Let's grow Super Silver Haze

Yes it does a little WDS, just like any other strain I suppose.
You'd be surprised.

Ripening characteristics are FAR from uniform. Some stuff it really doesn't matter. Not even talking just about Hazes or sativas more broadly, even.

A lot of my experience, on that front, comes from trying to ripen things long enough to be good sleep meds. As a generality, I completely agree, but more things in Heaven and Earth and all of that.
Time for...

Super Silver Haze B

Flowered for 69 days...

Cured for ~9 months...

I'd describe the smell as: a little woody, hint of Skunk, hint of Haze (just a tiny bit), hint of lemon. The initial rubber smell is far in the background now. I guess the smell is as complex as the high. I like it!

The first pull of my last spliff of SSH B tasted like hash. I was quite suprised by that! It was followed by some notes of woodyskunkfruityness. Quite close to the smell, maybe a little more floral and less lemony. The cure added some clear creamyness to the taste, similar to SSH C, which is delicious.

The  High
SSH B still hits like a train. But in a good way. The high has not changed dramatically after the long cure. The onset is fast, after a few minutes I thought "man, I can feel my face being stoned".
It lightens up my mood, relaxes my body and has clear cerebral effects. It is a happy feeling, much less paranoia inducing than SSH C, but still pretty potent. It makes food more tasty, brightens up all the colours around you and let's you forget the troubles of the world for a while 🙂
I consider phenotype B very suitable for creative and social interactions, if you don't overload your system with it. You can be active and still have a decent conversation, it does not put you out of focus completely.

Super Silver Haze B was fun to grow. She managed to put out a nice harvest, though I put her through suboptimal conditions. She has a nice compact structure overall, less stretchy than her sisters. She's very resionous and has a complex stimulating high.
I cannot say a bad thing about her.
SSH B is sure a keeper for me. She is alive and well as a clone off a clone... I will put my mothers outside next year to keep them vigorous and healthy.

Time for...

Super Silver Haze B
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Flowered for 69 days...

View attachment 88340
Cured for ~9 months...

I'd describe the smell as: a little woody, hint of Skunk, hint of Haze (just a tiny bit), hint of lemon. The initial rubber smell is far in the background now. I guess the smell is as complex as the high. I like it!

The first pull of my last spliff of SSH B tasted like hash. I was quite suprised by that! It was followed by some notes of woodyskunkfruityness. Quite close to the smell, maybe a little more floral and less lemony. The cure added some clear creamyness to the taste, similar to SSH C, which is delicious.

The  High
SSH B still hits like a train. But in a good way. The high has not changed dramatically after the long cure. The onset is fast, after a few minutes I thought "man, I can feel my face being stoned".
It lightens up my mood, relaxes my body and has clear cerebral effects. It is a happy feeling, much less paranoia inducing than SSH C, but still pretty potent. It makes food more tasty, brightens up all the colours around you and let's you forget the troubles of the world for a while 🙂
I consider phenotype B very suitable for creative and social interactions, if you don't overload your system with it. You can be active and still have a decent conversation, it does not put you out of focus completely.

Super Silver Haze B was fun to grow. She managed to put out a nice harvest, though I put her through suboptimal conditions. She has a nice compact structure overall, less stretchy than her sisters. She's very resionous and has a complex stimulating high.
I cannot say a bad thing about her.
SSH B is sure a keeper for me. She is alive and well as a clone off a clone... I will put my mothers outside next year to keep them vigorous and healthy.

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I love your grow and smoke reports with all these great photos :love: Makes me want to grow SSH, too ;)

Are you planning to grow your SSH again this year?
