NFP UK Medical grow


Hi Shanti,

I understand you are a very busy man but hopefully you get a chance to skim this at some point. I'll keep it short as an opener. I am looking into the requirements and associated costs around establishing a not for profit UK grow facility. If this is possible, there would still be a major uphill struggle in both getting word out to patients and getting the financially motivated private clinics to stock said brand.

Do you have any experience or knowledge you could share or am I being too idealistic thinking this would be tolerated by the UK industry?
To cultivate cannabis here mate you need a license, and good luck with getting a successful application, I tried and was denied, and even met with my MP. He wouldn't even tell me how many permits were granted to private patients like me, and not pharmaceutic businesses......there weren't any.
It's a great idea in an ideal world but the government aren't going to let people take a slice of their pie, and can you imagine the red tape? I doubt any clinic will touch any cannabis offered by a grower. There will be so many hoops to jump through when producing medical grade medication. Plus, I'm a patient at a UK cannabis clinic and I've noticed the prices per gramme shoot up in the last 6 - 9 months, and instead of a reasonable £5 - £6 per gramme, you now see the cheaper strains costing between £8.50 - £10 per gramme. It's shit if you're disabled being able to afford your meds. It's the same old story, the people in need, and would benefit greatly, are priced out of treating themselves because we can't get cannabis meds on the NHS, which is very unfortunate 😥
I'm prescribed 2 oz plus 30 ml cannabis oil, which would cost me about £750 per month, and I can't afford that living on benefits.
Maybe you'd find it better to find a few people in need of meds near to where you live, and help those people who can't get or afford to buy decent meds.......I dunno mate it depends what you're trying to achieve ✌️👍
To cultivate cannabis here mate you need a license, and good luck with getting a successful application, I tried and was denied, and even met with my MP. He wouldn't even tell me how many permits were granted to private patients like me, and not pharmaceutic businesses......there weren't any.
It's a great idea in an ideal world but the government aren't going to let people take a slice of their pie, and can you imagine the red tape? I doubt any clinic will touch any cannabis offered by a grower. There will be so many hoops to jump through when producing medical grade medication. Plus, I'm a patient at a UK cannabis clinic and I've noticed the prices per gramme shoot up in the last 6 - 9 months, and instead of a reasonable £5 - £6 per gramme, you now see the cheaper strains costing between £8.50 - £10 per gramme. It's shit if you're disabled being able to afford your meds. It's the same old story, the people in need, and would benefit greatly, are priced out of treating themselves because we can't get cannabis meds on the NHS, which is very unfortunate 😥
I'm prescribed 2 oz plus 30 ml cannabis oil, which would cost me about £750 per month, and I can't afford that living on benefits.
Maybe you'd find it better to find a few people in need of meds near to where you live, and help those people who can't get or afford to buy decent meds.......I dunno mate it depends what you're trying to achieve ✌️👍
I fully hear you am also UK medical patient and agree it is a club for the boys when it comes to private which is the only option in UK unless you want sativex or one of the few government approved products. With that said at some point the NHS will have to widen it's options and I think that is where there is a potential opening as then keeping the cost down becomes in the best interest of whatever party of thieves is currently in power.

I also have grander ideas about maybe finding some doctors who aren't totally money oriented and are willing to volunteer a few hours a week to running a free clinic. So a bit like Curaleaf etc that have both the clinic and the pharmacy but UK grown and at a fair price from a not for profit. Just from the environment standpoint it seems a joke that the UK exports and imports weed when it could all be grown here. Politics and profit doing more damage to people and the environment, I appreciate they are not going to make it easy, but if there is a way even if it's hard I'm willing to at least try to do the right thing.

Can I ask were you just trying to get a license for personal growing as I feel that would be pointless because my understanding is the fees are around £15k alone p.a. so you'd need to be spending in excess of £1200 a month to see any savings?

The way I see it is that although it would be a NFP clinic and pharmacy in name it is effectively the german club model incorporating iicense fees.

If I have any luck I can count on you as a patient? :ROFLMAO:
Well good luck mate. Things have come on leaps and bounds at long last, all we need as far as I'm concerned is for it to be legal to grow up to 10 plants and produce our own meds.
If I have any luck I can count on you as a patient?
Well if it's good meds at the right price, then I'm always looking for that mate 😆👍✌️
Well good luck mate. Things have come on leaps and bounds at long last, all we need as far as I'm concerned is for it to be legal to grow up to 10 plants and produce our own meds.

Well if it's good meds at the right price, then I'm always looking for that mate 😆👍✌️
Yep, I'm also pushing the GYO petition, I mailed it to a load of UK head shops and asked them to share any way they can, walk ins, link on homepage etc. I will do grow stores next, not holding out much hope but if you don't try n all that.

I just think for those not physically in a position to GYO then we still need a better alternative than the cost of private (y) Something like the early US medical where you could give your allowance to a registered grower for them to grow on your behalf could work too.
Yep, I'm also pushing the GYO petition, I mailed it to a load of UK head shops and asked them to share any way they can, walk ins, link on homepage etc. I will do grow stores next, not holding out much hope but if you don't try n all that.

I just think for those not physically in a position to GYO then we still need a better alternative than the cost of private (y) Something like the early US medical where you could give your allowance to a registered grower for them to grow on your behalf could work too.
Definitely mate. Legal medical is a huge step forward for our country......but most of the people who need it can't work, live on benefits, and can't afford to buy it. Like me most of the time with the massive increase in the prices of everything now 😐
We should definitely be allowed to grow enough for people like us to be able to use the medicine, it's really wrong that we can't.....yet.
To be honest, I was a recreational smoker in the early 90s for about 15 years and gave it up, so my own personal opinion is that it should be available to anyone who wants it, not just med users. It certainly changed my life for the better mentally and spiritually after 1991 👍✌️