Mango Haze IBL- The Eternal Flame

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

12 weeks today as they continue to frost up in these last days. They are just starting to show amber. I figure sometime this week to harvest. No nutrient and little water. Some parting shots.

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Beautiful plants and great photos :love:

I realized that your backgrounds have a wide range of different colors. How do you change the background color on the photos?
Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Most of the Mango is down. I was not happy with the crop in terms of yield and attribute this to bad soil. I did not do a pH test on run off so something to consider going forward. This last plant that was a late seedling was salvaged from the bin. She was put in different soil and responded better. She will be taken down in a matter of days.
Mango Haze IBL #8
mhi 8 b 7_9.JPGmhi 8 7_9.JPG

Ok, this time I really mean it haha. As Shanti sez, when you think they are ready then put them off to the side and give them another week. At 16 weeks, she has a strong, delicious dank fruit sweetness. Worth the wait to get her right.

Mango IBL #8
manibl 7_21.JPGmanibla 7_21.JPGmaniblb 7_21.jpg

Looking amazing @musashi. Do you happen to know how many generations the Mango was inbred for?

I found this:

Hi arpege :)
Great question, I believe Mango Haze to be a most interesting variety on a number of levels. Below is some information from Shanti to help get you started in the right direction.

Mango Haze Inbred Generation
Inbred generation using female MH select to Male F1 selected seed made by Shantibaba personally.
Tall haze plant expected with good yields.
Unreleased prevoiusly in this version
Mr Nice Auctions Mango Haze Inbred Generation

Originally Posted by shantibaba
MH inbred is one part of a back cross i did some 16 months ago when i was playing around to find a 8-9 week cloner. Did not finish this work and there are some gems to find in this seed foresure....not much more info i can offer on i did not test it in this batch, only germination was tested.

Hope it helps!
Hey Mu, you might have said it but I've missed if it was the case, can you go into the soil differences a little more if you don't mind? What was the original soil you used and what was different about the soil you used for #8? Amazing grow, well done! Have you done a smoke report for the MH Ibl before? Actually I've just noticed you only posted those pics on Sunday, I'd imagine its still drying 😜
Aloha brah! I’ve used Fox Farm products for quite a few years now. I used Ocean Forest then switched to Happy Frog bc it was more economical. Never had a problem with either. But I am guessing that I ran into a bad batch. I had 10- 2 cf bags and my last two grows were subpar IMO. Most of the MHI I grew recently lacked yield, plants appeared stressed. The #8 was a late comer rescued from the bin. Newer soil, it grew like I am used to seeing plants grow. I assumed it was the soil but who knows? It could have been the pH meter. Nevertheless, it reminded me to pay better attention. All plants grew better with the new bags tho. The MedMan was started after with the newer soil with no problems…

Guys I will recommend bio biz soils I don't know what are the price range in the USA.
But is the best soil I'm my experience
Especially the light mix you can't go wrong with it.
You I'll need some bio grow and bio blow and that's it .
The easiest and most forgiving recipe i have tried till now.
