Frankincense in any Mrnice Strain ?


New member
hi. guten tag.

I am on the hunt for this special church frankincense aroma terps. i heard that it was common back in the days with nevilles hazes.
Around 2010 i had the NL5xHaze from sensi, it had one pheno with this loud frankincense scent in the smoke and some with pepper & catpiss. Tried it another time years later but the nl5hz was different, kind of fruity sweet, like if they exchanged the Nl5 with some afghani.

So has anyone here experienced this aroma traits with Mr Nice genetics ?
Is there a Strain that will likely have the franky church terps in some phenos ?

And also where can i find some sour catpiss & pepper terps?

Nevils Haze, Nl5Haze and SSH all can and do carry these flavor and aroma profiles.
Take cuttings of all the females until you know.
I can add Nevilles Haze Mango to that list.(y)
Mango Haze IBL also had a incense pheno.
My SSH still remains the strongest smelling incense pheno I found in MSN seeds with NHM being a close second for now.
MH IBL was a bit less strong but did have the smell and taste.
I have yet to run NH but I expect to find it there for sure.

Tip, run each pheno that has some incense 2-3 times. I found that the traits shows itself more in real good mature plants.
My best SSH pheno, the only one I let have an epic cure, had incense aromas and flavor by the end of cure. The Nl5HzZunami testers I had exhibited incense in some phenos, moreso and earlier than my SSH. Keep in mind that your nutes, lights, and environmwnt can affect the phenotypic exspression of flavor.

I've read many reports of Nevils haze having that trait.
Holy grail has savoury meats, I’ve had oyster smell after a cure as well with it. I bet there will be some frankincense smells in there there’s a lot of the haze A in that variety. The doors is somewhere I’d look too and holy smoke for incense.