Male or female?

wow, I find the facts of your shown pictures really interesting!
hence my question to you: will the plant be cultivated further?
i'm asking because at first and second glance, picture #1 clearly gives me the impression of a male.
and then picture #2 comes into play...
if you like, please let us and me know how the good piece goes on.
from afar, I think it's a hermaphrodite, but only you can be more specific.
i would be happy if you keep us and me up to date.
green greetings,
ah, ok, i think i see what prompted you to ask the question.
so what i can tell you with my little knowledge is, that it is more common for the female characteristics to appear first and then the male ones to follow. but it has also happened to me that female characteristics suddenly and unexpectedly appeared on a male. does the plant still exist? i ask because: if I were you, i would flower him/her and use his/her seeds. because: doesn't this result in purely female seeds? is just an idea..
green greetings,
ah, ok, i think i see what prompted you to ask the question.
so what i can tell you with my little knowledge is, that it is more common for the female characteristics to appear first and then the male ones to follow. but it has also happened to me that female characteristics suddenly and unexpectedly appeared on a male. does the plant still exist? i ask because: if I were you, i would flower him/her and use his/her seeds. because: doesn't this result in purely female seeds? is just an idea..
green greetings,
In a case like this with one pistil the most seeds you may get is 1 unless there are more pistils about. Could be risky to grow them out as this trait may show itself again . But there can always be a gem in the mix as well.
In a case like this with one pistil the most seeds you may get is 1 unless there are more pistils about. Could be risky to grow them out as this trait may show itself again . But there can always be a gem in the mix as well.
well, admittedly. @Aoj365 should be careful not to continue observing the seed in a sinsemilla tent or greenhouse or elsewhere, but who knows what would become of this seed?
maybe it would be a super duper female. even if the chance is small and a hermaphrodite would probably emerge again. but a party cup would be worth it to me.

uh, one more thing...
i apologize for speaking to the wrong person last night at;
i didn't mean @BrotherBoris, but of course the questioner @Aoj365.
i apologize to both of you for my stupidity. thanks.
No problem, I kind of figured out the mistake. Nothing stupid bro, maybe a puff too many…hahaha. years ago I read somewhere about using a hermie for pollen to get all females BUT what I got was females that turned to herms! I’m not the expert just sharing my experience. The worst thing is that it was some pure sativa genetics from the old days and very powerful too. Extremely long flowering but well worth it before I used the hermie pollen. I would have been better off using a regular male and still have 50/50 males or females. Not sure if the hermie trait can be eliminated. Just be careful…
I’ve usually seen females go hermie but this look like it is going from a male to a slight hermie at this point.
Yeah, this is a first for me. Up until now id been growing bag seed that almost always resulted in some male parts sooner or later, probably how the seed got in there to begin with 😅

the laninas thrown 2 hairs from one of its ball but still just thinking about dropping pollen i guess. It was a bit stalled from cutting and was supposed to be pollinating a critical haze female but its probably missed its opportunity. Maybe the stress from switching to flower before being fully established.

well, admittedly. @Aoj365 should be careful not to continue observing the seed in a sinsemilla tent or greenhouse or elsewhere, but who knows what would become of this seed?
maybe it would be a super duper female. even if the chance is small and a hermaphrodite would probably emerge again. but a party cup would be worth it to me.

uh, one more thing...
i apologize for speaking to the wrong person last night at;
i didn't mean @BrotherBoris, but of course the questioner @Aoj365.
i apologize to both of you for my stupidity. thanks.
Hey man, i appreciate the input and thoughts! Always welcome, thanks for sharing yours. If it makes itself a seed ill keep it for you :)
Enjoy your grow and it’s all fun and a learning experience. I’d suggest getting whatever type you may like from Mr. Nice seeds and planting those rather than from bag. Stay happy too!
Are hermaphrodites difficult to grow or not?

ah, ok, i think i see what prompted you to ask the question.
so what i can tell you with my little knowledge is, that it is more common for the female characteristics to appear first and then the male ones to follow. but it has also happened to me that female characteristics suddenly and unexpectedly appeared on a male. does the plant still exist? i ask because: if I were you, i would flower him/her and use his/her seeds. because: doesn't this result in purely female seeds? is just an idea..
green greetings,
In a case like this with one pistil the most seeds you may get is 1 unless there are more pistils about. Could be risky to grow them out as this trait may show itself again . But there can always be a gem in the mix as well.