
Skuncle Lenny

'23, '24 COE Winner
Back in June I replicated the MKS 7 weeker through feminization. Even though I quarantined and sprayed with H2O 3 days after pollinating b4 putting back into circulation, I accidentally cross pollinated a variety, so here’s G13WidowMaster that was flipped on Sept 5th:

IMG_6985.jpegI have another 3 clones vegging that won’t be far behind. 7 examples of this cross will tell me what I need to know🤞
Hopefully the 7 week MKS and 🧬 will be a marriage made in MNS Heaven 😊
Just yesterday i thought about the discussion of breeding with feminized seed and selfed seeds, but in general it is still accepted to breed with a clone or clone only. Like anyone could guarantee that didnt come from one of the above...
Don't get me wrong, I've nothing against using popular chemovars or mind blowing clones to breed with. Just, get some real males involved. Pop seed, or trade for a legit male and breed new varieties from that.

The companies could always release a fem version if they wanted. But at least, they would have actually bred a real chemovar. Something worth growing and pheno hunting.

That would involve actually work though...🤔

Time for me to smoke a joint and slow my roll. 😂