Medicine man

Beautiful plants . You got a real sea of green on the way. Hope you have plenty of ventilation and air movement. Can't wait to see how it looks in 4 weeks.
Thanks Island ! there are 2 18" fans moving the air inside the room and two 6" exhaust renewing the air. There are 16 plants in a 2m*1,8m SCROG, more or less like the commercial crops Ive seen, crossed fingers
Yes please. We'd all love to hear!

Your grow is like a glimps into my future. Lol. I have 12 female MM rooting atm, then into SOG like yourself! 😋

I hope your garden is frosting up nicely!

Sorry. It keeps double posting the last day or two
Interesting, my mrnice forum experience has also been lacking lately, may have to do with a certain youngsters bust...?
Already asked @musashi if im the only one experiencing issues in site performance, lately...coincidence?

Be safe guys!

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yessir, so prevalent I done went and assumed everyone is having issues? lots of database errors, I expect 10-20 a day, sometimes have to log out and log back in for example. So routine for months, figured everyone gets it and that's the way it's going to be or else it would have been fixed by now. no? The auction site? Fuhgeddaboudit

sorry to get off track, @unnamedmike! Beautiful plants you have going! (now, I can't get the cursor to move past this heart-eyes icon. was able to add angry icon but can't get past that either, arrgggh) :mad:😍
Yeah auctions login been fd up from the get go, now im also getting delays and cut offs in the main forum for at least a week. Before it was fine. But most important my paper touched down and i'll bee soon shaking some straws to get my riddim on....and as long as this stays a technical issue and wont translate into a legal issue for anyone i have no issue with riding it out...