my 2023 outdoor season


'21, '23 COE Winner
i have start some seeds


for the mlsiter nice stuff

12 master kush skunk
3 nl5 afg (with a double) so 4 (to separated later)
3 nevil skunk
3 dreamtime
2 early skunk haze
4 critical widow


5 jamaican blueberry

home cross

4 tropicomango X jamaican grape
4 bubba kush X agent orange
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i have start some seeds

View attachment 73089

for the mlsiter nice stuff

12 master kush skunk
3 nl5 afg (with a double) so 4 (to separated later)
3 nevil skunk
3 dreamtime
2 early skunk haze
4 critical widow


5 jamaican blueberry

home cross

4 tropicomango X jamaican grape
4 bubba kush X agent orange

Nice line up (y)

I'm looking forward to see the Early Skunk Haze (y)

Good luck
i have start to remove the males i have already kill 1 dream 1 nl5afg 1jamblue 1troxjam

i think i have 1 dream and 1 nevsk will be male to confirm

6 males of mksk i will keep them for doing some cross i will do a selection on the 6 later

i have found a visitor on my garden this afternoon

i have start to remove the males i have already kill 1 dream 1 nl5afg 1jamblue 1troxjam

i think i have 1 dream and 1 nevsk will be male to confirm

6 males of mksk i will keep them for doing some cross i will do a selection on the 6 later

i have found a visitor on my garden this afternoon

View attachment 73782
I hope your visitor is not hungry! 😱
looking forward to see the girls.:)

What kind of friend?


"On this side of the pond, grasshoppers do not eat (live)bugs. Grasshoppers are herbivores, they eat plants. They mostly eat leaves, but also flowers, stems and seeds. Sometimes they also scavenge dead insects for extra protein. Because of their size and tendency to eat only plants, grasshoppers rank pretty low on the food chain, making them a tasty snack for predators such as birds, snakes, mice, frogs, and lizards."
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it's a friend

"The diet of the large green grasshopper is mainly made up of insects: flies, caterpillars, Colorado potato beetle larvae... It also happens to eat plants but, a priori, only as supplementary food!"
It's not a plague of biblical proportions yet but they are known for decimating crops so it looks like it could be a bit of a standoff.
This grasshopper looks ready to draw any second now. Ballad of Buster Scruggs style.
A stony silence descends upon the garden, imaginary lines are being scratched in the sand.....

On another note you might have discovered a new species of grasshopper or locust.
Look how long those antennae are and then look at the field grasshopper, only has little short ones.

What kind of friend?

View attachment 73794

"On this side of the pond, grasshoppers do not eat (live)bugs. Grasshoppers are herbivores, they eat plants. They mostly eat leaves, but also flowers, stems and seeds. Sometimes they also scavenge dead insects for extra protein. Because of their size and tendency to eat only plants, grasshoppers rank pretty low on the food chain, making them a tasty snack for predators such as birds, snakes, mice, frogs, and lizards."
every years i got a lot of grasshooper here never do damage on the plant
they eat the catarpilars i have allready a lot this year very early
the hens like eat them a lot

your picture look more than catarpilars damage
It's not a plague of biblical proportions yet but they are known for decimating crops so it looks like it could be a bit of a standoff.
This grasshopper looks ready to draw any second now. Ballad of Buster Scruggs style.
A stony silence descends upon the garden, imaginary lines are being scratched in the sand.....

On another note you might have discovered a new species of grasshopper or locust.
Look how long those antennae are and then look at the field grasshopper, only has little short ones.

you do a confusion with the cricket i think
i take this picture in portugal
the bigger cricket i ever see this is dangerous for the plant not a friend
i remember to say to my friend this one come from africa

betteween 15 and 20 cm

it's a femelle she is doing a baby not easy to see on the pic
at start i search wood for doing a barbecue and i see this
