Critical skunk grow


Active member
Hey gang
I'm new to posting on the forums.
I popped half a pack of Critical skunk
Got all 8 to germinate and 6 wanted to grow,
They have been under light for 14 hours a day .
And they have filled out their pots with roots .
There is more than 13 hours of light outside
a day now ,
So summer is coming so I thought I'd throw what I think should be the standout plant outside to see what happens.

I'm only choosing one at the moment. It's the one showing signs of superior growth and branch development.

I'm using Coco and perlite. The coco has been grown in once before. It's been re hydrated in rainwater.
I'm using a liquid fertilizer I made from seaweed and kelp Aloe Vera and comfrey. Fermented for 8 months with Brown sugar, black strap molasses and Kombucha Scoby and starter fluid.
I'm going to feed it 250ml to 5 lt of water whenever I think I'll need it .
I'll Also used high powered organics myco on the roots on the transplant and I will be using high powered organics enzyme to break down the root matter in the coco for the first few weeks until it gets established.
Fingers crossed it's a girl .
And I don't get unwanted visitors in the yard for the next 7 months ....
Love from the wonderful land of Oz


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I had remembered I saw a similar pot with the handles at the hardware store so I thought fuck it why not chuck another one in shouldn't be too much an issue.
I choose this one because I thought it had a really strong stem . I don't know the reasoning I choose that about this compared to the others.
Same deal Coco perlite mix ,dusted the roots with high powered organics myco. Used seaweed water mix to water it in and added some high powered organics enzyme with that .
I'm actually really excited to see these plants race for the sun .
Anyone want to pick what one will turn out best ?


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Thanks 🙏🏻 appreciate you drop in and have a look here at my posts
I thought someone would drop in and rip apart my theory of just using the fermented seaweed/kelp
No one has offered any suggestions yet
I gotta suggestion, do it! Learn from experience.
Try different concentrations and work out what works best for you. Keep a close eye on ya plants for any deficiencies or any excessive dose problems, ph etc.
Thanks 🙏🏻 appreciate you drop in and have a look here at my posts
I thought someone would drop in and rip apart my theory of just using the fermented seaweed/kelp
No one has offered any suggestions yet

I use seaweed extracts for a couple of weeks at the start of my indoor grows, just to pump the roots and get a few microbes into the soil mix.

Outdoors, in the autumn (starting here now) I mulch washed seaweed onto the topsoil & mix it through my compost heap so it's ready for next spring.

My indoor grows are quite "sterile", outdoors is a bit more rock'n'roll.

Looking forward to seeing how you get on. Best of luck with the grow!
I gotta suggestion, do it! Learn from experience.
Try different concentrations and work out what works best for you. Keep a close eye on ya plants for any deficiencies or any excessive dose problems, ph etc.
Thanks .
Yeah I'm going to just water the seaweed in and just check on how they look , if there seems to be some issue I'll try turn it around with another solution.
Welcome to the forum mate and all the best with the outdoor grow! It's coming into season for me too, I'm excited!

Only a question from me, did you source the seaweed? I'm wondering how the fermenting goes with the higher sodium from the seaweed? May want to watch it doesn't build up is all.
Welcome to the forum mate and all the best with the outdoor grow! It's coming into season for me too, I'm excited!

Only a question from me, did you source the seaweed? I'm wondering how the fermenting goes with the higher sodium from the seaweed? May want to watch it doesn't build up is all.
Hey mate. Thanks for dropping by

I sourced the seaweed from the beach after storms over a few weeks .
I didn't wash on purpose.
Because I wanted to capture some of that seawater I guess was my thinking,
Compared to how much rainwater was added I didn't think it would be much an issue .
I am definitely not someone to take notice of. I'm just fucking around in the garden.
I Just wanted to make something from what's around here and see if I can make weed grow..or you know stuff in the garden in general.

I mean I'm happy for this post to also see if I can use the fermented mixture to grow anything.

If it looks like it's going to nosedive I'll be the first one to call it out and use mineals to try turn it around...
Welcome brother!

Where I come from, we either collect our seaweed from way above high tide, where there's no chance it has touched the seawater since it left the ocean, and the rains would've also washed away the salt over time. My 2 cents for all interested in seaweed
Welcome brother!

Where I come from, we either collect our seaweed from way above high tide, where there's no chance it has touched the seawater since it left the ocean, and the rains would've also washed away the salt over time. My 2 cents for all interested in seaweed
Oh sweet thanks for the tip
The stuff you collect is it dry or still wet?
What kind of things are you doing with it?

Thanks for dropping in.
Always happy to hear ideas or be taught something...
Hey mate. Thanks for dropping by

I sourced the seaweed from the beach after storms over a few weeks .
I didn't wash on purpose.
Because I wanted to capture some of that seawater I guess was my thinking,
Compared to how much rainwater was added I didn't think it would be much an issue .
I am definitely not someone to take notice of. I'm just fucking around in the garden.
I Just wanted to make something from what's around here and see if I can make weed grow..or you know stuff in the garden in general.

I mean I'm happy for this post to also see if I can use the fermented mixture to grow anything.

If it looks like it's going to nosedive I'll be the first one to call it out and use mineals to try turn it around...
G'day mate,
I'll definitely be following along to see how it goes hey, definitely got me interested!

Seems there is a fair bit of conjecture about rinsing/soaking the seaweed before drying or using it. If it keeps your plants green with no lockouts, I'll be heading to the beach this summer to collect some of my own haha.
Oh sweet thanks for the tip
The stuff you collect is it dry or still wet?
What kind of things are you doing with it?

Thanks for dropping in.
Always happy to hear ideas or be taught something...
Unless it had been rained on, dry I guess. Old stuff, been out of the ocean for years and the salt cleaned by lots of snow and rain over time. It's just something folks add to their outdoor gardens automatically, regardless of what you're growing
Pesky teenagers . On a joyride in a stolen car decided to smash into the bush behind my house the other night. I was straight outside to hide my babies , the last thing I wanted was deadshits in my yard or even worse cops flashing their torches around the way looking for shit heads and me being busted for not being a law abiding citizen 😅
Anyway kids fucked off and cops couldn't be bothered coming up , which was good because I was watching ready to tell them what way they went all the same .
Back to lighting incense for Buddha and asking for my yard for safety...


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It's been ten days since I posted last
My favourite one I'm pretty sure has shown itself as a male . Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Which I'm very happy about because it's not easy getting a decent seed over here.. for me anyway.
I've got two more inside,I'll put outside now at some point and hopefully we get a heap more seed.
I started with a half pack had 6 grow gave two to my brother in law and kept two inside.
The two still inside, one looks like a mutant or something looks kinda deformed,grew out of the seed and split into two branches the other one looks good .. I'm going to be the most hated bloke I'm the neighbourhood ,I'm letting the pollen from this thing dump on the everything,fuck em they can't thank me later . Don't think anyone is fucking with good genetics around these parts...
Also got two midnight sunset from gooeybreeder that I'm not sure if they are male or female I'm going to do a cross with them too ...
The other half pack of seeds got sent down the coast to my old man the whinging fuck hahah .
The seaweed fertilizer looks like it's doing what I want so far I'm happy they aren't dead bhahah ...
Any comments welcomed .
Have a nice weekend fam


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These are the other two critical skunk seedlings I plan on putting outside on the weekend.
The first photo was the one the has looked the most unorthodox as I know plants to grow so far the leaves were all crinkled and weird . But it looks to be starting to get something about it now .
My friend pointed out not to disregard that one especially. Hopefully it grows into something great.
It germinated and split into two branches which was something all of the others didn't do .
The second photo looks like it's starting to throw some branches as well.
I guess all will be revealed over the next few months.
Comments more than appreciated.
Have a great week wherever you are Fam...


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They look good @dadgrowstreez!
I also keep plants that are different from the rest, never had the luck with these so far but I still do it.

These Critical Skunks will do well outside.

Hey there.thanks for dropping by.
Growing outside in summer here makes it so much more fun . I spend so much more time doing jobs because I'm just checking out plants ,then leads into another job I see...
They said it's going to be another wet summer here , the last 9 months have been so wet in Australia.. fuck what do you do... Plenty of drainage... Yep did that ...

When you say never had luck with these so far , do you mean. With the criteria skunks , growing out the weird ones Or in relation to having a failed grow or something...

Many thanks DGTZ
Please elaborate!
Let's talk.... This is the first plant I put outside,
Because of the rapid growth and yeah I favoured this one ..
I did go on to say I thought it might of been a male plant, which I was also exited about...

I think I've gone and called it ,wrong .
I was having a look out there today in the afternoon sun and thought,oh shit maybe this is a female...
I've even pulled out Robert Clarke's marijuana botany out from under the lounge to compare the pictures and I'm pretty sure I'm looking at a early pistillate flower!
I haven't grown outside regular seeds for like ten years,so I guess I'm just making calls , on how I thought it was looking...
I'm putting my hand up . Probably a wrong call on the sex of the plant originally...
What's your thoughts on the photo?

Enjoy your week Fam ,much love


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