Germination rates


Active member
I attempted to germinate seven angel heart seeds and seven nordle seeds. Seven angel hearts germinated and look fantastic. But only six nordles germinated. The seed that didn't germinate looked different from all other thirteen it was smaller and completely black no grey colour no markings it looks liked there was something wrong with. I did take pictures but I think I took them with the resolution set to high on my phone's camera so thirteen out of fourteen but like I said you could see there was something different about the one that didn't germinate. Peace y'all.
Hmm 🤔 strange. My germination rates with the MNS gear have been nearly 100% but 13/14 is still pretty darn good!
I'm gonna start eleven Northen lights(Ortega) tonight I'll post my germination rate in two days. Seriously love that strain. First time I'm growing Mr nice northern lights or I guess I should say Ortega that and the medicine man are only names that are a bit strange for me to use. It's always been northern lights and white rhino but the name medicine man is growing on me Peace.
I mean you can hope they all come up but seriously you have to expect some just not to be.
Example if I need 10 females and I'm utilizing regular seed (just about always)
I plant 30 seeds. 1/2 + - should be male, Then you get the substandard plants...
So if I end up with 13 to 17 female plants I choose the 6 keepers and normally find homes for the rest.
I attempted to germinate seven angel heart seeds and seven nordle seeds. Seven angel hearts germinated and look fantastic. But only six nordles germinated. The seed that didn't germinate looked different from all other thirteen it was smaller and completely black no grey colour no markings it looks liked there was something wrong with. I did take pictures but I think I took them with the resolution set to high on my phone's camera so thirteen out of fourteen but like I said you could see there was something different about the one that didn't germinate. Peace y'all.

only one no pop up

above 90% is good :)
I mean you can hope they all come up but seriously you have to expect some just not to be.
Example if I need 10 females and I'm utilizing regular seed (just about always)
I plant 30 seeds. 1/2 + - should be male, Then you get the substandard plants...
So if I end up with 13 to 17 female plants I choose the 6 keepers and normally find homes for the rest.

yes is often 50% last year i put 25 seeds i got 12 girls
i found when i start the seeds outdoor i have more girls than indoor
Thanks for all the feedback very interesting input. So the seven angels heart and six nordles I germinated for a friend. He is an intermediate grower but wants to learn more. He can germinate seeds but had to go away for work and we wanted to get our seeds going. I have started ten Nortegas (see I'm getting there) and ten angels heart for myself. Plus he is going to give me cuttings from he's female nordles and we are going to collect pollen from the male nordles. Peace.
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I mean you can hope they all come up but seriously you have to expect some just not to be.
Example if I need 10 females and I'm utilizing regular seed (just about always)
I plant 30 seeds. 1/2 + - should be male, Then you get the substandard plants...
So if I end up with 13 to 17 female plants I choose the 6 keepers and normally find homes for the rest.
Thanks for your input don't worry I'm not crying about that one seed peace brother
I remember once scoring a QP in junior high and finding a chocolate chip in the bottom of the bag. Wish I kept some of the seeds that came for free in the weed I've bought back then.


Don't honestly remember buying weed in the last 30 years maybe more.

High as an elephants eye!
You think it has to do with the light wavelength?
yes i think the natural light is better specialy the spring light
when i start my seeds outdoor i have always 50 % minimun of girls
indoor it can be 100% guys i never see that outdoor last years it was the minimun around 50% but some years i got 75% of girls out.
indoor when it's 50% i am very happy
On a side note @Subzero , every time I see you post I misread it for Subcool (a breeder known for breeding super fruity / candy flavoured strains who passed away a couple years ago. RIP Subcool 🫡 ). I know sometimes the different breeders don’t always get along, but I often wonder if @shantibaba knew him, or knew of him, or if he may have even been one of the breeders he collaborated with on a project with 🤔 (I’m guessing the last is the least likely but you never know)
I've heard of that gent. Never smoked any of his strains knowingly all I remember if I'm correct was that he was an American? And he was associated with an American cannabis forum? Like you said R.I.P. Subcool.