NEW RULES- Open photo assignment- Share your favorite random pics

Recently, I was reading about how the Japanese Islands became separated from the Asian land mass and isolated unique species found no where else in the world. I've always been fascinated by snakes. Here's a few picks of several Habu.

Princess Habu

Okinawan Habu
The view from my campsite at Fundy national park last spring, I love natural patterns.
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On another note, I started a photo assignment group with some of my clients from work and I'm getting wonderful results. I work for folks with physical disabilities, and COVID took a huge toll on their spirit, as it did on people from many different walks of life. Like many of us, they didn't get much contact with loved ones, people, the outside world, etc... and fell into a variety of ruts. So I proposed the assignments where I bring up a theme for every month and they submit their favorite photo to represent the theme (as I originally had proposed here). They love it and have been submitting awesome stuff, expanding their horizons by opening their minds with intentional photographs as opposed to the usual random ones we normally snap as things catch our eye, and they are realizing that they are better at it than they thought as well as the potential of a cell phone as a legit camera. Taking photos within the group under the same theme also shows them that there are many different ways to present the same idea (theme), which helps them become even more creative over time. Anyhow, the side effects from this project are awesome IMO :)
The view from my campsite at Fundy national park last spring, I love natural patterns.
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On another note, I started a photo assignment group with some of my clients from work and I'm getting wonderful results. I work for folks with physical disabilities, and COVID took a huge toll on their spirit, as it did on people from many different walks of life. Like many of us, they didn't get much contact with loved ones, people, the outside world, etc... and fell into a variety of ruts. So I proposed the assignments where I bring up a theme for every month and they submit their favorite photo to represent the theme (as I originally had proposed here). They love it and have been submitting awesome stuff, expanding their horizons by opening their minds with intentional photographs as opposed to the usual random ones we normally snap as things catch our eye, and they are realizing that they are better at it than they thought as well as the potential of a cell phone as a legit camera. Taking photos within the group under the same theme also shows them that there are many different ways to present the same idea (theme), which helps them become even more creative over time. Anyhow, the side effects from this project are awesome IMO :)
Excellent story, idea and results. (y)
Hello Deach69! :)

Was your campsite at Fundy National Park near the Bay of Fundy? The Bay of Fundy's tidal range is the highest in the world. "The tidal range in the Bay of Fundy is about 16 metres (52 ft); the average tidal range worldwide is only one metre (3.3 ft). Some tides are higher than others, depending on the position of the moon, the sun, and atmospheric conditions. Tides are semidiurnal, meaning they have two highs and two lows each day, with about six hours and 13 minutes between each high and low tide. Because of tidal resonance in the funnel-shaped bay, the tides that flow through the channel are very powerful. In one 12-hour tidal cycle, about 100 billion tons (110 billion short tons) of water flows in and out of the bay, which is twice as much as the combined total flow of all the rivers of the world over the same period."


I'd be careful where I set up my campsite there!

All the rain has at least one good side ;) Today I harvested a lot of tasty organic vegetables grown in my small rental garden :love:

Keep it green and tasty
Shout out to Jonathan Slaght who has dedicated his professional life to safeguarding the rare Blakiston’s fish owl, the world’s biggest owl.

Blakiston’s fish owl
Eats fish and weighing up to 4.5 kilograms, "They are so large – standing 0.75 metres high – that Slaght and other researchers say they are commonly mistaken for a person, another animal, or something out of a dream: when flying their wingspan almost reaches two metres."
Excellent story, idea and results. (y)
Thanks man, it's working out better than I anticipated in a many different ways

@longball said "Some tides are higher than others, depending on the position of the moon, the sun, and atmospheric conditions."
Well, this is the explanation given by the spherical Earthers. The flat earthers would say it's some sort of magic or one of those pranks the lord likes to play on us, like embedding dragon bones and such beasts in stone to test our faith

I tried to find some of my own photographs of the fishing boats at the same wharf, but couldn't, will take some more for you the next time I go there, it never gets boring and make for awesome photos. I'm about an hour away on the Northumberland strait where the tides are only about 8-15 feet, which is still quite a bit.

@longball I certainly loved Escape from NY when I was a kid, I wonder if it would be worth revisiting or shatter the image
@Deach69 said: "@longball I certainly loved Escape from NY when I was a kid, I wonder if it would be worth revisiting or shatter the image"

Deach69, I watch it once a year just to see Adrienne Barbeau naked!

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In the legendary espionage action game series Metal Gear from Hideo Kojima tha main character actually is inspired by the main character from the above mentioned movie (wasnt it Escape from LA!?) - in a communication easteregg he is called Pliskin. The game is just fun and challengin and full of easter eggs...the Metal GearSolid for PSX still my fav so far. Fucking classic...