Having trouble getting a response from support staff.

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Worn Down Soul

Well-known member
So the 2 month period to pay for my order is coming up soon. I need two of my orders combined. One of the auction managers had messaged me before to talk to them directly. Which I have attempted several times now. Those are some hard won packs and I only have 8 days left from the initial order. So I'm just getting nervous. I don't know if the person is on vacation, sick, they are just super backed up, or what. I'm just trying to figure out if there is anything else, that I can do on my end, save wire in the amount, sans s&h for one of the orders. Has anything like this happened to any of you? Any suggestions? Should I just relax and wait? Thanks.
in my experience these things tend to get resolved pretty reasonably in the end. Communication can leave something to be desired at times, but then again there isnt anyone employed to do sit on customer support full-time. Besides, I don't think you need to fear that your auction wins will be unavailable to you all of a sudden; - especially if you have already messaged them.

they are probably just busy getting a harvest in right this week or something like that.

what did you get btw?
So the 2 month period to pay for my order is coming up soon. I need two of my orders combined. One of the auction managers had messaged me before to talk to them directly. Which I have attempted several times now. Those are some hard won packs and I only have 8 days left from the initial order. So I'm just getting nervous. I don't know if the person is on vacation, sick, they are just super backed up, or what. I'm just trying to figure out if there is anything else, that I can do on my end, save wire in the amount, sans s&h for one of the orders. Has anything like this happened to any of you? Any suggestions? Should I just relax and wait? Thanks.

Check your auction member account to see if your total wins have been combined into a single purchase, with an Invoice #.

I used PayPal to make payment for my recent auction wins. It's very quick. The auction payment instructions page explains who to address the payment to. You can include a short message & invoice # with the payment.

Take a screenshot of the completed payment and attach it to an email to the Sales email address. In the email subject line, I would put: 'Auction Payment Completed - Payment Details Inside'.
in my experience these things tend to get resolved pretty reasonably in the end. Communication can leave something to be desired at times, but then again there isnt anyone employed to do sit on customer support full-time. Besides, I don't think you need to fear that your auction wins will be unavailable to you all of a sudden; - especially if you have already messaged them.

they are probably just busy getting a harvest in right this week or something like that.

what did you get btw?

I just take things pretty literally at times. When it says "2 months" I'm thinking 2 months to the day and just wanted to make sure that it all was still there. The last two packs took forever to win. I just kept losing the bids and there were no real substitutions. I ended up getting

Skunk x Haze
G13 x Haze
Holy Smoke
G13 x Skunk
Nl5 x Afghani

The Holy Smoke and NL5 x Af are the two, that took forever to win. The others were more of waiting for the right moment. Except the Devils. I could have probably gotten a better deal by waiting, but we are talking about $7... Not exactly something to lose sleep over. Plus I've wanted to grow them for forever and a day,

I'd like to swing back through for some of the higher dollar items. When I'm not so cripplingly poor, but for the cost of a single month of many prescriptions. I will get to have all of that goodness in my stable. Not too bad... I'll just be a bit heartbroken if it all falls through. Hence the post.
Now just imagine how you'd feel when support staff don't reply to your emails after waiting for the order you paid for.
I'm still waiting on an order paid for in February. And no reply from auction support staff since April 22.
Save your time and money.
Hi All,

Our policy is simple. Once we clearly receive the payment we ship within 2 days.

Now some issues have occurred lately and mostly to do with emails not getting through. So I tried to use different email addresses and resent mails but still did not receive any confirmation that the emails are arriving. So we are sending from several email addresses and I suggest you review spam or trash folders to see if we are there?

From my understanding there are only a few of you who are having these issues and I invite you to pm me here to rectify things.

All the best Sb
Hi All,

Our policy is simple. Once we clearly receive the payment we ship within 2 days.

Now some issues have occurred lately and mostly to do with emails not getting through. So I tried to use different email addresses and resent mails but still did not receive any confirmation that the emails are arriving. So we are sending from several email addresses and I suggest you review spam or trash folders to see if we are there?

From my understanding there are only a few of you who are having these issues and I invite you to pm me here to rectify things.

All the best Sb
That was the plan and I meant no accusation, I was just trying to do diligence and go through the chain of command without bugging you directly.

Patience is not an issue. Just trying to make sure that things are still in play.

Getting seeds has always been at least a little bit of a "hurry up and wait" game. That is not specific to you guys and if you are working with a small crew with a lot going on... I get it. So no worries. Just not trying to drop the ball on my end.

Hope that things are going well and that you and your daughter had a good time celebrating her birthday.
Now just imagine how you'd feel when support staff don't reply to your emails after waiting for the order you paid for.
I'm still waiting on an order paid for in February. And no reply from auction support staff since April 22.
Save your time and money.
If you are mailing anything of value, tracking and insurance are beautiful things.
Hi All,

Our policy is simple. Once we clearly receive the payment we ship within 2 days.

Now some issues have occurred lately and mostly to do with emails not getting through. So I tried to use different email addresses and resent mails but still did not receive any confirmation that the emails are arriving. So we are sending from several email addresses and I suggest you review spam or trash folders to see if we are there?

From my understanding there are only a few of you who are having these issues and I invite you to pm me here to rectify things.

All the best Sb

If you are mailing anything of value, tracking and insurance
And that is why I will eventually receive what I paid for. Tracking shows I did not receive and there's been no tracking updates since March 9.
But that's not the reason you began this thread.
The reason you began this thread is that auction support staff are not replying to customers emails.
And that is why I posted in this thread.
I am sorry to add another problem.

Instead of my ordered seeds, there were 2 cell phone cases in my package.

How is this possible with a tracked parcel?

Unfortunately, I did not receive any support from the support team from an automatic reply.

I have spent over six hundred euros with MNS in the last six months and would expect a little more help with a problem that I did not cause.
I collect seeds and wanted to buy many more varieties from you.
It would be a shame if I had to withdraw my positive comments about you.
Especially because I have announced some comparative grows.

"graser May 3, 2024

Well-known member​

My main point is that they are not trustful people. I cant believe in what they say, but both offers good seeds.
As I do not know Shantibaba personally, I will not comment on this.

What I can say is that he sells seeds on his auction site for a fair price, €1-€3 per seed.
I bought the packet of SSH for €55. Nevilles Skunk €17, Critical Mass €17 and many more.

The packs contain more than 15 seeds, they have always been delivered on time, so I believe he is an honest businessman.
I don't know if they still contain original Neville genetics, but I hope so."
And that is why I will eventually receive what I paid for. Tracking shows I did not receive and there's been no tracking updates since March 9.
But that's not the reason you began this thread.
The reason you began this thread is that auction support staff are not replying to customers emails.
And that is why I posted in this thread.
I've had issues with international orders, from other sources too. Sometimes things just go wrong. The tracking is a good thing to have. Your initial verbiage made it sound like maybe it wasn't there. Best of luck.

Something taking longer than expected was the point of the thread. Sometimes shit just happens.

As per the above mentioned thread, I can't help but to feel like people often underestimate the true breadth of genetic plasticity. I've seen plenty, that is the same, that it is always been, to the point, that I cannot help but to think that some folks just don't know what it means to pheno hunt.
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I am sorry to add another problem.

Instead of my ordered seeds, there were 2 cell phone cases in my package.

How is this possible with a tracked parcel?

Unfortunately, I did not receive any support from the support team from an automatic reply.

I have spent over six hundred euros with MNS in the last six months and would expect a little more help with a problem that I did not cause.
I collect seeds and wanted to buy many more varieties from you.
It would be a shame if I had to withdraw my positive comments about you.
Especially because I have announced some comparative grows.

"graser May 3, 2024

Well-known member​

As I do not know Shantibaba personally, I will not comment on this.

What I can say is that he sells seeds on his auction site for a fair price, €1-€3 per seed.
I bought the packet of SSH for €55. Nevilles Skunk €17, Critical Mass €17 and many more.

The packs contain more than 15 seeds, they have always been delivered on time, so I believe he is an honest businessman.
I don't know if they still contain original Neville genetics, but I hope so."
How do you know the burner cases are from SB ? Did you inspect for hidden gems?
To address this person called Graser , it seems strange nobody at our facility heard of such a complaint or this substitution of cell phone cases? This is the first I heard of it. We have serviced a multitude of orders and so far we have only 3 issues of which 2 are still just organising their purchases....so for me in future it is much easier for anyone to pm me with any issue and we will help directly.
Also to Mars who I do not know at all, I find this comment unsubstantiated and incorrect. We are here and always have been here to service growers...so do not really understand where this opinion is coming from.

All the best Sb
Aloha MNS family!

It reminds me of a situation several years ago when a purchaser posted a complaint about not receiving seeds. He continued for several pages blaming MNS and making us look bad. The backstory is that his wife was against his growing illegally. He did in fact receive his seeds but she intercepted, confiscated and destroyed them. He never came back to the site to admit this yet the damage was done with his one-sided story.

In another recent example, a purchaser publically posted about his delayed seed purchases, inferring that MNS was derelict though he did insist seeds not be sent to him directly but to someone else. In this recent instance, the purchaser decided to publically post PM's without permission of the other party. This is a bannable offense. And yet we exercised restraint letting him continue. The buyer received his seeds while he was still complaining. When I pointed out that Shanti delivered as he stated he would, this member promised me that he would let membership know of his change in circumstances. He has yet to keep his promise.

I have so many other stories like this. And while we do occasionally make mistakes and there are seasonal times when we are very busy, we always make the situation right. Oftentimes the problem is not on our end but rather the postal service or customs or the purchaser is at fault due to their payment or unorthodox shipping requests. Wrong email/street addresses and other incorrect information to us or to the payee results in additional delays. Waiting until the last minute to pay for orders and changing shipping instructions can also cause further delays.

And unfortunately with these postings, good-hearted members try to help, only to have it turn into a cluster fk, often with the OP taking things personally and doubling down the bad mouthing- even going so far as to report other members, trying to get them in trouble for commenting. And when circumstances are resolved, as mentioned earlier, the complainers do not clear the air and explain the situation to membership; they do not apologize preferring that staff just chokes down the previous negativity. I will state again that in every single case, MNS has made the situation right. To this day, Shanti's integrity remains intact.

I am sure that you are aware that there has been a trend towards old school genetics these last few years and demand for MNS seeds has skyrocketed. Prices of auction seeds have increased dramatically :(. I ask that all purchasers trust this process knowing that they will receive their purchased seeds. We continue to be a company with a long history of integrity, providing you with the best in old school genetics.

Going forward, we will no longer allow these postings; publically airing your personal issues will not bring resolution and membership is powerless to effect change. PM's to the help desk and Shanti will get you results though patience is sometimes required especially during busy times such as harvest. Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]. As a last resort, PM me @musashi in hopes that I can grease the wheels on your behalf. Thank you for your understanding.

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