Dutch Smoking Ban To Cover Coffee Shops


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Dutch Smoking Ban To Cover Coffee Shops
Posted by CN Staff on June 08, 2007 at 12:55:34 PT
By Reuters
Source: Reuters

cannabis Amsterdam -- A Dutch smoking ban will come into force in July next year for all restaurants and cafes -- including coffee shops where cannabis is the top attraction, the government decided on Friday.

"Coffee shops will be treated in the same manner as other catering businesses. They will be smoke-free," Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende told NOS television.

"It would have been wrong to move towards a smoke-free catering industry and then make an exception for coffee shops. People would not have understood that."

Establishments will not in fact have to be completely smoke-free. Proprietors will be allowed to set up a separate room or glass partition behind which people can smoke, but customers will not be served there to protect staff.

"Employees should not have to work in an environment were they are constantly exposed to the harmful effects of smoking," Balkenende said after the cabinet's decision on Friday.

Amsterdam's renowned coffee shops, where marijuana can be smoked openly in a relaxed atmosphere, are one of the city's big draws for tourists.

Coffee shop owners argue that the ban only applies to tobacco and was unlikely to hit them hard.

Whilst commonly mixed with tobacco, marijuana can also be smoked on its own, especially in pipes, vaporisers and other contraptions.

Soft drugs are officially banned in the Netherlands but under a policy of tolerance, buyers are allowed to have less than 5 grams of cannabis in their possession.

Source: Reuters (Wire)
Published: June 8, 2007
Copyright: 2007 Reuters News Service

CannabisNews -- Cannabis Archives
Hopefully this on applies to tobacco and not cannabis, but i see this as a stepping stone for them to ban cannabis smoking finally. I guess will see here shortly, but if they do. Try to ban cannabis smoking. They are going to see how much tax dollar's are truely lost, but i see the owner's, worker's, and smokers putting up a fight. This to me only looks like a tobacco ban for now. Let's hope it stays that way and not move towards cannabis.
Take care,
I guess that the coffee shop owners will now have to make sure that there is a seperate area for the pot smokers.

We have this law in Canada as well. They first started out by allowing a seperate area for smokers and it has now gone to a 100% smoke free enviroment. So all these bars and restaraunts that spent tens of thousands of dollars to retrofit their establishment did it for nothing because 1 year later they are no longer needed because of the new law of 100% smoke free

Take Care and Peace