growing in the Tropical rainforest climate


New member
heya guys

ive been looking around for info and havent had been able to find any conclusive on this subject...

how to grow in such climate? its just two season all year round, wet and dry season with temperature atlowest be 24-27degree and highest at between 32-36degree along with 90-98% humidity? the light is constantly 12/12 as well.

what strain would be best to grow? im planning to just grow 2-4 plants outside my balcony where outsiders cant see.

i'm not planning to veg them indoor as well just for info.

any info would be nice thanks!

Welcome to the MNS camp mate!

I asked a smiliar question a while back:

I am no expert but sativas generally deal with the tropical conditions better (as they evolved in such conditions!) but of course they can get quite big. You could control that to an extent by choosing to flower a smaller clone so that it doesn't get too out of hand by the time it's ready to harvest.

Is the grow area covered from the rain? If so, you might be able to run an indi I think. Are there any other plants in the spot? Try sticking some in and see how they fair.

I did a thread on tropical growing ,,
some great input was had ,, ill try find it ,,
because your right , theres not much info around on tropical growing ..
heya guys

ive been looking around for info and havent had been able to find any conclusive on this subject...

how to grow in such climate? its just two season all year round, wet and dry season with temperature atlowest be 24-27degree and highest at between 32-36degree along with 90-98% humidity? the light is constantly 12/12 as well.

what strain would be best to grow? im planning to just grow 2-4 plants outside my balcony where outsiders cant see.

i'm not planning to veg them indoor as well just for info.

any info would be nice thanks!

Ok had a bit of a think about your situation ,
heres what i reckin will work for you ....
the main thing to consider is the time of year you grow ...
i grow in the dry season mostly so i can grow sativa/indica hybrids .
they work well if done right ..
You must get a strain that is vigerous , ie lots of tropical sativa , but not enough that it will reveg ,, its a fine line there ...
Haze hybrids are likely your best bet , some of the seeds from ace seeds will work well for you also ...

hope that helps ,,
heres the link to that thread i mentioned , it should have plenty of info for you ...
I always thought tropics were pretty much the ultimate to grow ANYTHING!!

Just get the seedling started, put them in a pot or in the ground, make sure they get decent sunlight and yr off and running...Pot is a natural pest deterrent, hence why the plant is so resilient. You get bugs, but nothing that will eat the plant in any major way (except bogan theives)!

I planted in southern Australia in pots and soil and had no dramas, I even reckon I could grow through winter at this rate!!

In the tropic you don't need water as much, soil is moist, earthy, add a bit of Seasol fertilizer or other organic stuff and let the babies take off! If yr growing on a balcony the best tip I can give you is tie-down the branches with some twine or light rope. They make yr plant shorter, but then cause the plant to just bush out and creep around and the buds all shoot up like a row of tripper icy poles!! Improves yield immeasurably! and stay 100% organic. Like Jah intended.
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Okay, this is from my experience with growing in the norther hemisphere tropics. We grow pure sativas. It is good to plant around the Summer solistice because of several reasons (1) that is the natural way of cannabis - the rainy season ceases in october so you have the last month or so of flowering virtually rainless. (2) During this flowering time the temperature is nice and cool and so I think it's better for the buds.
You can plant as late october or november, but then You'll be flowering in the hot months, and as Donald said there is a great danger of it reveging. I know some people who grow like this and their buds are of inferior quality. I would say plant by the autum equinox at the very latest.
If you are growing a sativa, no matter when you plant you will have a problem with the height, so you should take precautions.
Follow-up question

And this leads me to my question - Whoever is experienced enough with Mr. Nice strains to answer it.
Can you suggest a Mr. Nice strain that has the appearance of and indica (Short hight and nice yield) but also the mould-resistance of a sativa? I want to grow this in the tropics so I can do it nice and stealthy.
Oh yeah, and don't be suggesting anything which is rediculously early-flowering though.
heya guys! thanks for the reply and the welcome!


Is the grow area covered from the rain? If so, you might be able to run an indi I think. Are there any other plants in the spot? Try sticking some in and see how they fair.


the balcony has inner section and outer section, i'm thinking of putting it on outer bit during heavy sun while inside during rain. will probably put in some other plants as well just to see how they fair and to use camo those ganja plants.

Ok had a bit of a think about your situation ,
heres what i reckin will work for you ....
the main thing to consider is the time of year you grow ...
i grow in the dry season mostly so i can grow sativa/indica hybrids .
they work well if done right ..
You must get a strain that is vigerous , ie lots of tropical sativa , but not enough that it will reveg ,, its a fine line there ...
Haze hybrids are likely your best bet , some of the seeds from ace seeds will work well for you also ...

hope that helps ,,
heres the link to that thread i mentioned , it should have plenty of info for you ...

thanks for the thread sir! i'm currently reading them at the moment.

other info i would like to add is that, the area i'll be growing would be in Southeast Asia on Borneo Island. i'm exactly on the equator line. there's two rainy/monsoon season, december to march and then june to october. the wettest season is december and january. those are heavy heavy showers. not those come and go, those that just rains for minimum of half hour or more.

during those rainy season, its typically just warm and not too hot. while the dry season is hot as hell at times, with the conditions being humid and hot it can get sticky and uncomfortable.

i also saw the posts that mostly are in between 11hrs to 13hours of light.. the thing is, our sun cycle is pretty much clockwork wiht no changes other than max of 10-15min variance. sun is up 6, and down at 6 or 630.

Kampong Ayer, Brunei - Sunrise, sunset, dawn and dusk times for the whole year - Gaisma

And this leads me to my question - Whoever is experienced enough with Mr. Nice strains to answer it.
Can you suggest a Mr. Nice strain that has the appearance of and indica (Short hight and nice yield) but also the mould-resistance of a sativa? I want to grow this in the tropics so I can do it nice and stealthy.
Oh yeah, and don't be suggesting anything which is rediculously early-flowering though.

this is what i've been wondering as well.... would black widow do? because black widow has brazilian genetics in them. not sure if i'm wrong but just thinking brazil has similar climate conditions?

would be grateful if anyone can suggest the best strain other than just the straight answer of haze or thai strains.

thanks alot btw guys, learning alot!:p

EDIT: i've looked at ACE seeds as well, and i'm confused as hell on which to pick! lol!
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Hi Supreme,
I have been to Borneo a couple of times, even did the trek to the top of Mt Kinabalu.....awesome:D
I really think you are going to have trouble with anything that is not Sativa. I have grown BW and unless you get the solid smaller bud pheno then the others could be a problem.....Maybe you could have a look at a pack of walkabout and dreamtime, that way you have a better chance of finding something that suits you and I have heard good reports from both of these.
Hey do they still have the free amusement park there in Brunei???
Last time I was there they were building the freeways for the Kings 50th birthday bash.
Hope you find what you are looking of luck ...K
Ohh yea i forgot on the equator the influence is from both hemishperes ,,
used to rain everyday in png all year apart from the turn around of monsoon from one hemisphere to the other ..

I would prolly be trialling a few things and see what works best fgor you man , definately try a few heavy haze hybrids , and pure sativas ..
i worry a little about them being in pots on hot concrete ??

good luck with it man ...
Lots of great learnings, thanks gents.

Supreme, I've been looking at shade cloth - apparently it can stave off most of a rain, and its gonna make the grow less visible so you might get away with bigger plants.

I don't think that it would lessen the light too much either, but you always have the option of uncovering the area for those nice dry days, and leaving it covered for the super hot or the rainy days.

AFAIK, the greenhouse plastic could make it quite hot inside, but it is another option to decrease visibility and get out of the rain

thanks for the info guys, especially of the pot on concrete floor. that gave me some good insights on what needs to be done.

been reading around and looking for the perfect sativa for me to grow... which is still inconclusive lol.

but these are what caught my eye, please give input on the suitability, thanks!

Neville's Haze Mango (Neville's Haze x Mango) : this one just turned me on so much... and i took note that to make sure that the bud formation are sparse or spread out in sense, just wondering if this is what you meant?

Angel's Breathe (Mango Haze x Afghan Haze)

Durban Poison

Guawi - ACE Seeds Guawi Feminised Seeds - Cannabis & Marijuana Seeds :: Seedsman

Orient Express - ACE Seeds Orient Express Feminised Seeds - Cannabis & Marijuana Seeds :: Seedsman

Purple Haze x Meao Thai - ACE Seeds Purple Haze x Meao Thai Regular Seeds - Cannabis & Marijuana Seeds :: Seedsman

Vietnam Black x Thai - ACE Seeds Vietnam Black x Thai Regular Seeds - Cannabis & Marijuana Seeds :: Seedsman

Kali Mist - Serious Seeds

Early Pearl - Sensi Seeds

Utopia Haze - Barney's

Pineapple Chunk - Barney's

Mango Zamal - Mandala Seeds

Orisha XL - Mandala Seeds

these i found are either full sativa or hybrids with mold resistant qualities. i know these lists are long or may be too long, but apologies if so.
sounds like a good list , i reckin youll find something worthwhile there for sure ..
dont expect your plants to grow like many you see indoors or in northern lats ,
you will likely do a lot better there , and buds will be as good as they can be if you allow them their optimum (ie max sunlight and food) ...
hope you do a thread on here so we can check out your garden ..
most definately!

only thing is my grow will only start by end of july thats when i go back to my home country! but will most definately start an outdoor grow diary!

Hi Supreme,
I have been to Borneo a couple of times, even did the trek to the top of Mt Kinabalu.....awesome:D
I really think you are going to have trouble with anything that is not Sativa. I have grown BW and unless you get the solid smaller bud pheno then the others could be a problem.....Maybe you could have a look at a pack of walkabout and dreamtime, that way you have a better chance of finding something that suits you and I have heard good reports from both of these.
Hey do they still have the free amusement park there in Brunei???
Last time I was there they were building the freeways for the Kings 50th birthday bash.
Hope you find what you are looking of luck ...K

sorry only remembered your post Kangativa!
the amusement parks arent free anymore unfortunately, eversince the exile of the brother of the Sultan for corruption and stealing hundreds of millions of the country's wealth. but the admittance fee is still not expensive though, although most of the rides are out of order and left unmaintained. they are going through a new patch though, investors have started to try to revive the park.

wow you even did the trek on mt kinabalu? i wouldnt have been able to, not fit enough! hahaha too spooky for my own taste as well, too many horror/ghost stories about of that mountain cause of the deaths/accidents involved lol.
I've also climbed Kinabalu and seen wild elephants near Sandakan. Beautiful place Borneo, but seriously mate, I wouldn't grow in Malaysian Borneo in a million years - the laws are just too Draconian - life in prison for some Ganja? And Indo Borneo would be the same yeah? Beautiful growing conditions though..
yeah i get what you mean, especially on the law, but knowing the country inside out and knowing how things works there, there are things that can be done. its all about calculating the risk and taking all the necessary precautions. for me i dared to grow because neighbours are far away, and vegetations everywhere. police never comes unless you call them or any emergency. even when your driving, you rarely see police cars unless theres a car accident. i've smoked alot of spliffs while driving and never had any problems and never had any paranoia and stress about it. as long as your keep your mouth shut, your fine. rules to live by there, keep your mouth shut and stay away from dodgey ones. eventhough cannabis is a class a over there, influential people smokes there but keeps it under radar. the laws are this strict mainly because of the islamic law in place.

i'm also planning to do a guerilla grow on the jungle/forest district of the country where my bestmate's origin family is the indigenous Iban people who used to be headhunters lives there. there everything is hush, and authorities are almost non-existant.

i dont know, maybe because i grew up there, and know how things work, i'm not really too fussed and worried. i'm more worried about growing in the UK and the USA. TOO MANY CHOPPERS! just flying around with heat sensor and camera! theres no such technology used in where i'm from.

plus if i grow, i have no intention to sell. my only intention is to share with a group of less than 4-3 people that never ever had proper high grade ganja only brown bricked types. and they know how to keep their mouth shut. we've never had trouble with the law for more than 8yrs of our ganja lives! haha. the only big problem i would have is telling ppl... thats when the wildfire spreads.

one thing for sure is that, there was never a drug bust on cannabis grows. concentration is mostly on smugglers from thailand and indonesia. air hostesses use to bring them in easily until recently. most of the people's education on drug is limited especially on ganja... most people in where im from thinks they smoking the ganja leaf and never seen ganja bud. they've never really seen cannabis plants as well and only know of the iconic ganja leaf. just because all the ganja we get there are bricked or just leafy brown bricked stuff. so for me, theres alot of ways around it growing there. just have to know what your doing in terms of the social aspect.
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Supreme, I somehow missed that you were in Borneo! That place has captured my imagination, I have to come and see what it's all about. I think it's one of the last pockets of untouched and unspoilt reaches of natural jungle in the world. I am quite into biology, and I would like to do some real work there.

I also get what you mean about knowing what's what - keep ya head down and stay safe!

The ACE offerings are interesting indeed. Golden Tiger is catching my eye, she looks ferocious!

I have heard good things about Mandala - well bred with good vigour, low nute requirements, except that they tend not to be as powerful as the offerings to be had here at MNS. Orisha XL should be a good guerilla candidate!

Good luck with the grow!
tropical undetected Grow Site

I have been Growing Outdoor In The Tropics,but no in the rain forest,my case would be (the amazon jungle) I really live just a bit north from the equatorial line my country has Amazon Jungle near the border with brasil(south)i live north in the mountain behind the mountain is the caribean sea,so its a tropical zone,the moutain is 2.000 metters high above sea level but with equatorial sun,for example in Colombia farmers from decades of years ago had been growing cannbabis they start the seeds in january when is Dry and Fresh kinda cool/mild temp and you feel the sun distant but its there,no clouds,fresh,cool breeze,perfect! not to many bugs because they go where the rain is,its just perfect,and when the rains arrive in April/May the plants are Big and can resist the weather,but when the wet season arrive they kick hard,then you have hurricane Season June/November(dont hit direct just colateral,that create low presure and activate the zone of inter-tropical convert,but when is sunny is heavy(diferent from dry season sun)here maybe rain 3 days then
2 no rain,and so, thats when rainny season start ,hurricane season bring rain but sometime sunny days,in the Dry season Its Always Blue Sky not a cloud but that create forestal fires etc,you can grow indica from december to May and sativa from June to December,or a hybrid year around,but with extreme care,Now because climate change,& global warming,la nina,el nino Fuck everything,the tropics are more volatil not and expert.jorge cervantes know how to grow prefect in the tropics he had made trips to colombia wich is the same climate of Venezuela where i am,to protect your mature plants fom the rain you could build bamboo branches with plastic so th torrencial rains dont put your chrystals in the nice to grow here no problem with frost nights paranoia or police in helicopters,seriouly a tropical sun at 2.000 metters high,with rain so you dont even need to put them water all the time,but is like this :to create the prefect ganja is where you guys are Holland etc but the best place to grow is south america more than Africa maybe not better than asia,but the way how you think this Strain:Blackberry From Nirvana will perform here?if anyone could tell me



p.s:supreme i dont know if you are north or south of the equtorial line,i ask this because in my case north atlantic iissues afect a little big us,for example when is snowing in USA we feel Cool/low cold air,we are near the tropics but faceing the north (caribbean sea)


heres what i reckin will work for you ....
the main thing to consider is the time of year you grow ...
i grow in the dry season mazon jungle0ostly so i can grow sativa/indica hybrids .
they work well if done right ..
You must get a strain that is vigerous , ie lots of tropical sativa , but not enough that it will reveg ,, its a fine line there ...
Haze hybrids are likely your best bet , some of the seeds from ace seeds will work well for you also ...

hope that helps ,,
heres the link to that thread i mentioned , it should have plenty of info for you ...[/QUOTE]
heya guys

ive been looking around for info and havent had been able to find any conclusive on this subject...

how to grow in such climate? its just two season all year round, wet and dry season with temperature atlowest be 24-27degree and highest at between 32-36degree along with 90-98% humidity? the light is constantly 12/12 as well.

what strain would be best to grow? im planning to just grow 2-4 plants outside my balcony where outsiders cant see.

i'm not planning to veg them indoor as well just for info.

any info would be nice thanks!

From what I remember of field studies some former coworkers conducted in Africa (West & Central) in these areas,there are usually 2 growing seasons, with two different varieties used (one adapted to rainy season, other one for dry season). Can you obtain locally grown weed were you live ? Maybe with a little search you can find the genetics for the right season ?

Irie !
12-12 year round in the tropics

Without a doubt you'll have luck with the Walkabout from MNS. I too am on the equator, very humid. The selection from ace seeds looks good. 1 more to consider would be reeferman and his beautiful sativa's.12-12 yr round is the best thing ever, I feel blessed. You don't need an indoor veg with sativas, just clone, and put em out. Good luck and let us know how it all go's.

Bhang Bhang