Well-known member
Clackamas Coot is a troll. He got all of you.
Hey MrCoffin, seems like you have a bone to pick with CC. Did he "troll" you, by any chance? Are you trying to get even with him, by any chance, for negative criticism(s) directed at you?
It should go without saying that you score no points here by expressing such a criticism; so why bother doing it, unless it somehow makes you feel better about yourself, which is sad, tbh.
"Opinions are like ass-holes," as it's been said, in the sense that "everyone has one;" but one man's troll is another's "truther", or truth-teller. CC isn't trying to mislead anyone, of course, but like ALL of us, is subject to making honest errors, not on purpose.
My biggest disagreement with him isn't regarding his soil mix but rather his absolutely ridiculous opinion of Neville's breeding work, based on a single grow of NL#5×Haze. However, he hasn't ever claimed to be a "breeder / geneticist", to my knowledge; and so his opinion about NL#5×HZ is simply that of an amateur "pollen-chucker", who has never sifted it for the best selections like he did with his treasured Afghani & Thai strains.
According to the official story behind his strain, called 'The One', as he tells it himself, he sifted through 100 plants of each parent, for a total of 200 plants, to find the 10 best phenoes of each; from which he then selected the 2 best plants of the 20. Since he had some help growing out the 200 samples, the remaining 18 plants went to his crew members.
The point is that he had enough "pollen-chucking" sense & awareness to do that with the Afghani & Thai strains, but refused to do the same with the NL#5×HZ, for whatever reason(s). Oh well, his loss. Had he grown out 100 NL#5×HZ females, he would have found 10 good selections & 1 stellar keeper, for sure, imho.
He claims that one pack of seeds were the only seeds he's ever purchased and that was back in '87, apparently; when he hadn't yet formulated his popular soil mix, which he claims was inspired by a soil mix from Cornell University.
So, it's entirely reasonable to conclude that had he grown more than just 7 or 8 females (of the NL5×HZ), in his own special mix, he would have had a far better result. That's just basic common sense, imho; and yet he persists in his stubborn non-sensical criticism of Neville's work. Oh well, he has a few warts like we all do. That's life.
You were told barley is good for enzymes, and that you should buy barley and grind your own flour..
Of course it's good for enzymes. He isn't wrong about that, of course. However, he recommends buying only the 2 row version of it, which is much cheaper than the 6 row. He has even said barley can be replaced with rye, if the 2 row barley isn't available a local brewer's supply shop.
1) Barley is included in most cheap wheat flours. "Read the label."
Why do you think that is? Obviously because it has enzymes that aren't present in wheat, or at least not in the same amount. However, more wheat flours today aren't including barley malt, but just additional enzymes.
There is nothing special at all about barley flour vs wheat flour.
Right, whatever. I think that fact that many wheat flours feel a need to include additional enzymes, or barley malt, sufficiently debunks that claim.
2) The reason Coot was impressed by barley has nothing to do with enzymes ...
That's just straight up BS, in my opinion; but it's your opinion, which you're entitled to. Doesn't sound like you pay much attention to what he says, if you've ever listened to, or watched any of his podcast interviews.
Since you claim to be an expert on what CC says, about malted barley enzymes, why don't you tell us what he says about each of the enzymes.
... but it's micronized protein, a readily available Nitrogen source (Barley is 2-x-x NPK)
So, let me get this right. You claim that CC isn't impressed with the enzymatic activity of barley, just the protein?

3) Coots mix apparently has a ton of nitrate and doesn't hold amino acids, which means the people pushing it do not understand microbiology in the slightest, nor the goals of organic farming. (My soil has
~5ppm Nitrate ~1ppm Ammonium and my crop is loaded with complete protein: no nitrate no ammonia = no pests, no mold, no pesticides.)
They don't understand microbiology "in the slightest?"

Have you ever done an honest controlled study where you grow the exact same cut in your mix and CC's mix, precisely as he prescribes it, side by side? Show us the photos if you have.
Every one of the online soil gurus I've peered at is greatly exaggerating their qualification to spread information.
"Every one of" them?

Come on, dude, kindly spare us the BS, please. You know better than them all? My, my, what a HUGE ego-trip that is.None of the internet gurus who push the Coots/BuildASoil/Logan labs dogma seem to believe in nutrient ratios.
That would explain why all the kids today believe good weed is a myth; the community started chasing "organics" without grasping the point.
Oh, really. All "the kids" today think ALL the weed today is shit?

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