Major Findings from Long-Term Low-Dose THC Study


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Major Findings from Long-Term Low-Dose THC Study

- THC treatment had no significant effect on body weight but slightly reduced food intake, particularly by day 28.
- There were no major changes in the animals' home cage activity or their day/night activity cycles.
- THC had different effects on blood plasma metabolites between young (4-month-old) and old (18-month-old) animals:
- Opposite changes in branched-chain amino acids and lysine levels between young and old animals.
- Specific differences in methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and branched-chain dipeptide levels between age groups.
- Long-term THC treatment did not significantly alter CB1 receptor levels in the brain (cortex, hippocampus) or fat tissue.
- THC influenced metabolite levels in both blood plasma and the hippocampus after 14 and 28 days, with some changes lasting through 14 days of withdrawal.
- No evidence that THC treatment slows aging, but the different effects based on age suggest age-dependent metabolic responses.

Supporting information from the study includes detailed metabolic changes and their statistical significance.
