Hi Lemarcel
Your chart gives a great overview of the relationship between the various strains.
When it comes to planning individual matings, it is better to use split pedigrees, Male on top female on the bottom, reading from left to right. We got into this earlier (Grail Thread?) It's the only way to avoid confusion. The NH was used as an example. There is no AC male only 5AC, which is the NH.
It'd be great if you could help me with writing up pedigrees, I suck with computers.
Nevil, you mentioned the pedigree database earlier. Please go ahead and make one.
If a database is made available to the public / customers, Mr.Nice seeds would get an even better reputation.
It will also educate the public, and people might start questioning why other seedbanks are holding back this vital information.
People might start to understand that strain-names don't matter.