MW Trifoliate.


Well-known member
Heyo all. Here's a wee oddity that I thought you all might like to see. In over 30 years of growing, I have only seen 2 of these. I recently wet some MW seeds that I thought were too old to germinate (over 10 years old ) and I was pleasantly surprised to find 8 out of 8 seedlings. Last of which was this trifoliate, it even had 3 cotyldon leaves. It's about 4 weeks old now but no signs of sex as yet. Obviously hoping for a girl , of course. Now I have to choose a mother or 2 from all these MW, tough choices, ay ? :)101_2801.jpg :confused:
Heyo all. Here's a wee oddity that I thought you all might like to see. In over 30 years of growing, I have only seen 2 of these. I recently wet some MW seeds that I thought were too old to germinate (over 10 years old ) and I was pleasantly surprised to find 8 out of 8 seedlings. Last of which was this trifoliate, it even had 3 cotyldon leaves. It's about 4 weeks old now but no signs of sex as yet. Obviously hoping for a girl , of course. Now I have to choose a mother or 2 from all these MW, tough choices, ay ? :)View attachment 72670 :confused:
saw your signature, celtic stone was the first strain i ever grew and the reason why i bought 3 packs of mango widow!