I am writing, ergo sunt?


New member
Hello to all of you,
I remember when I first got connected to the internet back in the '90, I was with a friend that asked me: "So what is going to be the first website you will visit?" "Marijuana.extension", I replied, and so my first surf in the net have been to a domain that is still holding on.

Is it true that a picture is worth a couple of words? I have one I would like to share with you.


In case someone want a bigger resolution, here it is limited just let me know.
Might not be obvious what the GNU project is doing in that pic, well, free as in freedom of speech software and hardware is what keep me having a living. I do not use anything proprietary and so should you, opensource is not free software and you can read it why in the GNU website searching for

Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free Software

by Richard Stallman

Its about freedom and ethics, opensource lacks both.

Freedom is what we all crave I guess.

I opened this forum account after a visit from some kind policemen, called for another reason, but that noverless rided my apartment. Luckyly I never sold, I just consume, lots of weed was found in my apartment, 850grams plus 8 plants, all for personal use. They have been some rough months but I should be clear soon. Stupid laws that not allow quanitites for medical patients, I do have a prescription form medical cannabis, but where I live you can only get 30 grams per months and it's bedrocan. I smoke 10-15 grams during a weekend if I am having my day. Of course I need to grow something, what they sell is crap. After the police raid I went to a good pusher and what I got was terrible weed compared to Mr Nice Ash I was smoking since 2 years.

Is Ash good? Yes.

For my pain, but was especially good to motivate the smoker. It was antidepressant. Amazing medicine, I lost all the cuttings with police visit, and the seed collections too :(( I had thousands of seeds. I still have to cry about it.

This was my first Ash plant, that grew in a 45x45x120cm growbox with a 100watt led.



Something surprised me with Ash, its beauty.


It was Autumn in my growbox


and after..., the regrowth....? Really what is this, can someone explain it to me?



I had to support the flowers


Why did I open this thread? Ohh right, to introduce myself.

Well, I am a cannabis lover and user and a free software and free hardware hacker. I believe that freedom is for everyone and that no one should ever be deprived of her rights.

Before you run to contact the FIB, CIA, KGB, Mossad or I do not even want to know pass in your mind when your read the word "Hacker" here is the real definition of hacker, when the media say hacker, 99.9% of the time they refer to a cracker.

To be an hacker means to do things in a spirit of playfulness cleverness exploring the limits of what's possible. You can be an hacker in all sort of different media, programming is just one of them.
Dr. Richard Matthew Stallman ( 15 honoris causa degree)

You that like to thinker with cannabis are not only an hacker but even a genetic explorer. Have you ever stopped to think about this quote from the past?

"Who told you that you were the Chosen One?" the spirit asked. "Fated to save the world?"
"Er..." She hesitated. "Nobody?"
"Yet you went and did it."
"Somebody had to!"
"Wait, am I the fated one?"
"You chose yourself," the spirit said. "That's amazing!"

Probably is what this phrase means: "If you do not believe in yourself, who would?"

If I need to write down what is more important to me here is how I would start the list:
2)Free software (as in freedom of speech)
3)Free hardware (as in freedom of speech)

Do you know why the 3D printers went from 50.000 dollar to around 400 dollars? Because in 2006 the RepRap project, based on the free licenses of the GNU project was started with the intent of liberate the technology for everyone, well they did it. Search for "RepRap philosophy page" if you want to know more. The goad is to help have a profound impact on human wealth and economics, completely eliminating some industries and leading to the genesis of new ones. More importantly, it may preferentially allow the world's poorest people to step onto the rungs of the manufacturing ladder.

I am not posting any links because I believe here it is not appreciated even if they link to free software and hardware projects? There is TwistedField that is a work on progress for a rover that autonomously do regenerative agriculture for the families not the corporations. It is a Work On Progress not ready for general and non nerdy public at the moment.

Does anyone want to learn how to send a secure (encrypted) email with GNUpgp? Do you need help with free software? I am here to help. With Cannabis, unfortunately I just started 3 years ago, so I can not really help. but I am here to learn from the best.

I suggest you to use Tor Browser to visit cannabis website if like me, you live in a country that has ignorant cannabis laws. Or tails operating system if you really like it anonymous, or Whonix, Qubes OS might be too much hard to install.

And now, before pressing "post thread" (and be banned by musashi for spam 22 sec later) I will roll ones of Ash, and post the picture of the nugget later.

The perfume of Ash is like tuttifrutti in my opinion, and has a smoke that is like ash, you do not really feel it.

My nick has a meaning btw.

Ash is very satisfying! I love how it smokes.
I forgot to mention that the Fediverse exist, I am smoking Ash, I was on the forum home page, I read tell us more... under introduction, I feel like you want to know about Mastodon, that is much better then Facebook, Meta or any centralized stuff like instagram or twitter/x .

It is free software of course and it is decentralized like PeerTube the alternative of youtube. Developed by Framasoft . org a French No Profit that you should check out.

What else? Always thanks all the mods and volunteer of a project, it is free!

Vive la liberté!
Before you run to contact the FIB, CIA, KGB, Mossad or I do not even want to know pass in your mind when your read the word "Hacker" here is the real definition of hacker, when the media say hacker, 99.9% of the time they refer to a cracker.

To be an hacker means to do things in a spirit of playfulness cleverness exploring the limits of what's possible. You can be an hacker in all sort of different media, programming is just one of them.
Dr. Richard Matthew Stallman ( 15 honoris causa degree)

You that like to thinker with cannabis are not only an hacker but even a genetic explorer. Have you ever stopped to think about this quote from the past?
Welcome Hacker :).

What makes you to believe that the members of a canna forum will call the authorities and you name them all?
I would call Ghost busters instead .

Welcome Hacker :).

What makes you to believe that the members of a canna forum will call the authorities and you name them all?
I would call Ghost busters instead .

you are right, I totally forgot where I am :)

Here you find the same vibe you find in a free software hackercamp, people share, learn,teach and experiment, like it should be in our society.

I have another account, older then this one, that I use to post but not to share pic of the plants, I do out that for privacy reason.
It just ended CCC Chaos Communication Camp, the biggest hackercamp in Europe, here is a movie about it.

and here a tour of the camp of 2015

The robot for farming I was writing about are:


a project to which I wish a bigger success of the RepRap one.

I suggest you this hackercamp if you are in Europe, or if you like the idea to travel to Danmark to camp with beautiful minds.

Everyone is welcome, artist, curios people, grower, hackers...