In the Suitcase on the left, You'll find my favorite Axe


Mothership Connection
The Pink Floyd plants already ooze Sativa energy.
Lovely plants so far and not too fussy.

Here's a teaser pic:

I've got 8 PF plants that are a couple days into 12/12. I will not be taking clones because I need to keep my sativa slot open rolling into 2018.

They will be flowered in either 1 or 2 gallon containers.

Stay hazed
Hey jake,
Looking good! I tried to germinate some pink floyd before spring to try and get a step ahead this year. It turns out it was a bit too soon for those babys. Im excited to see what comes of your floyd grow. Will be tuned in, i feel there could be something great in this line
Take it easy,
Thanks for stopping in Fellas! Stay tuned.

For those who do not recognize the title of this thread here go some lyrics for you:

Day after day, love turns grey
Like the skin of a dying man.
And night after night, we pretend its all right
But I have grown older and
You have grown colder and
Nothing is very much fun any more.
And I can feel one of my turns coming on.
I feel cold as a razor blade,
Tight as a tourniquet,
Dry as a funeral drum.
Run to the bedroom,
In the suitcase on the left
You'll find my favorite axe.
Don't look so frightened
This is just a passing phase,
One of my bad days.
Would you like to watch T.V.?
Or get between the sheets?
Or contemplate the silent freeway?
Would you like something to eat?
Would you like to learn to fly?
Would you like to see me try?
Would you like to call the cops?
Do you think it's time I stopped?
Why are you running away?

Stay hazed
Hey jake,
Looking good! I tried to germinate some pink floyd before spring to try and get a step ahead this year. It turns out it was a bit too soon for those babys. Im excited to see what comes of your floyd grow. Will be tuned in, i feel there could be something great in this line
Take it easy,

That stinks man! I can only imagine that with their pedigree these Floyd's would absolutely astound and shock out doors in Oz.

Keep trying man! I think we'd all love to see that.

Stay hazed
Yo keep an eye out for those pink pistils/stigmas (sorry always confuse the right terms here).

I had them in 3 of my CM phenos. It's a bit early as they are drying but I believe they also tend to smell more berry than the others.
My assumption was that this comes from the afghan side of things. It is very, very pretty to look at. Unfortunately they do turn orange/brown eventually but the top cola often keeps going till harvest so you get a few pink hairs on those still, like I said, real pretty to look at and apparently an indicator for more berry type odors.
Yo keep an eye out for those pink pistils/stigmas (sorry always confuse the right terms here).

I had them in 3 of my CM phenos. It's a bit early as they are drying but I believe they also tend to smell more berry than the others.
My assumption was that this comes from the afghan side of things. It is very, very pretty to look at. Unfortunately they do turn orange/brown eventually but the top cola often keeps going till harvest so you get a few pink hairs on those still, like I said, real pretty to look at and apparently an indicator for more berry type odors.

Right on brother man!

A few years back, I kicked it with a guy who had a large basement operation here in CO. He believed the Pink pistil was a marker of high CBD... I never saw any lab reports to back that up.

At any rate, I love the Pink or Purple growing pistils so I will keep my fingers crossed to see some.

I really just hope for some sativa mojo for my cupboard. Over run with indicas at the moment. Lol.

Stay hazed, update coming soon
Well if you want Sativa Mojo, then why go with something that has Critical Mass in it? :D

Got no Nevs Haze, Mango Haze, SSH or similar lying around?

Off to auctions you go Bro :D
In all honesty broseidon, I don't want to grow the legendary haze strains until I can devote all my attention to them.
A whole pack minimum, mono crop run.
I need a couple bumper crops before that can happen :D

Anywho, here's some snaps of how the Pink Floyd plants are living.








As you can see, I had a favorable ratio with 6 females and 2 males.

1 female is missing from the pics. Sorry bout that.

Stay hazed
Yeah I'm also trying to have everything set, tried and proven before I run any of the Sativas. I expect them to be more challenging ;)
How can you have pudding if you don't eat your meat!?

Teaser pic to keep the thread alive:


The whole group is lovely. Beautiful haze hybrids. All looking sativa dominant except for the fact that I managed to keep them tiny. Combination of stress factors.

I will post more pics soon. Things are just heating up.

Stay hazed
Did you get any of the pink hairs during flower Bro?

Those really peaked my interest with the Critical Mass ones :D
The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older

Hi Guys! Thanks for popping in.

Mark, it's really hard to nail down the smells... very complex now that we're midway. Lots of sweet, fruity smells but also a very pungent background odor that varies between them. It's hazy, in my experience, but different. Darker. Kinda like leather soaked in molasses or something. Very hard to describe. Having grown the AB, this is totally, totally different. You'd be intrigued I bet.

I think I'll have one 8/9 wks, one 11wk(+) and the remaining 4 will be in that 10wk area. But, I could be wrong :)

Was looking for those pinkies after what you told me... alas, none showed. These are pretty anyway!

Perhaps, in the rest of the pack and in the f2s I'll find some colored pistil action. I'm more concerned with a nice yielding head changer though... :D

Some pics since I'm here:

Random shots, 7 wks flower.

Stay hazed
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Thanks for the love guys.
These PF plants have been really easy to grow. I fed them on the indica mix the last couple weeks and got a bit of tip burn but nothing major. Not a very fussy line.

I'll post some more pics soon, now that the swell is on.

Stay hazed
I think the ease of grow cannot be overstated with the Critical Mass and its hybrids.

It really is a great plant for beginners and I have been reaffirmed in my decision to use it as my first monocrop strain in order to dial in my environment, time and again.

In my second round after the reset I had to deal with (still am) a huge nitrogen deficiency that apparently comes from the decomposing buckwheat hulls in my soil mix. The soil drains very poorly now and is way too compacted, I will have to mix in some perlite or pumice or something after this round. And I had to combat the N-deficiency with a generous topdress of EWC as well as EWC compost teas.

The Critical Mass were not always super stoked, there were yellowing leafs and the like but none of them really "broke" from the abuse. They are still pushing flowers as we speak and look alright (if not perfect).

But here comes the kicker:
The one Critical Mass pheno that looks like a keeper to me (because it produced by far the most and is in the upper echelon of potency and resin coverage) has trucked through all of this looking absolutely perfect. Not a yellow leaf in sight, growth never stunted or slowed down, bud production is like in the first round with the fresh soil. No signs of overwatering from the poor draining, compacted soil either. That thing won't be denied a happy life of growing and budding.
The hardiest, most vigorous plant I have seen in the past 2 years, by far.

I have only grown like 1 or 2 plants from a few different strains and the CM is the first where I popped so many beans to pheno hunt but it looks to me like it is a really great beginner strain that is incredibly hardy and resistant to not only pests but also all form of abuse.

And now you mention that a strain crossed with CM was quite easy to grow as well so I feel reaffirmed in that assertion.

Critical Mass seems like very solid, forgiving and stable genetics to me and I will recommend it to new growers any chance I get.
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