Mango Widow 2022

Gorgeous šŸ˜» What aromas are you smelling?
There are 6 different aromas as none of the plants smell the same.

Floral, earthy, black licorice and other assorted funk. Nothing super fruity, citrusy or sweet. Subtle yet complex aromas/flavors are how I would describe them.

Next time I grow this strain i'll most likely have moved on from coco/salt ferts to no till/living soil in 5 gal pots so i'll be interested in seeing the difference.

Also... this is a fairly low odor strain. You really only smell them when you're right next to them.
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Hey brah!
It's been a while since your last aroma report. As you enter that harvest window, have the smells picked up or have they been further reduced?

They haven't picked up and having not grown this strain organically I have no idea if it's a salt fert thing or they're just subtle aroma-wise. Flavor-wise... 100% better than the seed run.

I'm pretty sure excessive dry backs led to too much e.c in the substrate (that wasn't properly flushed everyday) and it ruined the flavor/aroma on all but 2 of the plants. This run I made sure there was plenty of runoff each day and while it's probably not as flavorful or complex as a nice composted soil, it definitely smells and tastes like it should.

I wish it was easier to describe the smell/taste of my #6 like orange or grape or leather ect.. but tbh it's more like walking through pleasant smelling wildflowers mixed with salty ocean air. Not offensive at all... soft is how i'd describe it.