Lanina male inheritance question

I have a male Lanina that smells just like passionfruit and it got me thinking, will female offspring from him have a chance to express that trait or will only male children have a chance to inherit and express the smells from the father?

With genetics anything is possible, offspring can carry characteristics of the male and female.
It al depends on how strong the trait is of the father and how dominant the female is.

Only way to know is to make seeds and grow them out!
Please do let us know if you decide to make seeds.

I have a male Lanina that smells just like passionfruit and it got me thinking, will female offspring from him have a chance to express that trait or will only male children have a chance to inherit and express the smells from the father?
Also great advise would be to keep that male around.
If you not find one female that can get this trait, the other maybe could :)
You would certainly increase your chances of expressing that trait if you can find a female with similar characteristics. La Nina being in the Widow family can make great dads. I crossed some La Nina males to my Diesel with great success.

Assuming you still have more La Nina seeds, you could cross your male to your La Nina females and search through the progeny.
If you find a daughter with the passionfruit smell breed it back to the original father.
DNA gets mixed randomly when seeds are formed so the smell you are looking for could be present on either male or female offspring.
You may also find a recessive trait in the line by producing f2's and then you are really going down the rabbit hole.

If both parents have the trait, the child should, If one parent has the trait, the child could. If no parent has the trait, the child shan’t. If one parent has the trait and the other doesn’t, but a parent of the one that doesn’t does, then it still can be.
I asked bings GPT4 AI about it and this is what I got:
Me: thanks, that is very helpful. are you able to tell if those genes are dominant or resessive?

Bing: You’re welcome. I’m glad I could help. According to the search results, the genes for terpene synthases (TPSs) are not simply dominant or recessive, but rather show a complex pattern of expression and regulation depending on the plant tissue, environmental factors, and interactions with other genes1234. Therefore, it is not easy to predict how a certain gene will affect the terpene profile of a cannabis plant without considering the whole genomic and metabolic context3. However, some studies have identified genetic markers that are associated with certain terpenes or terpene ratios in cannabis53, which could be useful for breeding or selection purposes. 😊

Me: can a male father pass on its terpine profile to daughters?

Bing: That’s an interesting question. According to the search results, a male cannabis plant can pass on its terpene profile to its daughters, but not in a simple or predictable way12. The terpene profile of a cannabis plant depends on the expression and regulation of many genes, some of which are inherited from the male parent and some from the female parent234. However, these genes can also be influenced by environmental factors, epigenetic modifications, and interactions with other genes234. Therefore, a male cannabis plant may pass on some of its terpene genes to its daughters, but they may not be expressed or regulated in the same way as in the father. The daughters may also inherit other terpene genes from their mother that could affect their terpene profile234. 😊

With genetics anything is possible, offspring can carry characteristics of the male and female.
It al depends on how strong the trait is of the father and how dominant the female is.

Only way to know is to make seeds and grow them out!
Please do let us know if you decide to make seeds.

Greetz! I love genetics and the topic of plant breeding so much. Reading about Mendels peas was a favorite topic as a kid, knowledge is a bit rusty and outdated these days. I shall let you know.

Also great advise would be to keep that male around.
If you not find one female that can get this trait, the other maybe could :)
Im keeping a couple clones 👍👍

You would certainly increase your chances of expressing that trait if you can find a female with similar characteristics. La Nina being in the Widow family can make great dads. I crossed some La Nina males to my Diesel with great success.

I have a great crit haze mother ready to pair up with a couple lanina dads! Theyre so similar yet not. Cheers for the advice!

Assuming you still have more La Nina seeds, you could cross your male to your La Nina females and search through the progeny.
If you find a daughter with the passionfruit smell breed it back to the original father.
DNA gets mixed randomly when seeds are formed so the smell you are looking for could be present on either male or female offspring.
You may also find a recessive trait in the line by producing f2's and then you are really going down the rabbit hole.

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Yeah ok thanks man! That'll be what I try. I have a lanina female but im not sure what to think of her yet, i gave the rest of the straw away to a brother but I still have a straw in the freezer I could certainly use.

So I brother to sister if i can find another with the same passionfruit smell? Is it a common smell I can find in 1 pack? If not still cross to the best sister and then do a search of the resulting seed?

If both parents have the trait, the child should, If one parent has the trait, the child could. If no parent has the trait, the child shan’t. If one parent has the trait and the other doesn’t, but a parent of the one that doesn’t does, then it still can be.
I think its for sure worth my time making my own inbred lanina line even i cant translate that smell.
"I think its for sure worth my time making my own inbred lanina line even i cant translate that smell."

Absolutely. I just did F2's of The Devil. Also crossed the Male Devil to all my females as well.

I also have a volunteer plant in the garden that is a Critical Haze X Critical Mass (father). Just started growing from last years efforts. Smells amazing like lemon/lime eucalyptus cleaner.

I would have thought if you find the smell you are looking for in the offspring you might want to cross back to the original father, if possible.
But I am not an expert by any means. I just love making seeds.

A tip for any of you outdoor growers having trouble with caterpillars. Try growing something like horseradish or Kale family plants in your garden. Many butterflies will then lay their eggs there instead of on your babies.
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I have a male Lanina that smells just like passionfruit and it got me thinking, will female offspring from him have a chance to express that trait or will only male children have a chance to inherit and express the smells from the father? getting over it
Usually with plants, the male has the most fragrance to attract the female. It's the male pollen that needs to be spread to be passed on to the female, so I think Lanina will too.
"I think its for sure worth my time making my own inbred lanina line even i cant translate that smell."

Absolutely. I just did F2's of The Devil. Also crossed the Male Devil to all my females as well.

I also have a volunteer plant in the garden that is a Critical Haze X Critical Mass (father). Just started growing from last years efforts. Smells amazing like lemon/lime eucalyptus cleaner.

I would have thought if you find the smell you are looking for in the offspring you might want to cross back to the original father, if possible.
But I am not an expert by any means. I just love making seeds.

A tip for any of you outdoor growers having trouble with caterpillars. Try growing something like horseradish or Kale family plants in your garden. Many butterflies will then lay their eggs there instead of on your babies.

Thank you for the horseradish / kale family plants tip. Jim Lahey was right. SHITAPILLARS. Can you see the "leavings"? Seems like a wasp or wasps took it personal. Ouch. Ripley can't help you. GAME OVER MAN!!!


