Master Kaze- The Fire Within

Those are some seriously frosted flowers Mu! Well before I ever grew Master Kaze spoke to me. It's pedigree simply seemed to scream PERFECTION! I think I have some in vault. I'll have to check whenever my new label maker comes in, someone stole the one I already ordered. lol. Seriously Mu, you have re-sparked my need to try this chemovar. Great Grow!
Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Took a look at the tops today as we head into week 10. Several plants still with potent stigma. Leaves are coloring and drying. I am noticing a fair amount of milkiness now, and every so often a bit of creamy amber. The smells are of a sweet afghan perfume. They are pronounced right now. I would have liked more yield which goes to show that it pays to have those indies sit a bit longer in veg, don't you think? I am very much looking forward to the tasting.

Master Kaze
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I keep saying it mate, but f@cking hell those close up resin photos are absolutely stunning 👌✌️