Curandera (Diesel x Medicine Man)


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Aloha fellow firewalkers!

As the Medicine Man is almost fininshed and the Curandera is just now beginning, I thought they ought to have their own thread. I planted these alongside the SSH x Widow for this current grow. They are the white tags on the right. Initial germination was 50% so I planted more seed. Several came up and I consoled myself with those even though they appeared to give me a <50% germ rate. I consolidated soil when I up potted combining the soil from the smaller pots. I was surprised to find more seedlings after 2-3 weeks of nothing.
As you can see, the Curandera suffered excess light and wind, and low pH too just like the SSHW's. Maybe you can see there are 5 extra seedlings coming up? So it looks like I will have enough plants to work with after all :D
grp 7_23.jpgcur seedling 7_23.jpgcur damage n seed 7_23.jpg

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

These Curandera plants suffered as much as the SSH x Widows (the other plants in the room) did due to my inattention to a faulty pH meter. Dead and dying leaves as a result were trimmed off. Using litmus paper right now for positive pH reads and upping the N a bit is bringing back some color and starting new growth. I had planted several more seeds due to the initial 50% germ rate and got quite a few new participants. As they continue to grow, I will be able to afford culling the more stunted ones and keeping the strongest ones.
cura grn 8_4.jpg

the backups! lol
more cura 8_4.jpg

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

A week later and changes continue. Here is a pic of the two very chlorotic runts in the bunch. They were so deathly earlier, they were for sure destined for the bin. They turned healthy again and so...
cura runts 8_18.jpg
size comparison to their siblings
cura runts1 8_18.jpg

A few random samples of the Curandera (Diesel x Medicine Man) today
cura samp1 8_18.jpgcura samp2 8_18.jpg

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

2 more females are showing since 12/12 started last Sunday so they were up-potted today. Right now it looks like 8 Curandera and 7 SSHxWidow (taller ones). I'll wait another 72 hours then select the best 4 males to gang up on the best females. That's the plan anyway. Murphy?
grp 9_7.jpg

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Here's a better shot of the Curandera. I found 2 more females amongst the boys. That gives me 10 to work with.
cura grp 9_11.jpg

Here are the 6 males I have to select from according to certain characteristics. Everything is happening fast now. Run, Forrest, run! And I'll get to move the table out of the room today. Hoorah!
cura males 9_11.jpg

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Here's a better shot of the Curandera. I found 2 more females amongt the boys. That gives me 10 to work with.
View attachment 76094

Here are the 6 males I have to select from according to certain characteristics. Everything is happening fast now. Run, Forrest, run! And I'll get to move the table out of the room today. Hoorah!
View attachment 76093

Looking mighty fine i can see by the leaf i would like it...
She definitely deserves consideration braddah! A past grow shows how much fun this gal can be. A great Medicine Man cross.
View attachment 76109

The grape pheno
View attachment 76108


That looks very consumable...
And by consideration you mean i should do this cross myself or you got the hookup...? Because i dont see it at no menu...


I've let a lot of strains go over the years but definitely on my keeper-strain menu lol. Those Widow varieties can produce some very nice analogs. Thanks for the confidence brah!


Ive got some funny freebies last week called Wild Widow...i was asking the source whats that, Wild Widow? Havent found any info on it out there. The reply was interesting, its a 2001 Greenhouse WW cut x Unknown Afghani...possibly still Shantibaba stock WW? Anyway i love phytological timetravelling...might pop it some day.

So maybe i find an extra room for this winter where i can run some Medicine Man work...heard it does very well with low temps and LED...

Have just learned what a Curandera is the other day (some TV show mentioned Curanderas and what they are just a day or two after i saw your thread) - the name game is strong with this one...
Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Be careful what you wish for. As you know, I planted more seeds as the initial germ was sparse for my proposed preservation pollination. As it turned out, I got 5/6 more females making for 15 count. It's gonna be a crowded room lol. The last batch yielded citrus and grape smells. Diesel has clear-headed sativa highlights with a relaxed body high intensified with the addition of the Medicine Man. It's a happy pain-free feeling that causes a good sleep with higher doses.
curagrp 9_19.JPGcura1 9_19.JPGcura2 9_19.JPG
