Hy there.

I read that it was necessary to create accounts again, so I'm a good soldier ... i done it fully to avoid worries.

I was not remembering that i used this old picture as avatar, it's fun.
double ovary vs simple ovary, africaan landrace.jpg
20 years old shot, macro was for millionnaires at this time ^^ For the curious : it's a double ovary phenomenon (not so rare with cannabis).

And for the team (yes i'm pushy, the planning is tight for real) :


Partial Big Bud X Shishkaberry just done 10 minutes ago, dominance test with genuine pollen. Planned for the Critical Mass also to make an exhaustive comparison.
I read that it was necessary to create accounts again, so I'm a good soldier ... i done it fully to avoid worries.

I was not remembering that i used this old picture as avatar, it's fun.
View attachment 74769
20 years old shot, macro was for millionnaires at this time ^^ For the curious : it's a double ovary phenomenon (not so rare with cannabis).

And for the team (yes i'm pushy, the planning is tight for real) :

View attachment 74770

Partial Big Bud X Shishkaberry just done 10 minutes ago, dominance test with genuine pollen. Planned for the Critical Mass also to make an exhaustive comparison.

it's only for the auction not the forum
I wasn't aware, still more clear for the team to make the link between the customer and the forum user at least. Since the 17 July now i feel that anything facilitating the things is good to take ^^
Can't wait the 31 now, the password of my account is no longer valid to can check if finally my payment is processed. This update is painful for everyone i guess.
I read that it was necessary to create accounts again, so I'm a good soldier ... i done it fully to avoid worries.

I was not remembering that i used this old picture as avatar, it's fun.
View attachment 74769
20 years old shot, macro was for millionnaires at this time ^^ For the curious : it's a double ovary phenomenon (not so rare with cannabis).

And for the team (yes i'm pushy, the planning is tight for real) :

View attachment 74770

Partial Big Bud X Shishkaberry just done 10 minutes ago, dominance test with genuine pollen. Planned for the Critical Mass also to make an exhaustive comparison.
Hey Strange Dank, we are interested in the same thing. I just got done a week ago pollinating all my females to a Nordle Male. You have me wanting to crack a few seeds from my last effort (Devil male x's).
When you say dominance test do you mean what the male will express in the cross?
I always thought a certain percentage would throw to the mother or father and the rest would be a hybrid of the two, with the possibility of recessive genes showing up if lucky.
It's always interesting to see what a male brings to the table.
I have two Neville's skunk's in the room that got fertilised and they are very different from each other. Both very tall seed plants but that is where the similarities end. One with skunk buds the other with classic sativa structure.
The sativa one has a similar smell to my ASH selection which also smells a bit like the Afghan Haze next to it.
The ASH ended up being quality smoke.
The Afghan Haze needs to be grown better before I make up my mind about it.
Anyway, that should be fun working through those seeds you just created.
Best of luck and welcome back, even though you didn't actually go anywhere.
Good to know @pleased420, this situation is a bit new for me and friends around when asked ... so I started to take this radical change of treatment very badly. Let's say it's an accumulation. Multiple emails not answered, i got an unique "push" contact when i've validated the auction counted twice by a bug of the website. They were asking details and the invoice, i explained it again, in sending again all the necessary. Next morning, my account wasn't anymore valid. My password was changed. The only feedback i got from this, was the generic "out of office until the 31th" ... adding an additional layer of bad feeling. I'm just happy for now to have tested the new deal with a single order, not with a three digits stack. Can't wait Monday, then.

For the next rounds, i will stay in perpetual. Maybe until the end of the year btw. I will increase the density of the grow a bit also, next week i will figure out if i launch a NL#5xHaze (green packaging with the chick) and a 15 years old homemade F1 seeds (ghanaian x zamal) aside. Or the Critical Mass ^^

Best vibes to you ;o)

Hey @Uncle Jack , obviously you like to explore what mother nature have to say too ^^
Hell, to answer i need to write a wall of text. It's pretty condensate, you won my award of the day in changing my mind by my weakness : talking breeding.

I just got done a week ago pollinating all my females to a Nordle Male.
... I have two Neville's skunk's in the room that got fertilised
... my ASH selection
... Afghan Haze next to it

Damn it's what i call an interesting party. AfghSknk x (Haze x AfghSknk), AfghSknk x (AfghSknk x AfghHaze) and AfghSknk x AfghHaze.
Totally arbitrary (phenotypes make all the magic individually), i bet on the Nordle x Afghan Haze for the hunting season, or your last idea in date ^^

When you say dominance test do you mean what the male will express in the cross?

I've to clarify then, i was just throwing it quickly to share some vibes.

I'm from the church of single pairing only. I never use twice one specimen; it's not an advise of any type or a snake oil recipe but more a philosophy that fit my needs. Breeding is a time-hungry hobby, i prefer to maximize this time in what i can learn on each strain landing here. I'm not a seed collector, i generally order what i'm at the point to germinate or at max, what I've planned for the year but it's rare. This is for the context.

This BB female have a very specific expression. She have the shape of the dominant subgroup (tall, very stretchy, discreet minty scents) but she express it in a very recessive way (very close to the candied clove of the Bilbo's cut, if you know it this pheno of the CM). She have a kind of nanism too, but in fact is coming from a double ovary seed that i initially took for a "siamese". So i let this lady survive the way she can aside his male brother, to finally disover while i was culling the male that she was a totally independent specimen. So i keep her "for the science", i generally unselect all runts, mutants, variegated ... i don't like unpredictability, inbreeding is my main source of pleasure in this hobby.

If i know very well this strain (like the Critical Mass too), mapping a strain is a never ending mission. So when I found an exception that break the rules of detection of a known sub-group ... i generally make an F1 with another strain i know well to shuffle the cards and see how the genotype resist. It's one more thing than i can predict later, if i cross the path of this expression again. I synthesize but i'm sure you got it.

The shish is a strain i know well too and that i'm very happy to bring back in the space this year. Nostalgia stuff. So it's really a dominance test with this specific phenotype (the female). Litterally. But in a "one stone two birds" configuration, what i will see when these F1 will express the heterosis will help me to inbred the two lines actually. And eventually how to hybridize them later (not necessary together) when they will be stabilized for my taste, and that i need something off road to fill my blunts.

I always thought a certain percentage would throw to the mother or father and the rest would be a hybrid of the two, with the possibility of recessive genes showing up if lucky.

In fact, strictly 50% for both. It's possible to cheat this ancestral equilibrium, but using some advanced technics (selfing, ga3 etc ...)
So actually all the plants are perfect hybrids of the (p1) blend, if it's not the case you get generally a mutation as the most frequent expression, that is shuffling again the cards. But always in unpredictable ways ^^
The only difference (that is fascinating to explore) is what is triggered or staying latent in this initial blend. In a way, how the life is escaping this very restricted pair.

And good for us, cannabis like to escape his genetic's jail with patterns that can be recognized a long time after the initial cross ^^

For recessive gens, it's pretty hard to expose my opinion in a single sentence, and not in my native langage. I personally don't mix what say the inbred ratios and the true genetic dominance. The best example i've in mind to express that it's a trap to mix it, is the Northern Light. If you count on what say the inner balance of this line to make hybrids, you're in the sh1t to the neck.

Well, i see this equation as a multi-layered one.

Now what you're describing in your sentence is a typical mendelian law ^^

Anyway, that should be fun working through those seeds you just created.

Can't wait ^^ No matter what will say the F1's shapes, i'm sure i will get a genetic shock in terps.

update : long post without a plant is sad ... the dominant shape of the BB to illustrate :
Finally the funk was sorted today in one move : payment validated, order recorded, clear answer on email explaining the state of the order, update on the website and i changed my password on the fly to see it with my eyes ^^
I don't know who is behind "Auction Manager B" or even if it's a nickname or a redirection code ... but thank you. It was far enough to appease the stress generated previously.

Still look like a "one man army situation", we are humans and not always able to be available to thousands of persons 24/7. Sir Shanti is the pope of my teenage age (with Simon), i crossed his path a couple of time and i regret the lack of opportunity to catch a discussion. I don't explain this to lick balls, but to show how a bad planning can have a cascading effect on some of your customers, team Nice. Sometimes, it can be more important than it look.

2009 10 09 249 (1).jpg
There is some Critical Mass in this mess, made with the Bilbo cut and almost dated from my registration here back in the day ^^ Just for the loop.
I took the habit to check once a day the order, and i got this each time while i log in :

When it's belonging to the includes, it's urgent to revisit scripts for the sake of all of us admin-buddy ^^
Had it also but after a couple of tries I managed to log in.
I see that Korean farms don't waited much to spam the server :rolleyes:, WP is the most scanned CMS of the world with Drupal. Take care please.


Finally here, landed by surprise ^^ Someone forgot to send me the tracking number at day 1. I was lucky to be at home, signature required and it's an hell to get back the package when stored in center here.
There is no real problematic for seeds in my country (any type), making the packaging more suspicious like this (you can feel/see easy the straw) that just sending the original packaging in a little cosmetic sample box, by example.

Now i'm used by the flow at least, so i can plan better the next order ... if i don't dilute it more in a retailer to have more control on my planning, and less stress. No offense intended, just a frank feedback of the experience.

See you and best wishes for this transitive period.
We have a lot of work on while most people are on holidays , so while we do hear constructive criticism we do our best with who is available to get our members and auction members sorted asap. The reason behind straws is purely for auctions and to differentiate retail and wholesale clients. We also do not send auction wins in seed packets due in part to not cause an issue to our official wholesale and retail clients who pay the premium for packed seeds, as well as ease of transport to many of the growers. If you prefer to get seeds in packets it is available on the buy now part of the site...so this is a simple explanation to appease the issue you brought up. All the best Sb
I appreciate a lot your input and your consideration, it clear the waters and expose some reasons that are not specially best understood on the other side of the mirror. Specifically for the auctions, in bonus.
You perfectly understood that for my case, it was a stack of unusual details so i will not extend. I wish everything will be dialed the best way possible with the team to offer a more streamlined experience.
Best vibes