How can I avoid RF noise from digital ballast


New member
My magnetic ballast is old and I've looked at many digital and electronic ballasts but I've heard they can cause RF noise.

With an airport nearby I don't need to be swamping a planes radio as it comes down for a landing.

Is it more brand name slamming or can digital ballasts generate RF noise?
I think maybe the older ones had a problem cause they where saying it messed up WIFI too and I have 1 cheap digital ballast just under the WIFI box under the floor but never had a problem.
I have a Solistek digital ballast that is a beast of RF interference. It is easily demonstrated by turning on an AM/FM radio and trying to tune in a station. On the other hand my Galaxy Grow Amps put out no interference. So if you are shopping specifically to avoid RF interference the Galaxy Grow Amp Select A Watt fits the bill and it runs every bulb I have ever tried. There may be other ballasts with low RF interference but I can personally attest to the Galaxy.

Supposedly you can add EMI filters that clamp over the power cord of noisy ballasts and suppress RF interference but my attempt at this with the Solistek ballast using filters I bought off Amazon made no difference. The Galaxy ballasts come with a power cord with large filters built in and I suspect that is a large part of their success in suppressing RFI.
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How's xtrasun 600watt?A friend of mine has a new one,with batwing and bulb for 150.00 but batwings don't cover so well so a air cooled relector.

I'm surprized solistek produces noise by all the raving about them,I almost got one.

Gavita has one that I'm liking.It's a DE 750,no need for air cooled hood.
By the time I get all my plumbing and a good air cooled hood,same amount or close.
How's xtrasun 600watt?A friend of mine has a new one,with batwing and bulb for 150.00 but batwings don't cover so well so a air cooled relector.

I'm surprized solistek produces noise by all the raving about them,I almost got one.

Gavita has one that I'm liking.It's a DE 750,no need for air cooled hood.
By the time I get all my plumbing and a good air cooled hood,same amount or close.
I bought one of the first lumatek 600w digital ballasts around 5 years ago, and it produced a lot of RF noise. Almost got me in trouble!
I only found out when I looked out the window and LEO were pointing devices my direction one night!! Tested it the next day with a radio and that was the last time I plugged it in.
I ditched it and I'm still using trusty magnetic ballasts.
Is there any real benefit using a new digital over a new magnetic ballast?
"Where there are two or more wires together, I am in your midst." They all emit some kind of noise. I believe most interference is because of wiring/cabling and current which creates a field. It reminds me of the speaker wire arguments many years ago. The thickness, composition, length, hook up, blah, blah were all argued to make a case for the expensive shit. It's wire for C* sake. While I am not an electrician, there can be many contributing factors here IMHO. Of course it makes sense that more wattage... So, use good cabling and keep your connections short. Do not wrap or bundle your input and output cables together. Keep them away from other electrical devices/wiring. Isolate (position) your ballast as best you can from these sources to minimize your "radio." Heat may also a contribute to noise. As far as ballast claims that are made- most are produced by the same manufacturer (can you say China?) with different labeling. It amuses me that the Galaxy looks very much like the Solis-tek on the outside... :) Buying a ballast should be based on the light/lamp you will be using as some are optimized in combination. Warranties are important to me especially with dig. THD should be a consideration. Lamp life? I am playing with sunpulse and solistek lamps ergo my choice is Solis-tek and in that regard Solis-tek specs out at less than 10% THD. That spec is one of the lowest in the industry. Still noisy- they all are- just less so. As always, caveat emptor. But back to growing...
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