Connecticut House Votes To Legalize Marijuana


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Connecticut House Votes To Legalize Marijuana
Posted by CN Staff on May 23, 2007 at 16:31:59 PT
By The Associated Press
Source: Associated Press

medical Hartford, Conn. -- The House of Representatives, after six hours of debate that touched on many lawmakers’ own experiences with debilitating illness, approved a bill Wednesday that would legalize the medical use of marijuana for certain patients.

The bill passed on a 89-58 vote. It moves to the Senate, where a similar bill passed in 2005. That bill then failed in the House.

Rep. Toni Boucher, R-Wilton, tried in vain to change the bill. She had filed about 50 amendments, but called only eight. They ranged from requiring the Department of Agriculture to set up a pilot program for medical marijuana patients to providing local police departments with the names of people using the drug for palliative purposes.

"This should not be compared with other medications that doctors prescribe," said Boucher, who warned lawmakers they are embarking on "a dangerous direction."

She voted against it.

Connecticut lawmakers have grappled with the issue for the last five years. Supporters say it’s needed to legally protect people who try to obtain the illegal drug to help stem the draining effects of diseases such as cancer and multiple sclerosis.

"The message is simple: we have compassion for people who are suffering in this state," said Rep. Themis Klarides, R-Derby.

But opponents said the proposal sends the wrong message about drugs to Connecticut’s children and could exacerbate a patient’s health problems. Some also claimed the bill still has many problems that haven’t yet been addressed.

"How do you get it?" asked House Minority Leader Lawrence J. Cafero Jr., R-Norwalk, referring to the marijuana seeds needed to grow the maximum four plants allowed under the bill. "You’ve got to buy it. How do you buy it? As Rep. (Michael) Lawlor said, you’ve got to hit the streets folks — nickel bag, dime bag. You gotta make a drug deal, baby."

The legislation allows a doctor to certify an adult patient’s use of marijuana after determining he or she has a debilitating condition and could potentially benefit from marijuana. Patients and their primary caregivers would then register with the state’s Department of Consumer Protection.

The patient and the primary caregiver would be limited to growing no more than four plants, each having a maximum height of four feet, in an indoor, security facility.

The House did amend the bill to prevent anyone convicted of possessing marijuana or dealing drugs from serving as a primary caregiver for a qualified patient. That amendment was proposed by Rep. Kevin Witkos, R-Canton, a police officer, who ultimately voted against the legislation.

According to the national Marijuana Policy Project, 11 states allow patients to use marijuana despite federal laws against it. A 12th state, Maryland, protects patients from jail but not arrest.

Connecticut already has a medical marijuana law, one of the first in the nation. Under the 1981 law, a doctor can prescribe the illegal drug to relieve nausea associated with chemotherapy and eye pressure from glaucoma.

But the law is unworkable because, under federal law, physicians who prescribes marijuana can be sent to prison and risk having their medical licenses revoked.

Rep. Penny Bacchiochi, R-Somers, who risked arrest more than 20 years ago to get marijuana for her husband, said she has heard from hundreds of residents who fear they will be arrested for buying marijuana for medical purposes. Her husband died of bone cancer.

"Today, we have the opportunity to give relief to Connecticut residents who are sick, who are dying, who are wasting away, who are losing their quality of life," she said. "And we can tell those Connecticut residents that the state of Connecticut no longer will prosecute you."

Note: Bill goes to Senate, which approved similar bill in 2005

Complete Title: Connecticut House Votes To Legalize Medical Use of Marijuana

Source: Associated Press (Wire)
Published: May 23, 2007
Copyright: 2007 Associated Press

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