.
My two NL5HzxZ are growing nicely in 3 gallon pots preparing for Summer solstice.
We begin hardening off this weekend in 100+ temps and Single Digit Humidity at 4875’ elevation! Brrrrr 😂
Ah but it’s a dry heat.
Photos to follow.
☮️ Friends
63 days today for the 2:

The taller one has a hazey fruity aroma, while the smaller is mostly fruity.
The 3rd and slow grower(not a shower) is 26 days and starting to develop.
The Flea says his were done in 73 and 78 days.
For me, that would be 2 more weeks, which certainly looks possible.
Terps b maturing