curing lg outdoor



Hi All,

I just had a quetion pop into my mind. For all of you who do large outdoor grows. How do you cure 10, 20 even 100 lbs. I would think that in that range of weight using glass jars would not be practical? Just curious...Ns
Newspaper lined containers, or just hung in a dark, shady spot. Giant pickle/candy jars can cure a few lbs at a time (~1/2-2/3 full). Paper shopping bags are good too. The sift that falls out of paper bags is PRIMO.

I never had to dry/process more than 5 at a time. 100 is fukkin nuts. :D I saw a pic of a small barn online that had a few hundo hanging from the roof. They just left both doors open. Odor control? We don't need no odor control!!! :p

Hey Pat,

It just popped into my mind that question did. I was watching a video of MNS. They hung a bunch up in the greenhouse. Then I do rem some massive drying racks. Yet I never see anything on the curing of such a large amount. I would figure most commercial growers that large just simply don't do it. Yet I would think bringing a better profuct to market would make it not so much more valuable dollar wise. Yet more sought after, because of the quality.

Any others involved in curing large amount? What, or how was it done?

Shit just had another thought...Can you imagine the hash from all that trim?
when u have that much it cures as it is stored. couple hundred pounds of outdoor may take a minute to move. the last unit sold is usually the best unit as it had enough time to really stabilize. dry it for processing and bag it a bit heavy to allow for moisture shift in the negative direction and pack it away until it goes.
if your calcium levels are right and you keep the light and the temp controlled units store really well. the best way to sell outdoor is in the middle of the summer the next year when prices are high and supply is down.