How to treat white powder mildew on leaves?


Well-known member
One strain has a light white dusty appearance on the surface of the leaves.
I will isolate the plants until I see if it’s curable.
I’ve never had mildew before but there seems to be milk,baking soda, and the most effective sulfur if what I’m reading is correct.

Is mildew treatable and curable or best to take another set of clones from the particular female?
Is mildew treatable and curable or best to take another set of clones from the particular female?
If it's early enough and you can take clones, I'd do so.
In my experiences dealing with it on outdoor veggie plants, once powdery mildew sets in, all I could do was try and stop the spread. Not get rid of it.

Start fresh is my suggestion, unless you can remove all Infected growth.
One strain has a light white dusty appearance on the surface of the leaves.
I will isolate the plants until I see if it’s curable.
I’ve never had mildew before but there seems to be milk,baking soda, and the most effective sulfur if what I’m reading is correct.

Is mildew treatable and curable or best to take another set of clones from the particular female?
cannabis can't have mildew but can have powdery mildew

mildew is brown and black

powdery mildew is white grey silver

in french is not the same word

you can use sulfur

you can also try nettle manure if not too much attack
Whey is supposed to have been scientifically proven to stop mildew and prevent it.Milk and sour milk is used by many home gardeners.

Next trip to the department store and I’ll get some whey.It should be easy to find and in powder form last a long time.

I sprayed the infected pheno with diluted 2% milk with a bit of soap and will keep them isolated until I am convinced mildew is gone.
I just transplanted the cubes in fresh coco,put them under a good light and have good air flow.
I’ll take another set of cuts too.
Here’s a picture of the cutting.
It looks like powder mildew.
I treated the two with the healthy roots with milk,have them transplant,in front of fan under a good light .
The milk may be working but I’ll update in a few days.
Outdoors I used H2O2 solution to keep it in check.
I removed as much as infected leaves I could, did this on windy days (try to expose the plant and others as less as possible to new spores).
Immidately after that they were sprayed down from top to bottom, underside leaves as well with an H2O2 solution, I tried to repeat this weekly for as long as I could without fearing mold in the buds at a later stage.

In most cases these plants are just prone to PM but spraying them regularly with kelp/beneficial bacteria could improve there immunity against PM and make them still worth having around.

Good luck.
Outdoors I used H2O2 solution to keep it in check.
I removed as much as infected leaves I could, did this on windy days (try to expose the plant and others as less as possible to new spores).
Immidately after that they were sprayed down from top to bottom, underside leaves as well with an H2O2 solution, I tried to repeat this weekly for as long as I could without fearing mold in the buds at a later stage.

In most cases these plants are just prone to PM but spraying them regularly with kelp/beneficial bacteria could improve there immunity against PM and make them still worth having around.

Good luck.
this is probably the best move. first attack the fungus with h2o2 and then immediately re-introduce beneficial microbes.
you should remove the most infected leaves never hear about milk
it will have much lactobacillus i suppose. one of many beneficial microbes.
One strain has a light white dusty appearance on the surface of the leaves.
I will isolate the plants until I see if it’s curable.
I’ve never had mildew before but there seems to be milk,baking soda, and the most effective sulfur if what I’m reading is correct.

Is mildew treatable and curable or best to take another set of clones from the particular female?
Do you have extreme humidity either high or low in your space? The environment that you created for your plants is most likely the reason for the PM growth. The pm spores are everywhere and unless you have a truly sealed environment will continue to be everywhere. I believe that you need to maintain the proper vpd range and be on constant lookout for the tell tale signs and treat as needed. Lots of products available to use, even a simple water spray will cause chaos to pm.

vpd / ph / monitor
I think getting the cutting out of the tray and dome and into moving air with bright light helped along with the milk.
I don’t see any powder mildew.
I soaked it 3 times with 50% diluted milk.
The mother is 6-7 months old and has no signs of powder mildew so I don’t think it’s genetic.
I thought I would update the results after 21 days after transplanting.
Although the powder mildew appears to be gone on the leaves it got down into the medium and I seen a white grey grit like mushy substance on the bottom of the rockwool cubes and some of the roots.

I threw them all out and have everything soaking in hot bleach water with soap added.

I am glad I had 15 cuttings of each plant in my spraying cloner. I use it to keep cuttings alive until I put them in cubes or just let them root out in misters.

The cuttings I had in misters are already thriving in new coco and getting ready for bloom plus new mothers.

I think next time I get powdered mildew on cuttings they will just get tossed out and I will start over with fresh cuttings.