If You Read All This News????


New member
Then , you have blisters on your eyeballs, like i do on my hands from carrying water all day into the nights... I think i have blisters on my blisters, and my hound dog is damn near wore out too....

I had a close call with with the BIG BEE In the sky yesterday, and dove right into some briars, and thorns....The kept right on flying.... So, i think i'm gonna give myself, and the heat some time to cool it for a while, and now it's time to pull out the ole halloween mask, so identification can not be made by camera's, or the human eye.....

And, some think gorilla growing is easy????? LMFAO, you don't have an idea, unless you have done it.....:cool:

Hello to HNM, and all the crew!!!! I hope to get online when you guys are here, our time zones, throw a rock at our timing, but we shall visit in time..

Peace and Respect

And, may you wear that smile, that gets you by in life, and i hope life is treating everyone very well....

