Brown roots with clones in cubes?


Well-known member
I tried some myco tea on my rooted cuttings and they got brown roots.
I can’t say if it was the tea or if I put too much nutrients in the bottom of the tray for the roots to wick from.

I sterilized the tray,rez, and I used 50/50 water with 3% peroxide to drench the cubes and roots.

They don’t smell like root rot yet and are taking up nutrients but not like healthy white roots.

I could transplant into fresh coco and they would likely recover.

I don’t have any water in the tray hoping that letting them dry out a bit more before wet cycle brings back white healthy roots but I am thinking of taking another set of cuttings from mothers and starting over with fresh cuttings.

I don’t know if it’s possible to cure brown roots that are almost slimy?

Some growers use perlite in the bottom of tray to help roots reach nutrients in the bottom without overwatering but curing brown roots I have no idea.
I tried some myco tea on my rooted cuttings and they got brown roots.
I can’t say if it was the tea or if I put too much nutrients in the bottom of the tray for the roots to wick from.

I sterilized the tray,rez, and I used 50/50 water with 3% peroxide to drench the cubes and roots.

They don’t smell like root rot yet and are taking up nutrients but not like healthy white roots.

I could transplant into fresh coco and they would likely recover.

I don’t have any water in the tray hoping that letting them dry out a bit more before wet cycle brings back white healthy roots but I am thinking of taking another set of cuttings from mothers and starting over with fresh cuttings.

I don’t know if it’s possible to cure brown roots that are almost slimy?

Some growers use perlite in the bottom of tray to help roots reach nutrients in the bottom without overwatering but curing brown roots I have no idea.
I got carried away with the symptoms.
The roots were about 1-2 inches long and were white with fuzz but they don’t have fuzz and are covered with a light brown.
Is there any way to treat brown roots that quit growing?
I got carried away with the symptoms.
The roots were about 1-2 inches long and were white with fuzz but they don’t have fuzz and are covered with a light brown.
Is there any way to treat brown roots that quit growing?
I think it’s root aphids.
I seen a white residue at the bottom of the cube and a transparent light blue or grayish bug.
I went to get a magnifying glass and I couldn’t find it again.

These cuttings may end up getting tossed out.
I treated them with insecticide after seeing the aphid.
I trimmed off all the roots except 1/2 inch from the bottom of the cube.
That helped separate the roots and hopefully will stimulate growth or branching.
I have another rooting tray sterilized for fresh clones.These will likely be the solution.

I think I will try some iodine as a treatment for experimenting.
Dip N Gro is alcohol based with iodine and a rooting hormone that could kill the bacteria causing the root rot or whatever else is happening.
I’ll dilute it down and see how it effects roots.
1-2% bleach followed by a rinse is used in tissue culture. The exposure is sometimes up to 20 min. Might be tough to flush out of a cube though.

Phosphoric acid is fungicidal. I'm not sure how you might best utilize that, but some forms of pH down, are just phosphoric acid solutions.

You could also go the other route and get some sort of beneficial mycorrhizal inoculate.

I think that I've seen what you are talking about and eventually the cutting just grew new, healthy roots, but then again maybe what I'm seeing in my mind's eye is something completely different.

Best of luck. If nothing else, you can take another cutting?
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I think it’s root aphids.
I seen a white residue at the bottom of the cube and a transparent light blue or grayish bug.
I went to get a magnifying glass and I couldn’t find it again.

These cuttings may end up getting tossed out.
I treated them with insecticide after seeing the aphid.
The one time I've had them, neem knocked it out. It was on some rooted but unplanted cuttings, that somebody gave me. I just let it sit in the neem for a while. When I've dipped cuttings, that had aphids in the above mentioned bleach solution, they don't survive. A drop of Tween helps. If you use a soap, use something with sodium salts in it, not something, like Dr Bronner's, that uses potassium salts. Because otherwise some sort of ion exchange reaction happens, and some of it falls out of solution, rather than acting as a surfactant.
I just took a bunch of new cuttings as a backup.
I’m glad I didn’t toss the mothers before I transplanted the clones.
I’ll try a few more things before I toss out the infected cuttings.
Yeah, never throw out a mom until you have, ideally, two healthy, rooted cuttings, and when it comes to seeds, like the ones you make, never sprout your whole stash. You always want a "shit happens" backup, in reserve.

The bleach dip is most effective before they get hit with rooting hormone and put in the cubes. I do a thorough rinse and then dip it into a moringa or kelp extract solution, prior to the rooting hormone dip.