New Studies Destroy The Last Objection To Medical Marijuana


Staff member
Source: AlterNet (US Web)
Copyright: 2007 Independent Media Institute

Anyone who advocates for medical marijuana sooner or later runs into arguments about smoking: "No real medicine is smoked." "Smoking is bad for the lungs; why would any doctor recommend something so harmful?" It's a line of reasoning that medical marijuana opponents have used to great effect in Congress, state legislatures, and elsewhere. Indeed, the FDA's controversial 2006 statement opposing medical marijuana was couched in repeated references to "smoked marijuana."

But new research demonstrates that all those fears of "smoked marijuana" as medicine are 100 percent obsolete.

The smoking argument was the closest thing to a scientifically meaningful objection to medical marijuana. While marijuana smoke, unlike tobacco, has never been shown to cause lung cancer, heavy marijuana smoking has been associated with assorted respiratory symptoms and a potentially increased risk of bronchitis. That's because burning any plant material produces a whole lot of substances such as tars, and carbon monoxide that are not good for the lungs.

Nevertheless, inhalation is clearly the best method for administering marijuana's active components, called cannabinoids. Cannabinoids such as THC are fat-soluble molecules that are absorbed slowly and unevenly when taken orally, as in the prescription THC pill Marinol.
This means that Marinol typically takes an hour to two hours to work, and dose adjustment is nearly impossible. Patients often report that when it finally kicks in, it hits like a ton of bricks, leaving them too stoned to function.

For that reason, The Lancet Neurology noted a few years ago, "Smoking has been the route of choice for many cannabis users because it delivers a more rapid 'hit' and allows more accurate dose titration."
Because the effect is nearly instantaneous, patients can simply take as many puffs as they need, stopping when they've achieved the needed effect without excessive intoxication.

So far, no pharmaceutical product -- not even Sativex, the much-touted marijuana spray now marketed in Canada -- achieves this combination of rapid action and simple, accurate dose adjustment.

Back in 1999, the Institute of Medicine's White House-commissioned report on medical marijuana conceded marijuana's medical benefits, saying that what is needed is "a nonsmoked rapid-onset cannabinoid drug delivery system."

The new studies -- one from the University of California, San Francisco, and the other from the University at Albany, State University of New York -- confirm that such a system is here. It's called vaporization, and has been familiar to medical marijuana patients for many years, but few outside the medical marijuana community know it exists. Unlike smoking, a vaporizer does not burn the plant material, but heats it just to the point at which the THC and the other cannabinoids vaporize. In the Volcano vaporizer tested at UCSF, the vapors are collected in a detachable plastic bag with a mouthpiece for inhalation.

The UCSF study, conducted by Dr. Donald Abrams and colleagues and just published online by the journal Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (to appear in the journal's print edition on May) compared a commercially available vaporizer called the Volcano to smoking in 18 volunteers. The subjects inhaled three different strengths of marijuana either as smoked cigarettes or vaporized using the Volcano.

The researchers then measured the volunteers' plasma THC levels and the amount of expired carbon monoxide, which is considered a reliable marker for the unwanted combustion products contained in smoke.

The two methods produced similar THC levels, with vaporization producing somewhat higher levels, and were judged equally efficient for administration of cannabinoids. The big difference was in expired carbon monoxide. As expected, there was a sharp increase in carbon monoxide levels after smoking, while "little if any" increase was detected after vaporization. "This indicates little or no exposure to gaseous combustion toxins," the researchers wrote. "Vaporization of marijuana does not result in exposure to combustion gases, and therefore is expected to be much safer than smoking marijuana cigarettes."

A second study, by Dr. Mitch Earleywine at the University at Albany, State University of New York, involved an Internet survey of nearly 7,000 marijuana users. Participants were asked to identify their primary method of using marijuana (joints, pipe, vaporizer, edibles,
etc.) and were asked six questions about respiratory symptoms. After adjusting for variables such as age and cigarette use, vaporizer users were 60 percent less likely than smokers to report respiratory symptoms such as cough, chest tightness or phlegm. The effect of vaporizer use was more pronounced the larger the amount of marijuana used.

"Our study clearly suggests that the respiratory effects of marijuana use can be decreased by use of a vaporizer," Earleywine commented.
"In fact, because we only asked participants about their primary means of using marijuana, it's likely that people who exclusively use vaporizers will get even more benefit than our results indicate, because no doubt some in our study used vaporizers most of the time but not all of the time."

In a rational world, the government officials objecting to medical marijuana based on the health risks of smoking would greet this research with open arms. They would join with groups like the Marijuana Policy Project in spreading the word about this important, health-enhancing technology.

Don't hold your breath.
Finally a good report, for all those anti-smokers and prohibitionists please read and take note,no hiding behind that statement no more 'smoking anything is bad for you crap'(but the gov love the tax off ciggies ,no ban on tobacco i see,)
Vap's the futre people,its getting a better day by the minute,right now wheres my
peace all
Smoking is definitely way more harmful than need to see a written report from officials to understand simple, obvious things..

In my mind the joints are the most harmful way compared to bongs/waterpipes etc..Smoking rolling paper or tobacco with MJ is one of the reasons joints are more harmful.Smoke is very hot and there is little or no filtration .Cancers usually start from constant tissue irritation from hot , toxic and carcinogenic hot smoke .

Many MJ users seem to need to increase the daily 'dosage/consumption' or need to consume large amounts to get the expected results.This happens when 'smoking' for a continuous period, for many days in a row, the effects from a specific amount consumed decrease as the user shows ' tolerance' to THC and cannabinoids and the effect is less pronounced.So what is really important is to stop to consume for a couple of days and the effects will be strong as the first times when you start to smoke again!Many people say they need a few days, others say they need a week.Its very crucial to not overconsume as the cannabinoid receptors are always locked and you cant feel that beautiful 'initial rush' as you are in a constant 'stoned' state.Here I also think its important to note that having a variety of different strains with different high profiles can also help as.. variety the spice of life! :D

The same thing happens with most drug's active ingredients and patients often need to use a combination of different drugs to get a more effective treatment.
If one wants the very best way to 'smoke' .. , .. smoke pure concentrated hash/kiff and use a good waterpipe/bong (or even a vaporizer) to inhale cooled and somewhat cleaner 'smoke' .This way you dont inhale smoke from veg material at all thus way less exposure to dangerous substances

But to be honest I can never resist the thick smoke from a big rolled fattie :rolleyes:
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Hi all,

I think it's great to see these reports,

There has been studies on 50 year old rasta's,

Who smoke in excess of 2 oz a day for 35 years plus,

With not a single case of of cancer recorded in that group,

I don't think you can build up a tolerence to good sativa dom strains,

Indica's yes,but not a sativa,

I grew NL5 x Haze ,for a long time,

Everyday ,same clear,up high,no ceiling,flying ,most potent mj ,i ever smoked,

A smoker who got to try some,lay on my bed for 5 hours,bombed out,

That person had been smokin 25 years day in day out,

To this day ,i havn't found that same hit,i'm searchin though,and it's good fun,

These report's are done by the same people who have told us for years,

mj is harmful,this is their opion,based on their tests,

that tell us veg matter from mj is harmful.

There alot of info around the world,good and bad ,

It's up to us to investigate ,and make our own choices,not just to believe everything we read or see.

That's why i think it's great to have these reports brought up, and disscused in an adult fashion.

peace all.
I agree with you that these reports are great to see and read indeed :),

But you got me wrong ,I just mean Its funny to do a research ...., just to find out that Vaporising MJ is healthier than smoking with say joints....

...These things are OBVIOUS in my humble opinion..

As for the tolerance.....
Allow me to disagree on this and let me explain.
First of all I want to say I respect your opinion on the tolerance build-up but there are many factors that are very important.

For example 'daily consumption' is totally different than 'aggressive' daily consumption.Let me clarify this,

..if you for example, smoke only in the afternoon and smoke just a couple of grams a day you will built up tolerance in a longer period..
..but if you smoke say 10-20g daily you will definitely wont be able to feel that beautiful initial rush sativa high is all about.;)
You will get higher n higher as good sativas have no ceiling indeed BUT...
..for me the best high is when you havent smoken for a while and desire it so much ..and wait patiently ..but when you smoke get that blast-off .. pure rocket fuel!Thats why I love sativas and love MJ ..cause its damn trippy n makes me laugh :D
Dont get me wrong on this but I too have extensive experience with landrace sativas if I may say so, I hadnt seen or grown hybrids indoors until 5-6 years ago, before that I used to grow n smoke mostly outdoor grown landrace sativas and I from my personal experience I dissagree on the tolerance.I find all strains need a short break , to fell again that first rush n understand all the potential!

First of all NLXHZ is not even close to a pure sativa its more like a 50-60%sat in the genes.Nevs haze which is basically the NLXHZ backcrossed to Haze is still not a pure sativa , its ~75% sativa 'blood' is still not a pure sativa (but of course depends on the selection etc..)

And of course always can smoke 15+ g a day ..but the point is you wont get any higher or have a 'better time' that if you smoked less and 'learned' to enjoy it.
There are of course occasions where we smoke our lungs out ..but I find that you dont have to smoke a lot to have a truly good time, if you know what I mean ;)
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I personally believe it's a myth,(could be wrong),

That smoking a pure joint of mj is in anyway different,in health aspects,to using a vap,

I believe the herb is benigh in all respects(grown natural),

No harmful substances ,natures gift,

As for smokin pure sats for a long time,

yes i have had the pleasure to smoke thai,pure sat high,for a long time ,that again no build up of tolerence in any way,

As for % of sat in NL5 x nl ,i would,nt know,

But fom my experience, all the pure sativas i have had the pleasure to try,

have been nice,but nothing as come close,in a up high way,

And no shit, i or anyone else could smoke no more than 2 grams a day of that bud,

One joint would send you reeling for 5 hours plus,

I just thought i would point out why i feel that these reports are good to be posted here,

So the simple people like me ,can see the bullshit blown away with ,erm what we said years ago was wrong,you know the one(well mj wasnt quite as bad as we thought,it's the killer skunk ,you gotta watch out for today)

I don,t think it's obvious to most people, some of the bullshit that surrounds this medicinal plant,

But this is just mine and your views L33t,

please don't think i'm having a go ,
cuz i 'm not,

Just one mans view.

peace all

I personally believe it's a myth,(could be wrong),

That smoking a pure joint of mj is in anyway different,in health aspects,to using a vap,

This is definitely not the case!Smoking with joints is way more harmful than vaping , this is what the above research shows and is my personal opinion too!

Smoking even pure joints without tobacco means still smoking rolling paper.If you smoke a couple of joints a day that isnt too bad but smoking a pack of rolling PAPER a day is DEFINITELY HARMFUL!Its paper!

Moreover smoking the plant tissue (bud and leaf tissue) is harmful and it doesnt give any effect,
.. most active substances are found inside glandular trichome spheres so its kinda pointless to smoke plant matter if you can smoke only resin.

The healthiest way seems to be vaporising (where you only inhale the vapos and not smoke all the plant matter along with the resin)..
..or smoking the active ingredients in concentrated form like resin/hash etc to avoid exposure to extra harmful you inhale less harmful substances to get the desired effects.
Smoking from a bong is better as the hot gasses are cooled down and irritate the mouth and respiratory tissues less.

As for smokin pure sats for a long time,

yes i have had the pleasure to smoke thai,pure sat high,for a long time ,that again no build up of tolerence in any way,

As for % of sat in NL5 x nl ,i would,nt know,

But from my experience, all the pure sativas i have had the pleasure to try,

have been nice,but nothing as come close,in a up high way,

And no shit, i or anyone else could smoke no more than 2 grams a day of that bud,

One joint would send you reeling for 5 hours plus,

In my mind there are many landrace sativas with very nice n interesting high profile but many are low in resin or low in THC content compared to most hybrids .
This doesnt mean you dont get high but as the profile is sativa ,energetic up n high and not narcotic ,this allows you to be able to smoke alot while still being energetic and on the move!
On the other hand I find that most indicas are different, I personally cant smoke a big quantity of them like I can with pure sativas.
But this doesnt mean that the sativas are less potent if you know what I mean ;) Its just that the quality of the high is such that lets you smoke a lot and still function even if being completely high and trippin ;)

As for the tolerance perhaps its like you said ..different people.. different perception and different biochemistry as well!

I personally need a few days break after I ve smoked my lungs out, before I can get the in the same 'initial sativa rush state' and thats the case with most of the strains I ve smoked n grown.This is the case with both landrace and sativa hybrids.For example in the Hemp expo we were smoking constantly for 3 days after a month of constant smoking...By the end of the expo I have to say I couldnt get as high as I wanted and we smoked a LOT of different great strains , oils/ indoors, outdoor sativas etc ,
..after a 2 day break now, I rolled one and got way higher.

So it seems to be down to the user you said in the first place :)!

I still believe smokin hemp paper ,rolled around mj,

Will cause no long term damage,

as is the same with a vape,

this is my view only,

Which this research does put across,(not smokin reefers,but using a vap)

Thats why i thought it was a good report,taking away the bullshit,

But if they are admitting that now,

what will they say in 10, 20, 30 years time,

We were wrong about smokin reefers ,because it's proven know, that we know it fights against cancers(as proven now in lab studies on rats)

Or like the new argument today,old mj was harmless,

Killer skunk 10 ,no 30 times stronger,lol

why are most of us still chasin them old skool genectics,that pinned our ears back,not so long ago,

and i still think this plant won't cause damage,when high quality herb is consumed,

after all it's the same researchers that tell us the veg material contains tars and,harmful substances,

are we to believe them on this,

i think not,

good to have a chat take care,

we agree to disagree ,peace L33t
;)Nice chatting with ya man!Have fun!

Harmful or not we cant resist rolling a big fattie, cheers:D
One important thing we need to mention here is that the more exposure to any carcinogenic substance when smokin weed, the more the risk for health problems especially with the respiratory system in general.

A user that has a healthy life and smokes now n then some good ol' MJ doent compare to a user that smokes constantly from the time he gets up till he goes to bed n has an 'unhealthy' way of living..I hope I make my point clear.

Like everything in life needs to use MJ wisely ;)
Too true L33t,

except i dont think there are any carcinogenic substances in weed,i know the scientists say there is,but the scales seems to go towards tobacco on that one,only my view though!

As you know ,the stuff you smoke,people would need far less,cuz it's top shit,

The thing about smoking the best product,like the 73u,is you need alot of nice bud to start with,which if smoked as pure joints goes much further than the hash would,

I dont know about you but a plant lasts me a week,smokin as bud,

If i bubble that same plant it's gone in half that time,

The smokin is great ,but i coul'nt grow enough to support me smokin bubble all the time,but i know the health benifits to smoking a 'purer' product is worth it's weight in gold,

I agree it does need to be used wisley,like any other medicine,

great chat,thanks for posting some good points,

see you later,

peace L33t
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