I've fallen, and I can't get up! Pass the Medicine Man...😷

Thanks Diesel mate. I don't know which ones to try after super silver.....NL5 x Afghan, Ortega, Medicine Man, or G13 x Afghan Skunk. It's a tough decision
I found the Medicine Man made me functionally medicated. Great if you don't want to be debilitated. Great for relaxing, easing aches, enjpying somw video games or standup comedy.

I haven't tried the others. But, I read that Nl5Afg has some phenos that will knock one the f*** out. Can't go wrong with ortega. Could be some serious potentcy and flavors in the G13AfgSk. All of them are great, just depends id you want something narcotic or functional, and if your lookong four loud or underrated flavors. Let us know what you decide.

I shouldn't jump the gun though, my seeds have only just been posted so fingers crossed they get here safe and sound ✌️
Never had any issues here. I'm sure they will get there safe.

(Mr) Nice photos mate 👌
Thank you so much. 😁

I found the Medicine Man made me functionally medicated. Great if you don't want to be debilitated. Great for relaxing, easing aches, enjpying somw video games or standup comedy.

I haven't tried the others. But, I read that Nl5Afg has some phenos that will knock one the f*** out. Can't go wrong with ortega. Could be some serious potentcy and flavors in the G13AfgSk. All of them are great, just depends id you want something narcotic or functional, and if your lookong four loud or underrated flavors. Let us know what you decide.

Never had any issues here. I'm sure they will get there safe.

Thank you so much. 😁

Funnily enough, I had mail from Italy today so they've arrived safely 👍
Well I use Super Silver as a daytime med, so I would quite like the NL5 x Afghan to knock me out because me and sleep haven't seen eye to eye since 2007, and I'm pretty immune to most things.

Back in 2002 I bought the big book of buds and as a med user I used to dream about buying some Medicine Man seeds but could never afford them as they cost £100+ per packet......but today I actually have some in my fridge some and I can't believe that I finally own a pack, and the hope I have for my new strains is renewed.
I think it's going to be a toss up between Medicine Man and NL5 x Afghan first, But I'm also looking forward to Ortega and G13 x Afghan Skunk, with maybe the NHS and Dreamtime at the back of my queue. I'm sure there will be some good plants to be found.

Whichever one I try first, I'll be able to find valued information thanks to grow reports from people like yourself ✌️👍