Early Skunk diary long overdue

Skuncle Lenny

'23, '24 COE Winner
Having a generous selection to choose from, I went through the different strain base forums to see which haven’t had a write up in a long time.
I’d say that 7 yrs qualifies, so let’s see how this run goes.
EARLY SKUNK=Early Pearl x Skunk(Afghan/Mexican/Columbia).
7 week flowering cycle.
17 of 18 poked a radical, 16 germinated and I transplanted the Top 12 into 2 gallon pots yesterday.
Usual mixture of seedling size as expected, and the plan is to veg them in their current pots until I can determine the sex. Then I’ll transfer to 5 gallon buckets and finish the run.
I used my usual mixture of recycled soil amended with lobster compost, Stonington blend fertilizer, fish bonemeal, and worm castings.
☮️ hobbyists.
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3 weeks veg for Early Skunk
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Plan is to transfer to final 4-5 gallon pots at months end and hopefully will have them/some sexed by then.
2 months since soaked so I used my scope to check for sex and I came up with 7 girls to 5 guys. But I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s not the final number and it ends up at 6-6.
Right now they’re jammed into my veg closet with Spice clones, a Shit mother and three little revegged 😇 ❤️ clones, so the closet is too filled show pics at this time of just the Early 🦨 .
I’ll separate them out shortly and show individual shots, but it’s early and nothing unusual. I have a little more time than expected before I need to flip them, as the tent of Shit are going is taking longer than expected. I’m at 9 1/2 weeks and it’s going to go 11’ish I’m sure, like the last journal reports.
6 weeks veg and moving along easy peasy.
Running out of room in my veg closet so doing the switcharoo later this week with the flowering ladies in the laundry room since a garage tent is opening up with Shit finishing at 11 weeks next week.
These girls will flower in the tent where Spice is running. That will be another 4-6 weeks, so Early 🦨 staying squat works for me. I have a few males left in the mix of 9 shown I’m sure, especially the 2 left in the 2 gallon pots. Next weeks pics will show them better.
7 weeks veg
Of the 9 I had last week, it looks like I might be left with 8 👧 . Even the 2 tall ones in the back look like hair vs claws.
My MNS record to date is 6 girls, so this might be a PB.
Room for these will be challenging in a 4x4 tent. Bigger space now being used as veg room now(per pic, R front is a Spice clone and behind it a Shit-Strawberry pheno clone and The Cure babies back R).
Due to the #’s and space I’m thinking I might need to change my growing strategy for ES and change to topping and SOG.
I still have another 2-3 weeks before flowering space opens, so time for ✂️ and a 💇‍♀️.
Early 🦨 has been easy peasy. Looks like good genetics again. Who would’ve thunk???😂😂😂. 🙇‍♂️ to Shanti & Nevil 👍
ah that's why they look all funky like that. rest is yellowing a bit between the veigns btw, maybe up the nitrogen or humics? overall you got an impressive run going dude. keep it up
9 week veg, trimmed up bottom and clones, topped due to #’s, supercropped 2, staked/caged and added a generous mix of Stonington blend fertilizer, fish bonemeal, earthworm castings and topped with coco coir. Left tent dark for 48 hrs to help instigate flowering before going 12/12.
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4x4 tent, so when I ended up with eight girls and only 1 tent, I needed to get creative. I took the two tallest and was able to gently squeeze and crush the stem to bend it 90°. Initially bandaged with some elastic tape and it all worked fine.
I did 4 layers/arms for each cage/staked pot.
Catalog states 7 weeks, which will be last week of September.
2/3rd of the way thru and time to shine 🤞
18 days flowering for the 8 Early Skunk ‘SOG’, using term loosely.
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I switched tents and moved these girls over as this is the shortest tent at 72”. Believe it or not, I cleaned up each plant and positioned in the tent as uniformly as possible.
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based on the view from the bottom, looks like I have a little more cleaning up to do in the near future to get as much top exposure as possible. I’m a defoliater, so that’ll be part of my strategy.
I’m thinking this tent is gonna get mighty skunky 🦨 💨
I'm currently growing a few of these and to be honest this line grow a lot like it is infected with HLVD. The extreme 90 degree branching is ridiculously similar to how HLVD infected plants branch.
I’ve never heard of HLVD. Just read about it for a little.🤔
For my group it’ll be to tell considering how I’ve topped and used LST, IMO, traits mentioned in HLVd.
IDK but interesting
there is no evidence that HLVd can be transmitted via seeds.

I seem to see a magnesium deficiency... next season out I really want to regrow some early skunk hoping to find that nice lime green phenotype:alien:
I'm currently growing a few of these and to be honest this line grow a lot like it is infected with HLVD. The extreme 90 degree branching is ridiculously similar to how HLVD infected plants branch.
Quite the assumption there @RocketBoy, bordering on misinformation. BTW, when will we see some of your plants? Some symptoms of HLVd may include:
  • Stunted growth
  • Reduced vigor
  • Weak/Brittle stems
  • Smaller buds
  • Immature or lack of trichomes
  • Short internodal spacing
  • Decreased yields
  • Sparse flowers
All these conditions point to "dudding" which is the characteristic of this disease. Most California crops are infected these days and this disease is now spreading worldwide due to in many cases, the use of plants originating from CA. Most is spread from clones of unhealthy mother plants and mechanical means. That is one of the biggest reasons I use MNS genetics exclusively and not CA plants. Good habits include the use of sterile tools using 10% bleach solutions. Washing of hands and frequent change of gloves, etc. I posted in the Articles forum some time ago on this.

*edit the use of bleach in germination is also helpful in reducing fungus related problems. Mel Frank recommends 1 tps/cup of water.
...If you saturate the pots with water, and especially if you continue to saturate the pots after the seed have sprouted, the seedlings may develop stem rot or root problems...
...The key to germination is to keep the soil surface moist after first having moistened the whole pot; then, after the first sprouts have been up for a few days, let the surface of the soil dry between waterings...
...Start the seeds in wet paper towels or a glass of water. Add one teaspoon of liquid bleach (a three-percent solution) to each cup of water. This will prevent fungus from attacking the seeds, which happens when they are soaked for more than three days...
~ Mel Frank

🎂 Happy 4 week Birthday Early Skunk Ladies of 8 🎉
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10 days ago I did a good cleaning to show off their legs and defoliate so light can penetrate entire canopy. Looks like it worked. Growth has exploded, led by 1 lady practically 2x the size & she was topped 😱
*** ES looks like they respond very well to topping ***
Beautiful stretching arms with buds popping everywhere.
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Aromas starting and vary greatly. I’ll expand next time when I can convert nose smell into words ☮️
WHOOPS LOOKS LIKE I CROSS POLLINATED 🤦‍♂️ Seeds seen popping all over when I put my 👃 in close to describe aroma’s. I’m gonna have 1980’s weed, no sinsemilla here 😱
Last month I used C.S. to feminize Angel Heart #1 and while the pods were maturing, since space became an issue I figured I could allow the pods to mature and open in the veg room. My thought was how can you pollinate/impregnate a plant that hasn’t been flipped a flower. Apparently you can, if the timing is justtttt right.
I checked my calendar and there was a one or maybe two day period where pollen from Angel ❤️ could have floated around the veg room right when I removed Early 🦨 and moved to tent to flower.
It was my understanding that pollen would only live 48 to 72 hours max, so figured it would not be possible to impregnate the girls within such a short window of being flipped to flower.
I’m glad I kept good notes because there’s no way I would’ve remembered this. It’s the only pollen in the house and they are definitely no hermaphrodites throwing pollen within the early skunk. Always goes to show that there’s so much more to learn.
Early Skunk x Angel Heart(Indica dominant)= Knuckle Head 😂